Is it true that Sitting Crossed Legs Can Cause Adverse Impact on Health?

The sitting position is something that must be considered because it can affect many things. This position can greatly affect bone health and many other things.

Improper sitting position can lead to health problems. One of the usual sitting positions we do when relaxed but can have a bad impact is crossing our legs.

In addition to problems with posture, many people think that this sitting position can have different health effects. Unfortunately some of these views turned out to be mere myths.

A number of these health effects are indeed proven and some are not proven. Reporting from the Times of India, here are some health effects that can arise from the habit of sitting crossed legs.

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High blood pressure

Two studies previously published revealed that sitting with your legs crossed can make your blood pressure rise. Even so, the rise that appears in blood pressure is apparently only temporary.

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Varicose veins

During this time, it has been believed that sitting crossed legs can lead to varicose veins. But apparently this is not proven true. This problem is not related to sitting posture and is usually experienced by those who sit or stand for long periods.

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The pose of sitting cross-legged has no harmful effect on a pregnant woman and will not hurt the fetus. Even so, you can experience joint pain, muscle tension, or back pain. This happens because there is a fetus in your stomach that causes internal changes.

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Knee and Joint Pain

Joint pain can be caused due to a number of reasons such as injury, arthritis, or other health problems. In certain rare cases, sitting crossed legs can cause knee or joint problems. Furthermore, when you experience this problem, sitting in this position for long periods can make it worse.

Although some myths are not proven, but sitting in the right posture should be done to prevent problems in the future. Therefore, sitting crossed legs should not be done


by Abdullah Sam
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