Transfer of ownership of motorcycles, procedure to follow

Change of ownership of motorcycles : how to spend less. How much does it cost to the PRA, ACI or the DMV. Change of ownership of motorcycle in common. How to calculate the cost.

The  cost  of the  transfer of ownership  of the  bike  varies a lot, from agency to agency but… saving is possible! To  save on the costs of transferring ownership of motorcycles,  you must continue with the  DIY .

The  change of ownership do it yourself  you can do at the provincial offices of ACI (PRA) or at the DMV. Here are the  documents , the procedure to follow and the costs to be incurred.

Change of ownership of motorcycle in common

We often talk about the  transfer of ownership of motorcycles in common . In reality, in this case, it is not the process of the transfer of ownership that is done to the municipality, but the authentication of the signature affixed to the deed of sale .

Therefore it is not possible to make the  transfer of ownership motion in common  but only a preliminary step, namely that of signature authentication.

Deed of sale of motorcycles

To validate the deed of sale,  the signature must be authenticated. This operation can be performed at the registry offices of the municipality of residence (which is why we speak of transfer of ownership to the municipality ) or at one of these offices:

  • PRA
  • Offices of the Motorization
  • ACI
  • Car practice agencies (not recommended)

The secretarial fees for the authentication of the signature amount to 0.52 euros.

In any case, a revenue stamp of 16 euros must be affixed to the motorcycle deed of sale  .

How to do the motorcycle sale deed

The deed of sale of motorcycles  is carried out using the certificate of ownership. On the back of this certificate there is a box to be filled in by the Seller, with the buyer’s personal data. The seller, after having entered the personal details of the buyer, must sign and date the deed of sale  in front of a public official.

The seller, to authenticate the signature, must bring with him:

  • a valid identity document such as a passport or identity card.
  • The Certificate of Ownership of the vehicle, on the back of which will be shown the personal data of the buyer.
  • Revenue stamp of 16 euros.

It is not mandatory that the buyer be present at the time of authentication of the signature on the motion deed .

If the motorcycle has been registered for the first time, after 5 October 2015, it will not be equipped with a physical Property Deed! In this case it will be necessary to access the ACI website and use the “ Consult the Certificate of Digital Ownership” service .

Transfer of ownership of motorcycles, how to do it

Once it is clear that the  transfer of motorcycle ownership  cannot be done  entirely in common  (only the certification of the deed of sale can be done at the local administrations), we immediately see the procedure  to follow and the  documents  necessary to be able to make the  transfer of motorcycle ownership to the PRA  or the motorization.

Transfer of ownership of motorcycles to the PRA or Motorization

The Pra, is the  public automobile register  and represents the provincial office of the ACI. In practice, saying that the transfer of ownership of motorcycles is done to the ACI is equivalent to saying that the transfer of ownership of motorcycles is made to the PRA!

The law provides that the transfer of ownership is done within 60 days of the Deed of sale.

The documents to be presented to the  PRA  or to the  DMV to  transfer ownership of the motorcycle are:

  • Deed of sale
  • Certificate of ownership (former complementary sheet)
  • Photocopy and original of the registration certificate.
  • Photocopy and original of an identity document.
  • Correctly completed request for updating the
    registration certificate Just ask the PRA or the motorization for the appropriate form to be filled in on site.

Transfer of ownership of motorcycles, cost

The  costs  that we will examine are valid only for the practices made at the ACI Provincial Offices (the PRA) or the Provincial Office of the Motorization. In fact, the  cost of transferring ownership of motorcycles does not change between PRA or Motorization.

The cost of transferring ownership of motorcycles  can also increase by 150 – 200 euros if you go to  ACI Agencies, ACI  Delegations  or car practice agencies. Be sure to go to a central PRA office.

Let’s analyze the price of the transfer of ownership of a scooter or motorcycle:

  • Update of the registration certificate: 16 euros
  • Motorization fees: 9 euros
  • Revenue stamp for the deed of sale: 16 euros
  • ACI fees: 27 euros
  • Stamp duty and registration to the PRA: 32 euros
  • Secretarial fees: 0.52 euros

The costs to be incurred for the transfer of ownership of the scooter or motorbike amount to approximately € 100.52.

Differences between PRA and DMV :
if you make the transfer of ownership of the scooter at the DMV, payments must be made to post offices. The costs related to the 3 postal bulletins (3 x 1.30) must be added to the visa cost. The slips to be paid can be collected at the same post office. At the PRA, you can only pay two bills. 

Calculation of ownership transfer cost

In reality, the  cost  of transferring ownership of the bike is “standard” and does not depend on the displacement. Many people get confused with the first registration or with the tax calculation. When it comes to transfer of ownership, there is no difference in costs between a  125 scooter,  a  250 scooter  or a  600 motorcycle ! The cost is fixed and the only differences can be found between the various car practice agencies or the branches “ACI Agencies and Delegations


by Abdullah Sam
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