Types of employee benefits: Complete GUIDE

Want to stand out in the market? Adopt a good policy for some types of employee benefits!

In this article we will talk about the main types of employee benefits that companies can adopt to value and motivate their employees. Did you know that there are legal and optional benefits? Check out what they are.

GUIDE: types of employee benefits

1) Professional recognition

Adopting a policy that includes types of benefits can even make an employee’s cost more expensive. However, this investment can bring results for your company, generating more motivated professionals.

By incorporating different types of benefits in your company, you increase the chances of retaining your talents and attracting good professionals from the market.

When you value your employees, they are sure to think thousands of times before changing jobs.

Furthermore, in such a competitive market, the companies that differentiate themselves are those that seek strategic alternatives to motivate their team .

For you to stay on top of the market and know what your company can offer to stand out, we have prepared a list of the legal and optional benefits. Check out!

2) Types of legal benefits

Under the law, there are some types of employee benefits that are legal / mandatory for employers working under the CLT regime . Among them are:

  • FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service);
  • 13th salary;
  • Paid vacations;
  • Transportation vouchers;
  • Additional night.

Time-of-service guarantee fund (FGTS)

The FGTS fits the types of benefits to employees required for the company. There is a discount of 8% of the employee’s remuneration, which is deposited in a bank account.

This money can be used to purchase a property, resign or under conditions that the law provides. Only in these cases can the employee withdraw the benefit.

13th salary

Among the types of mandatory benefits is the thirteenth , which is an additional salary that the employee receives annually.

Professionals with a formal contract (temporary workers, rural workers, domestic workers, retirees and pensioners) are entitled to the benefit.

This salary bonus is paid in December and can be divided into two installments. The first installment must be paid between February 1st and November 30th and the second installment until December 20th.

The thirteenth is stipulated by Law No. 4,090 :

Art. 1 – In December of each year, every employee will be paid a salary bonus by the employer, regardless of the remuneration to which they are entitled.

  • 1st – The bonus will correspond to 1/12 of the remuneration due in December, per month of service, of the corresponding year.
  • 2 – The fraction equal to or greater than 15 (fifteen) working days will be considered as a full month for the purposes of the previous paragraph.
  • 3rd – The bonus will be proportional: ( Included by Law No. 9,011, 1995 )

Paid vacations

Every employee under the CLT law has the right to take paid vacation for a period of 30 days. In this case, he will receive his vacation salary plus 30% in advance.

transportation vouchers

The transportation voucher is one of the types of benefits that fits the mandatory law. In view of this, the company anticipates a value for the employee to defray his displacement from home to the company.

According to the law , the employee has a discount of 6% of his salary. The rest of the expenses are covered by the company.

Night additional

The nightly surcharge is an addition to the salary of professionals whose working hours are at night. The work performed between 10 pm on a day and 5 am on the following day is explained by night.

3) Types of optional benefits

To go beyond the types of legal / mandatory benefits, some companies adopt the optional ones to please their employees.

And it is through an employee benefit policy strategy that it is possible to attract more professionals and retain more talent.

Among the main optional benefits adopted in the current market are:

  • Health and dental assistance;
  • Food stamps;
  • Culture voucher;
  • Home-office work;
  • Travel vouchers;
  • Living rooms;
  • Scholarships.

Health and dental care

Among the types of benefits for employees, one of the most attractive to employees is related to health care. Having a health plan today, in a chaotic public system scenario, is a big differentiator.

The vast majority of professionals value this type of benefit and it is a way for the company to win over the team and have a good standing in the market.

A private health plan can create greater peace of mind for the employee and his own family.

Some companies also offer dental assistance. This benefit works in a similar way to health care, but it is used exclusively for dental treatments.


One of the biggest expenses we have daily is with food. So, an extra value offered by the company in this regard is already a differential. And this type of benefit can be granted in two ways: food stamps and food stamps.

The meal voucher is a value given by the company to pay for the employee’s food in places that are part of the network established by the company. This monthly amount can be spent in bakeries, snack bars and restaurants.

The food stamp is also linked to a value provided by the company for expenses with foodstuffs. But in this case, this benefit can only be spent in supermarkets, butchers and establishments that offer inputs or ingredients for meals.


81% of Brazilians would like to work from home or an alternative place. This data was published in 2017 by the Labor Market Flexibility survey , from CNI (National Confederation of Industry) and Ibope.

In addition, the survey also revealed that 73% of people would like to be able to choose the time to arrive and leave work.

Although it seems a difficult option and even out of reality in many cases, the home-office appears as a good alternative. This is one of the types of benefits that can provide a better quality of life and engagement for professionals.

A survey by Sap Consultoria – Home Office 2016 – also revealed that the home-office can change the scenario of companies’ results. Being able to increase in:

  • 87% optimization of internal processes;
  • 89% attracting employees;
  • 85% talent retention.

The CLT law even underwent some adjustments with regard to the employee who works in the home office:

Art. 75-D . The provisions relating to the responsibility for the acquisition, maintenance or supply of technological equipment and the necessary and adequate infrastructure for the provision of remote work, as well as the reimbursement of expenses borne by the employee, shall be provided for in a written contract.


As types of benefits for valid employees, there is the culture voucher. With this benefit, the employee receives an extra amount to spend on leisure (cinema, theater, shows, etc.). Thus, the employee does not need to compromise his salary with this type of expense.

It is even possible until the company deducts 1% of the amount of its tax, with this investment for the well-being of its employees.

Check out what law 12.761 / 2012 says in its article 10.

Art. 10. Until the fiscal year of 2017, calendar year of 2016, the amount spent for the acquisition of the culture voucher may be deducted from the income tax due by the beneficiary legal entity taxed based on the real profit.

Travel voucher

Some companies innovate in their types of benefits like Epic Systems . This health software company offers a four-week sabbatical for those who complete five years in the company.

What’s more, she supports her collaborator’s trip with the right to accompany her.

How about valuing employees who have been in your company longer with this type of initiative.

Living rooms

In addition to stimulating the relationship between employees, a social room can function as a space for rest, relaxation and well-being.

The Google , for example, offers its employees a space with snooker room, video games and even allows employees to carry the dog to work.

This benefit offered by the company can motivate employees. Investing in a warm and welcoming environment can positively influence the performance of professionals.


“Recognition is the best way to stimulate someone” – Mário Sérgio Cortella

Giving employees the opportunity to grow professionally not only allows them to evolve, but can also offer your company a more capable professional to carry out the tasks.

Thus, some types of benefits offer professionals scholarships for courses, training and specializations. Some companies pay for the training in full and others partially.

As Mário Sérgio Cortella said, the best way to stimulate your collaborator is to recognize your work. Invest in it and thus have the possibility of having a professional more prepared and engaged with your goals.

The benefits policy

Salary alone may not be enough in such a volatile market. It is important to always be aware of the needs of your employees and offer types of benefits that engage the team.

Finding alternatives to make professionals happier is what differentiates companies and HR sectors in the market.

Whoever seeks not only to think about the professional side of the team, but also to please them on the personal side, has more productive and willing employees.

“Being happy is one of the obligations of today’s liquid world” – Leandro Karnal .

And in fact this needs to be the goal of managers and the HR sector! Keeping your employees happy and motivated is essential in this scenario.

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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