Tips to keep your home free of ticks

Although it seems incredible, these annoying parasites can enter your home and cause a massive infestation. The problem is that if they come into contact with people it can cause severe illnesses that are difficult to solve.

Keeping the house free of ticks means that well, by one fact or another, your house is being susceptible to the entry of these parasites and therefore you are realizing that they are proliferating in a massive way. Your entrance may be equipped either because we have pets, or because we have constant access to outdoor areas where we can find them.

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Where can I find ticks?

Ticks have their peak cycle in the spring or summer . They are large mites that feed on blood and settle on their host in a fixed way, hooking their head under the skin and remaining static, without moving.

Its presence can alarm us by finding in our body a small lump that if we observe in detail it will clarify that it is a tick. To remove it it is necessary to do it with tweezers and with extreme care.

Its bite may in principle be harmless, but it can spread Lyme disease , caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria . This disease can cause arthritis, heart problems and attack the nervous system, with numerous fevers.

Ticks at home can be raised in dark, damp environments. If you have a garden, they can be found in areas of dirt or rotten wood. At home they can settle on carpets, sofas or any small crevice or nook.

Tips to avoid their entry

The entry of these parasites is usually more at hand in your pets. They prefer animals, although people do too, and therefore before going out to the field it is convenient that the animal already contains some type of treatment to repel it . Or we can apply some kind of specific repellent. You can read tips on how to hike with children.


At the entrance to the house, you have to take off all your clothes and check that there are no ticks and observe that none have been attached to our body. We do the same inspection with animals.

Keeping the house free of ticks

If you have begun to observe that these parasites run freely around your house or your pet has one, you should pay attention and follow a series of tips:

  • The first thing to do is to disinfect the petand for this, if possible, give it a specific bath to eliminate ticks. If you find one attached to the body, it must be extracted with great care with tweezers. It is advisable not to crush them afterwards but rather to put them in alcohol or flush them down the toilet.
  • You have to wash all the clothes and household items. Practically it is to throw almost everything to wash, first the clothes we use, the sheets, blankets, cushion covers, towels or even stuffed animals (everything that has fabric or fluffy and can be washed). You have to wash at a high temperature and if possible use a dryer afterwards.
  • Vacuum all surfaces and corners. If we are going to stand out in something, it is in the corners and on the carpets, since they are their favorite places and where they probably have their nests. Then you have to get rid of the vacuum cleaner bag or clean the filter well.
  • Carpets are their favorite place,if you doubt that vacuuming is not enough, you can always apply a specific insecticide to eliminate ticks. You have to roll up the carpet and put it in large bags, sealing everything well and remaining closed for at least 24 hours.
  • Spray all surfaces well with a specific sprayto eliminate these parasites. There are treatments that leave a mark or trace on the surface for months, but we must be careful with their use when we have children at home.
  • If there is a massive manifestation of insects in any room of the house, it is usually recommended to put a lot of insecticide (the specific one) in the roomand close at least 24 hours. Afterwards you have to ventilate well and do the timely cleaning.
  • If you have the problem in the garden you can get a special chemical agent to spray in those placeswhere they manifest. If you think it has gotten out of hand and you can’t decontaminate certain places, you can turn to pest control companies.

And above all, treat your pet afterwards with a specific collar or pipette, so that the happy ticks do not introduce into your home and everything can turn into chaos.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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