Tips for being better dog owners

It is very possible that you are already the perfect companion for your dog, that you feed him, that you cover all his needs, that you know how to communicate with him and understand his doggy existence.

But maybe there are things you need to improve on and here are a few tips to be the perfect partner. Are you ready? Well go ahead!


Bear in mind that there are many people who are not comfortable with dogs; they are afraid of them and even in some cases, phobia. Unfortunately, uncivil owners and uneducated dogs can lead to the banning of dogs in some areas where we would like to be with our furry friend.

The leash is your best, cheapest and most effective ally to avoid complicated or even dangerous situations with people who do not like dogs or with other dogs. It is not valid that of: “Don’t worry, he doesn’t do anything”, “He’s very docile”, “He just wants to play” … The person who doesn’t like dogs doesn’t care about these kinds of statements.

It is also very important to bear in mind that a tied dog can react aggressively if an untied dog approaches it (although the latter “Never do anything”) and it is very possible that this dog is tied due to some kind of problem behavior.

But even if they are on a leash, dogs don’t have to greet every human and dog they come across. Keep your dog at a safe distance from people and other dogs you don’t know. Also, if a dog is tied up but is out of control and is stronger than its carrier, dangerous situations can be created. The dog must be educated and its carrier must know what he is doing and know how to react.

If your dog is loose in open areas where it is allowed or you sometimes “turn a deaf ear” to the regulations in public parks, the owner must ensure that his dog does not approach other people, dogs or other types of animals. When you come across other people or dogs (tied or not) call your furry friend to stay by your side until the other person (with or without a dog) passes and walks away.

It is in our power to create a good reputation and be civic to earn the respect of others.



This is one of the most important and basic aspects of responsible dog ownership. We must always collect the excrement of our dog. It is not worth the: “It’s that I have lost my mind and I have not realized …”.

On the other hand, it is highly recommended to look at where our dog “poops”. It is possible that it is a private garden and the owner does not find it very funny, even if we collect it later …

When we collect the excrement we will have to do it with a bag that we will then close well and deposit in any bin or garbage container. Note that the “dog poop” does not go into the organic waste container. It must be thrown away in the non-recyclable waste container.

Finally, in the case of male dogs, it is very important to follow the rule of “do not urinate on surfaces or objects created by man.” If the dog urinates on signs, wastebaskets, mailboxes, cars, motorcycles or any structure or public or private object, we will be being uncivil and inconsiderate towards other citizens.



The dogs bark for many reasons , but it is our responsibility to control his barking as very important part of responsible ownership.

If you leave your dog alone at home, it is highly recommended to ask the neighbors if he barks when he is alone. This way we will avoid complaints and problems with them. In addition, these types of problems are what then make the neighborhood communities reluctant to have dogs on the floors.

If your dog barks excessively when left alone or suffers from separation anxiety, consult a professional to remedy this behavior as soon as possible.

If you have a garden and your dog barks every time someone passes by on the street, try to prevent them from having visual access to what is happening in it. In general, avoid any stimuli that trigger the dog’s barking. If this happens and you are at home, try to divert their attention to another activity. If when he barks you also shout SHUT UP! then he will think: “Great, now we are all barking!”


We know that you love your dog as a member of the family, but loving him does not mean that he can do whatever he wants. Dogs must have rules and limits. At home and away. In this way we will avoid uttering the embarrassing phrase: “It always does …”.

Our dog must not jump on people, it must be respectful with visitors … in short, it must be polite with people. If our dog becomes overexcited with visits, we should make him sit down and reward him when he is calm. If he likes to play with his toys, teach him to pick up a toy in his mouth. Dogs that have something in their mouths tend to jump less.

When the visitors are already inside the house, we must make the dog stay in his bed (sitting or lying down). Then, if the visitors like dogs and want to interact with him, allow him to go with them. If, on the contrary, the visitors do not tell you anything when you leave the dog in their bed, they will probably appreciate it if it stays there.

Educating our dog will allow us to enjoy a better interaction with him and we will earn the respect of others. And yes, it takes time and effort, but it will be worth it. As with children, dogs are not born taught or educated. Their education is our responsibility since they depend on us and in this way we will all be much happier.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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