Ultracavitation to Model the Silhouette and Remove Rolls

Ultracavitation is a very effective body reduction system used today. It offers excellent results in the eradication of those annoying rolls impossible to remove with diets and exercises.

It uses ultrasound energy to generate a cell lysis, which is the breakage of adipocytes (fat cells).

With the purpose of releasing the fatty acids they contain into the interstitial space, which are subsequently metabolized and excreted through feces and urine.


These are acoustic waves that have frequencies so high that the human ear is unable to perceive them.

During the application of the ultracavitator head, ultrasonic waves create microbubbles within the tissue fluid. They implode and generate shock waves responsible for the fissure of the adipocyte membrane.

As a result, fatty acids and glycerol are released into the intercellular space in the form of a semi-liquid substance.

For this reason, the area immediately after being treated with the ultracavitator feels much softer to the touch than before.

A small part of the fats released are excreted in feces and urine, while the rest wait to be metabolized by immediate physical activity.

That is why it is crucial to exercise as soon as you leave the aesthetic cabinet, since this prevents the accumulation of fat in other organs, especially in the liver.

The Ultracavitation Sessions

During the session, the specialist defines the area to work with a fibron, and then applies a good amount of conductive gel.

Pass the equipment head perpendicular to the adipose panicle (never on soft organs), using constant circular movements.

With ultracavitation, the fat located in the abdomen, flanks, lower back, buttocks, trochanters, and thighs can be treated.

It should be noted that you must be at an ideal body weight, and the adipose panicle should be more than 4 cm.

The session cannot be extended for more than 20 to 30 minutes. In addition, elasto compression is always necessary when concluding in order to help prevent the appearance of sagging and model the area that has been treated.

Another aspect to note is that you must follow a low fat diet and drink plenty of water before and after treatment.

The ultracavitation session is usually complemented with manual lymphatic pressotherapy or drainage to promote the elimination of fats released.

In general, with 5 to 8 sessions, the total reduction of localized fat is achieved, but this is subjective and depends a lot on the person as well as on their life habits.

Contraindications of Ultracavitation

  • People with kidney or liver failure
  • People with high cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding women
  • Those who suffer from heart disease, epilepsy, cancer, diabetes
  • Who have infectious diseases
  • Injured skin or metal prostheses in the area to be treated
  • Who use pacemakers or other electronic devices
  • Hearing impaired people

Ultracavitation is a very good tool to shape the silhouette and reduce fat clusters, but to be effective and safe, it must be performed by a professional trained in body aesthetics and with a good quality team.

by Abdullah Sam
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