Tips for Better Sleep during Social Isolation

Sleeping well is essential for the mind and body. We all need adequate rest time to maintain the body and consolidate memory. Restful sleep strengthens the immune system , prevents disease and stimulates the proper functioning of the brain.

In these times of so much uncertainty, fear, worry and anxiety because of the new coronavirus pandemic, quality sleep is probably not as easy as it used to be for many people. So here are some useful tips to help you relax and sleep well, even during these stressful and uncertain periods.

1. Practice Meditation

Meditation helps to create the necessary internal conditions for a truly peaceful night, regardless of whether your day was difficult or your mind is agitated. The practice of meditation to sleep, helps to relax the tension of the body, disconnect the mind and have a beautiful night’s sleep.

The technique of intentionally quieting or focusing the mind, creates physiological changes similar to those that happen in the body during the first phases of sleep. The pulse decreases, blood pressure drops and stress hormones decrease.

2. Escape the Bad News

It is super important to stay informed about the pandemic, but choose your source of information well. Watch out for the distressing flow of news and information about Covid-19. This excess of information can increase our anxiety. Do not spend all day reading or watching news that generate feelings of anxiety, especially bad news that focuses on the negative and that talks about deaths. Choose a time (ideally in the morning) to find out. Avoid as much as possible to see any news in the night, before going to sleep. At night, prefer to see lighter and less stressful things like listening to music, reading a book, or meditating.

3. Move as much as you can

Moving around is one of the requirements for better sleep, in addition to being extremely important for immunity. Even at home, take time out of your day to exercise. Any activity is worth it. There are many exercises that can be followed all over the Internet without any equipment. If you can’t take a walk , walk around the dining table, jump rope , do jumping jacks, housework and don’t forget to stretch . Keep your day active .

4. Use Supplements That Help You Relax

If you find it difficult to relax and have a deep sleep, know that there are sleeping supplements that can help you have a more peaceful night.

The use of sleeping supplements boosts the production of hormones responsible for the feeling of well-being and relaxation. In addition to helping with relaxation, they also relieve anxiety and restlessness. Some examples are: L-theanine, 5 HTP, valerian, ashwagandha , mulungu extract and tryptophan.

5. Take care of your routine

Routine is super important to not get lost with tasks. Create yours. Many people have had their routine completely overturned. Some were fired. Some are adapting to work at home. Others are now juggling to take care of the home and children. But we have to know the importance of maintaining a regular routine to sleep well. Therefore, we need to keep our lives as close to our old routine as possible. If you are working from home, get up at the usual time, get dressed, have your coffee and get ready for work, even in your living room. Try to go to sleep and always wake up at the same time.

6. Avoid Naps During The Day

Those who are working from home can often take a nap at lunchtime or just after work. However, long naps can make you drowsier during the day and alter your regular sleep routine, impairing nighttime sleep.

7. Expose yourself to sunlight and limit exposure to blue light

The brightness of the sun makes the brain reduce the production of melatonin during the day, which keeps us more willing and smart. On the other hand, it increases the production of serotonin, a substance related to good mood, increasing the feeling of well-being and the efficiency of sleep during the night.

The blue light , contained in tablets, TV and cell phone, lately are precious for our entertainment, work and communication. However, looking at the screen a lot at night is very harmful at bedtime. Sleep does not come. Today there are glasses that filter blue light, it is yellow glasses, especially for night wear. Cell phones also already have applications for reducing blue light, making the screen more comfortable and yellow; be sure to use them!

8. Invest in essential oils

The aromatherapy is a natural and perfect choice for those moments. Its aromas are able to relax the whole body and mind, contributing to better quality nights sleep. Essential oils help to eliminate nervous tension, anxiety and stress . They help to relax your body and mind.

The best ones for sleep are: lavender , ylang ylang , chamomile, petitgrain, cedar , orange and neroli. Just apply a few drops to the pillow, or a few drops to the tissue and breathe deeply.

9. Beware of alcoholic beverages

In times of pandemic, alcohol consumption has greatly increased. With stress, some people tend to drink more than usual. However, drinking disrupts the night’s sleep – even if you think it “flipped”. Sleeping after drinking alcoholic beverages impairs deep and restful sleep, and may also lead to immunosuppressive conditions.

10. Invest in melatonin

The melatonin is a natural hormone that has many uses, ranging from migraine to improve the prevention of sleep disorders. It is produced naturally by the body. However, some people have a deficiency in the secretion of this hormone or even have a change in production because of their lifestyle.

This is where melanin supplementation can be highly effective. Melatonin is a tool that helps in regulating sleep. Start with a very low dose (around 1mg) and increase over time, until you find the ideal dose.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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