Turkuazoo Aquarium

Turkuazoo Aquarium , opened in 2009 , this is the largest aquarium in Turkey.


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  • 3 Sources


Located inside the Forum Istanbul shopping center, it contains an 80 meter long underwater tunnel. The aquarium has around 10,000 sea creatures in 29 exhibits. The largest tank is 5 million liters (1.32 million gallons).


The state-of-the-art aquarium in Istanbul , Turkey is specifically designed to appeal to its Turkish public and entertain visitors with its rainforest, flooded forest, and tropical sea areas, a predator tank and jellyfish discovery space.

The thrilling 90m Marinescape seat tube length, one of the longest underwater tunnels in the world, will offer visitors a panoramic view of marine life.

The concept of the 17 million Euro aquarium project site plan design has been considered as “fish skeleton”. The total project will be 55,000 m2 large, with an impressive total tank capacity of 7000 m3, making it the largest aquarium in Europe .

The large aquarium houses 25,000 sea creatures. Among them are the 2.5 meter long tiger sharks as well as the smallest members of the Brave sea family of predators visitors who want to see sea creatures not only from the other side of the glass, but up close are able to dive and swim with them.

The water in the aquarium is from the Sea of ​​Marmara , the inland sea that connects the Aegean and Black Seas . The aquarium’s first residents were brought to Istanbul by trucks and planes.

Boy next to stingray

It houses 43 different tanks or expositions and the largest concentrates 4.5 million liters of water . In fact, visitors to this site are pleasantly surprised by this facility, known as An Underwater Safari , where they access a moving walkway through an 80-meter long underwater tunnel , which offers impressive 270 degree panoramic views. Almost like strolling along the ocean floor .


One of the great advantages of TurkuaZoo is the possibility of having guides who advise you throughout the visit, since the aquarium team is made up of more than 50 people. At the same time, it also has facilities for meetings or company meetings, product presentations, coaching activities, etc.


by Abdullah Sam
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