Understanding Cultivation: Meaning, Benefits, and Examples of Cultivation

What is meant by cultivation? In general, the notion of cultivation is a planned activity in maintaining biological resources in an area of ​​land for the benefit / yield of the harvest.

Another opinion says the notion of cultivation is a business arranged in a planned manner to maintain and breed a plant or animal. Cultivation has a goal to remain sustainable and be able to obtain useful and useful results to meet the needs of human life.

Some types of biological resources that are often cultivated are plant products such as food plants, ornamental plants, various types of vegetables, chicken, cattle, and fish. The cultivation activities are expected to produce products that can meet daily human needs and produce profits for farmers.

Also read: Definition of Agribusiness

Benefits of Cultivation

Dragon fruit cultivation via kabarpapua.co

Professions that are identical to cultivation activities are farmers and ranchers. Usually farmers cultivate food plants, vegetables, fruits, to ornamental plants. While breeders breed animals such as cows, chickens, sheep, goats, and various types of freshwater fish.

Through these cultural activities, farmers and breeders can buy and sell products from the cultivation in order to get a profit. Referring to the understanding of cultivation, as for some of the benefits or uses that can be obtained from cultivation are as follows:

  • To obtain benefits both in economic terms and for consumption as food.
  • Aim to obtain maximum results from high quality production.
  • To improve the welfare of the community by opening new jobs in the field of cultivation.
  • Cultural activities can be used as a way to manage natural resources more optimally.
  • Plant cultivation helps to create cleaner air and cooler environment.

Also read: Definition of Agriculture

Example of Cultivation

Goat cultivation via angon.id

In accordance with the understanding of cultivation as explained earlier, in practice there are several examples of cultivation for example:

1. Food Crop Cultivation

As the name implies, this cultivation activity aims to produce main food products such as those that produce carbohydrates and protein. Many people who plant this type of cultivation because the results are very useful for life and economic value.

Food crop cultivation is the most profitable compared to other types of cultivation. Some of them for example;

  • Rice cultivation
  • Corn cultivation
  • Peanut cultivation
  • Wheat cultivation
  • Cassava cultivation
  • Sweet potato cultivation
  • And others

2. Vegetable Cultivation

Vegetable cultivation aims to produce food by utilizing plant resources that are planted.

Usually the production results from the cultivation of this vegetable plant will produce several types of plants that can be consumed. Some of them are:

  • Spinach
  • Swamp cabbage
  • Vegetable Celery
  • Cabbage
  • Vegetable Lettuce
  • And others

3. Fruit Cultivation

In addition to growing vegetables, there are also many farmers who cultivate fruit plants. The results of this cultivation usually produce fresh fruits that are suitable for sale.

There are many types of fruit that are often cultivated at this time. Some of them are:

  • Guava
  • Discard grapes
  • Dragon fruit
  • Orange fruit
  • Melon
  • Mango
  • Apple
  • And others

4. Aquaculture

Aquaculture is an activity of maintaining and breeding certain types of fish to get more useful results. Usually there are two types of fish that are cultivated, namely ornamental fish and fish that are fit for consumption, including:

  • Catfish
  • Mujahir Fish
  • Goldfish
  • Parrot fish
  • Gurame fish
  • And others

Not only limited to fish species but there are also many other aquatic organisms that are cultivated by farmers such as shrimp, shellfish or other aquatic plants.

5. Animal Husbandry

Livestock farming is an activity of maintaining and breeding types of livestock in order to produce benefits and other benefits. Some types of livestock that are widely developed in Indonesian society include:

  • Cattle
  • Buffalo cattle
  • Goat livestock
  • Sheep
  • Chicken cattle
  • And others


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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