Trainer (cheats) for Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

Trainer for the game Yakuza 6: The Song of Life for immortality, money and experience

Game version 1.0 – Download the trainer from FLiNG

Installation instructions

  • Unpack the archive into the game folder
  • Run the trainer
  • Start the game

Command List

  • Numpad 1: Ignore Damage
  • Numpad 2: Immortality
  • Numpad 3: Maximum Special Scale
  • Numpad 4: Infinite Stamina
  • Numpad 5: Clear Stomach
  • Numpad 6: Infinite Weapon Use
  • Numpad 7: Infinite Items
  • Numpad 8: No Intoxication
  • Numpad 9: Change Game Speed
  • Numpad 0: Instant Kills
  • : Damage Multiplier
  • Ctrl + Num 1: Edit Money
  • Ctrl + Num 2: Edit Experience
  • Alt + Num 1: Perfect Karaoke Combo
  • Alt + Num 2: Always Win Darts
  • Alt + Num 3: Infinite Balls in Baseball
  • Alt + Num 4: Baseball Runs Max
  • Alt + Num 5: Maximum Baseball Points
  • Alt + Num 6: Freeze Time in Rizap
  • Alt + Num 7: Maximum Deployment Points in SC
  • Alt + Num 8: Maximum SK Experience
  • Alt + Num 9: Infinite Health and Oxygen in Fishing
  • Alt + Num 0: Infinite Harpoons in Fishing
  • Alt + Num .: Maximum Fishing Experience
  • Alt + Num +: Maximum Fishing Score
  • Alt + Num -: Max Passion Bar in Cabaret
  • F1: Freeze Timer During Calls
  • F2: Maximum Passion Scale during Conversations