Truths and lies of teeth whitening

Having white teeth is the desire of many of the patients who go to the dentist’s office with the aim of showing off the best of smiles with an aesthetically perfect image .

The lack of professionalized information and the obsession with having shiny teeth can lead, in some cases, to continuously and beyond medical control being subjected to non-recommended treatments to achieve it (whitening pastes, home remedies, etc.) dangerously attacking the teeth and gums.

Some already speak of the danger of “blancorexia” , as a disease of wanting to have white teeth that is fed by the images of the numerous celebrities with shiny teeth and almost always very unreal.

According to Iván Malagón , director of the Iván Malagón Clinic, “teeth whitening may seem like a very simple and comfortable procedure for the patient with immediate results and without any side effects. But if the treatment is not carried out properly, it can have negative consequences. In any case, it has to be contrasted with the analysis and diagnosis of the dentist.

Before launching into the dentist’s office, it is convenient to know the lies and truths that circulate in word of mouth about this type of treatment:

Table of Contents


“Our teeth are white.” This is not the case, even when we are small and have not suffered the effects of our life habits, they have this tonality.

—There is the same tone. Each person has a tone in their teeth that is marked by genetics and that is the most harmonious for their features, their gums and the tone of their skin.

“Whitening pastes.” They are used to whiten teeth at home, but according to Dr. Iván Malagón they are harmful, increase sensitivity and do not have long-lasting effects because they only contain about 3% of whitening agents.

“Do the teeth” whiten “? No, some or some shades will be clarified to restore a tone similar to its original appearance and achieve a natural, healthier and harmonious smile with our physiognomy.

“Whitening is for everyone.” It is a mistake, since not everyone can have teeth whitening, because not all of us have the same sensitivity in our teeth, but there are other alternatives for it, such as veneers.

“Are all the products worth it?” No. The uncontrolled use of carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations and continuously to achieve a “nuclear target” can attack the enamel and dentin and penetrate to the dental pulp (where the blood vessels and the nerves of the tooth) irreversibly. This can cause burns in the mucous membranes of the mouth, in the gums and weaken the support of the tooth, finally causing its loss.

—Colutories, Attention! Avoid mouthwashes and mouthwashes with alcohol, as it is abrasive and irritating. Alcohol in the routine of oral cleaning is very harmful, especially when suffering from pyorrhea and gingivitis.


—Whitening controlled by a specialist: When doing tooth whitening, it is essential to go to a dental clinic specialized in dental aesthetics so that a professional can carry out a personalized study of the state of the teeth and the causes that may have changed their original color .

—Each person their own treatment: According to our physical characteristics, they will propose a type of treatment that may include whitening or the use of veneers, if in addition to whitening we want to hide other aesthetic problems caused by abnormalities in the coloration of the tooth caused by some medications, such as tetracyclines.

—Hygiene is essential: To achieve white teeth, strict hygiene is essential, after every meal and using dental floss.

—Exclude bad habits: Avoid tobacco, harmful to the mouth and to the rest of our body.

—Negative foods and products for white teeth:

—Coffee, tea, red wine and other beverages with a high content of tannins and chromogens, with a high staining power.

– Soft drinks and carbonated, sugary and energy drinks.

—Intense colored fruits and vegetables, whose pigment adheres to the enamel.

—Sauces like ketchup, soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar.


by Abdullah Sam
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