How to unlock the RoboCop Mortal Kombat 11 announcer pack

The Mortal Kombat 11 RoboCop announcer pack is finally in play, thanks to the latest patch. Now you can hear Peter Weller announcing the stops along with all the other players (ironically, besides himself). But first, you’ll need to figure out how to unlock the RoboCop MK11 announcer pack and how to equip it.

How to unlock the RoboCop Mortal Kombat 11 announcer pack

First, you’ll need to go to the in-game store by pressing R2 (or RT, depending on your system) in the main menu. This will open the shop. Here you should see the RoboCop announcer package for 1,000 Time Krystals. Confirm it and you should be the most of your journey to get your RoboCop announcer package. If you don’t have Time Krystals, you can mine some in the Gauntlet towers (the ones that don’t rotate), the campaign, and the tutorials. You can also get Time Krystals if you’re high enough in the Kombat League and weekly Race Against Time in the Towers of Time.

If you look closely, you will notice that there is a timer in the announcer pack. He will be leaving the shop on August 16th. After that, it won’t be clear how to get it again, but NetherRealm will definitely put it back in the shop or throw it in the Towers of Time. However, you will probably have to wait a long time.

How to equip the Mortal Kombat 11 RoboCop announcer pack

Now that you’ve purchased the announcer pack, you’ll need to equip it. Access the options by pressing the Options button in the main menu. Go to the options and then to the Audio tab. Scroll down and you will see the Announcer Voice tab. Go through them and you should see all your announcers including your newly purchased RoboCop. Make sure you confirm this and you will be good to go.


by Abdullah Sam
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