Unifocal Atrial Tachycardia

Unifocal Atrial Tachycardia . It is produced by an atrial ectopic focus with increased automation, so the tachycardia that is initiated and maintained by this focus determines that the initial P wave is equal to the rest of the tachycardia P waves. The focus heating phenomenon is more evident than in reentries. Tachycardia begins without critical modification of the RR. Most importantly, it cannot be triggered or terminated with programmed electrical stimulation. When they are incessant, tachycardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure can be seen, which returns with arrhythmia control.


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  • 1 Diagnosis
  • 2 Treatment
  • 3 Causes
  • 4 See also
  • 5 Sources
  • 6 External Links


Its appearance on the ECG depends on where the atrial electrical activity originates.


  1. It is difficult to treat, since vagal maneuvers only cause the degree of blockage to appear or increase, but do not modify the atrial rate or end the seizures.
  2. They are not laboratory induced as they have endogenous triggers.
  3. Medications such as verapamil, β-blockers, and amiodarone (group II, III, and IV) do not always prevent seizures, but decrease ventricular rate.
  4. Atrioventricular node ablation with permanent pacemaker implantation in refractory cases.


Myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, chronic lung disease, metabolic disturbances (acute and excessive alcohol intake), digitalis poisoning (hypokalemia precipitates this dysrhythmia). Clinically, the patient encounters a regular pulse, normal cervical venous pulse, constant systolic blood pressure, and carotid sinus massage causes a temporary slowdown in ventricular rate or has no effect (non-paroxysmal type).


by Abdullah Sam
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