Tips so that video games do not destroy the good eyes of your children

Neither traditional video games, nor 3D. Both tools that are so popular with children can damage the vision of the little ones in the house. Concerned about the good visual health of minors, especially those who have not yet reached the age of six, the Alain Afflelou Foundation has developed a decalogue with tips to minimize the risks involved in these new forms of entertainment. Especially considering that video games are now the stars of Christmas shopping.

It has been shown that prolonged use of conventional video games can cause vision problems, indicates this foundation. In recent years, with the appearance of 3D video games, the situation deserves a separate analysis. Are we exposed to greater danger? Elvira Jiménez, optician-optometrist and spokesperson for the Alain Afflelou Foundation, affirms that the possibilities of suffering damage to our vision from the consumption of 3D video games increase in two types of people: those who already suffer from some visual impairment (uncorrected refractive errors, accommodation or eye movement problems…) and in children, especially those under 6 years of age. “The visual system finishes developing at 12 years old,” Jiménez explains, “so at 6, although these children already have a depth or 3D vision that is very similar to that of an adult, it has not yet fully developed. binocular and accommodation system and, for this reason, they must make a very high effort for 3D perception ”.

Eye damage

Sometimes, exposure to these types of video games can bring up a previously unknown vision problem. According to the Institute of Optometry of the University of Illinois, if at the moment in which we play we suffer some type of dizziness, nausea or discomfort, we may be faced with the symptoms of strabismus, phoria (latent deviations), lazy eye and among other pathologies .

Heavy eyes, itching or stinging, blurred vision … these are some symptoms of overexposure to video games

The effects of 3D video games are also added to the visual damage that can be caused by devices in which these types of products are reproduced. An overexposure to the digital displays of these flows technologies in the famous visual fatigue and its effects: heaviness of eyes, itching or stinging, dry eyes, drowsiness, blurred vision and / or double, headaches and cervical, alterations in the cycles of the drowsiness and even feeling dizzy. To avoid this, Alain Afflelou’s R&D department recommends the use of Blue Block, glasses that incorporate the bluecontrol filter as standard and do not let the blue light from the screens pass into our eyes.

Prevention decalogue

In order to prevent the damage that 3D video games cause to our vision, in addition to the use of Blue Block glasses, the Alain Afflelou Foundation recommends:

  1. The three-dimensional perception glasses are not graduated, therefore, in case of using optical correction glassesin everyday life, it is necessary to use them under these.
  2. Maintaining a correct distance and postureis very important when viewing any content in 3D.
  3. Moistenand lubricate the eyes frequently so that they are hydrated and suffer less damage.
  4. Play in rooms with good lightingso that the effort that the eyes have to make is less.
  5. Limit playing timein 3D video games. It is advisable to set guidelines in time to take breaks every half hour. Each person can be affected differently, so it is important to take more frequent breaks if necessary.
  6. You should go to the optician-optometristin case you feel any kind of discomfort when being exposed to 3D content because it is likely that there is some visual impairment.
  7. If the discomfort does not subsideafter visual inspection, see a doctor for in-depth treatment.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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