How to create a synoptic table in my Word document – Customize to your liking

This is considered a method or a type of educational tool, which helps students to better understand the information, this is also used in some jobs, where it can be used to be precise with a topic.

These can be a very helpful tool, of course, if you know how to use them correctly and make the most of them, since, otherwise, the information you want to express will not be fully understood . In addition, you can activate the spell checker to be able to make it perfect.

How to create a synoptic table in my WORD document – Customize to your liking

Index( )

  1. What are the steps to create a synoptic table in your Word document?
    1. From the Word license on your computer
    2. Using Word Online
    3. Using the Word application on your cell phone
  2. What pages do you use to get templates for your synoptic table in Word?
  3. How to modify the colors and thickness of your synoptic table in Word?

What are the steps to create a synoptic table in your Word document?

When executing a synoptic table, you should know that this type of tool is essential when summarizing and analyzing a specific text. Plus, you can do it from Word on a computer, using Word online, or from your mobile device through the Word app. To do this you must do what we will explain below.

From the Word license on your computer

First, open a Word document, after this go to the top and click on ‘Insert’, once there a large number of options will appear, but the one you are going to use is ‘Shapes’ or ‘Shapes’, after this you must look for the keys.



Which appear in the box , in this way you will place them as the text is extended or reduced, then you can place them all, and then if you place the content in each one of them. You can also learn how to create a crossword using Word.

Using Word Online

For this, Office online only allows you to view or edit documents that are saved or stored on the OneDrive platform , there you just have to log in and click Upload . Select those documents that you want to share, as well as those that you want to access from your computer.

Using the Word application on your cell phone

To create a synoptic table from the cell phone in Word, the first thing we must do is create a document, then insert the shape of the key , for this go to insert and click on shapes, and within it choose keys.

After this, the key shape will be automatically inserted, then you must modify their size and appearance, for this you must press on the yellow circles and drag it until you get the key shape you want.

The next step will be to duplicate the keys so that they remain in the same way as the first one, for this click on the key and copy and paste it, and put it in the position you want, then insert a text box to add the content.

For this, click on insert and then in the text box in this way you can add the content and titles for our synoptic table, and that’s it, arrange everything in the way that you see fit and you will have your synoptic table.

What pages do you use to get templates for your synoptic table in Word?

There is a page on the internet called ‘Tool – Digital’  which explains all the types of templates they have to be able to create synoptic tables in Word, in addition to providing us with the links to download these templates.

In total, they have 5 very nice template options , and you can choose the one that best suits you and your tastes, in this way you can have some very original and creative pictures to those of other people. You can also add a digital signature to all your documents.

How to modify the colors and thickness of your synoptic table in Word?

When creating your synoptic table, you can do it with your favorite colors, for this, you can change the color of the fill of your Word text boxes, as well as the color of the text and the thickness of the braces, among other things .

For this we select the shape, and an option will appear at the top called Drawing Tools – Format, there you can change everything in this way, according to your tastes , for this we use the command shape outline, shape fill and text fill .

We have all these commands available in the Drawing Tools – Format option, there we can edit all this, until we like the general aesthetics of our synoptic table.