Understand the importance and how to take care of the child’s health

In adulthood, it is natural to have to endure some inconvenience and pain, which is not simple for children. In addition, during the first years of life the immune system is not yet developed, which makes the little ones more susceptible to pathologies.

Another striking feature of childhood is the development, both physical and intellectual, which needs to be closely monitored to verify that everything is within normal parameters, preventing serious health problems from setting in.

It is for these reasons that it is so important to take care of the children’s health and follow up with a specialist doctor, the pediatrician. To help dads, in this article we have separated some important tips that should be taken into account when taking care of the child’s health. Check out!

1. Take the child to the pediatrician

The pediatric doctor will accompany the baby from the first week of life in consultations at regular intervals. In the first year, visits are monthly, in the second year, quarterly and at six-month intervals between 3 and 7 years and annually, after 8 years. However, if there is a complaint, it is important to see the doctor to take care of the child’s health.

Ensuring the periodicity of monitoring is essential for childhood health, since the pediatrician will define in detail which are the most appropriate care at each stage of the child’s life, as well as monitor the progress of his development.

The pediatrician’s follow-up involves, in addition to occasional complaints, the care with 3 aspects of the child’s life: development, growth and feeding. In addition, the specialist also guides and keeps an eye on the vaccination card, since this measure is essential for the well-being and health of the little ones.

To assess growth, the doctor observes weight gain and height and correlates this data with previous measurements in order to form growth curves and verify that the child is growing properly for his age. Although it seems simple, this evaluation is able to detect diseases early.

Development, on the other hand, assesses the acquisition of motor, cognitive and social skills, such as the acquisition of speech. Therefore, the pediatrician will assess whether the child is reaching the developmental milestones for each age, which is done with questions for parents and tests in the office. If the child is late in some area, the doctor will make suggestions for activities and interventions.

Finally, it is the role of pediatrics to guide the family to seek a healthy diet, as well as to explain to parents which foods are recommended and which are not suitable for each phase. This measure is extremely important, since many parents carry unhealthy eating practices and need specific guidelines so as not to apply them in their children’s diet.

2. Pay attention to the vaccination schedule

Vaccination is an effective measure to prevent various types of diseases. This is because when a person is first infected with a pathogen, antibodies are produced against it. However, the speed at which defense cells are made is not fast enough to eliminate disease-causing agents.

If the pathogen contacts the organism again, the body will already have specific defense cells to fight it, preventing the disease from advancing – this protection is called immunity. Vaccines confer immunity as they stimulate the body to produce antibodies.

Contrary to what many people think, vaccines are not capable of causing disease, since they are made up of parts of dead pathogens or agents. Babies and children should be vaccinated, because it is in childhood that they receive the doses that will protect them for life.

It is recommended that parents or guardians follow the calendar at which age the child should receive doses of vaccine. The main ones are offered free of charge by SUS. The child’s pediatrician can recommend other vaccines that are not yet part of that calendar, but can be found on the private network.

3. Seek help when observing abnormal behavior

Babies and very young children still don’t know how to communicate with words. Those who are a little older know how to speak, but often cannot express themselves correctly to define what they are feeling.

Thus, it is essential that parents keep an eye on abnormal behaviors. That is, attitudes that run away from what is normal for the child. For a baby who cries little and is easily nurtured, for example, it may not be normal to cry for an entire day. Parents and close relatives know the little one well and know how to define when something is bothering them.

If in doubt, it is essential to seek medical attention and check that everything is okay with the child.

4. Set good examples

Parents and family are undoubtedly the examples that the child will follow. Thus, it is essential that good attitudes are learned in this environment so that the little ones have healthy habits . The first of these is personal hygiene, an important measure to prevent diseases. Thus, children should be taught to brush their teeth, always wash their hands, how to bathe properly and how to clean food.

The same should be done in relation to food and physical activities . Nowadays it is known that both are the pillars for a healthy and happy life. Thus, parents should always encourage their children to exercise, taking them to play outdoors and promoting activities. The food inside the house should be varied, containing all food groups.

Finally, another important habit that serves as an example is sleep. Children who have parents who sleep late, will also sleep late, for example. This attitude can impact the child’s health, since it is during the night that important hormones are produced, such as growth hormone


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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