10 Things To Know Before Buying A Bicycle

Things To Know Before Buying A Bicycle. When Klik People decides to choose cycling to work, there will be lots of positive benefits without realizing it, such as being environmentally friendly and avoiding traffic jams. But you also have to be smart when choosing a bicycle that is suitable for going to work. Here are some tips that Klikasuransiku can give you.

Things To Know Before Buying A Bicycle.

As you know, riding a bicycle to work is part of the urban lifestyle. This is supported by a fairly high level of congestion. So that some people prefer to use bicycle transportation which is considered far more efficient to get through the capital’s traffic jams.

To make Klik People’s journey comfortable, you should consider it before buying a bicycle. Because the type of bicycle also depends on factors such as the user’s tastes, the media, and the distance traveled. Here are some tips, so you can choose the right bike:

1. Select According to Body Shape

The first step that you need to pay attention to is choosing a bicycle which suits your body shape. Click People . This is because this type of bicycle has dimensions that are not the same as the human body , for example like the reach to the handlebar. These tips are indeed important for Klik People so that riding a bicycle can be comfortable.

If it doesn’t suit your body shape, then you have to bend your elbows slightly when gripping the handlebars. Of course bending and bending will not be comfortable when cycling.  Then pay attention to how the frame size and seat height. You can look for a bicycle that has a seat height that can be adjusted easily. Of course not only that, also pay attention to the size of the frame.

This is because the feet of the Klik People need to touch the ground in a weft manner. So even later, Klik People can have control of the bicycle and it can also be done very well. As for choosing a wheel size that is too large, it will make the vehicle difficult to drive, so you have to choose one that is in accordance with the standards, for example, the adult standard is from 66 to 71.1 cm.

2. Consider Price and Quality

When choosing a bicycle that is suitable for going to work, quality and price are two things that need to be considered and this is a must. Of course not only when buying a bicycle but also other items. Therefore, you have to think about how long and how often you will use your bicycle to work.

If it’s every day, of course the quality of the bicycle that is owned must be of high quality. Even though the price will be slightly more expensive than an ordinary bicycle, you won’t be fooled by the better quality. Does Klik People want if they buy a cheap and normal quality bicycle and then when it breaks they have to buy it again? but you need it every day. Surely you don’t want it?

Therefore, it is better to choose a high quality one. The performance that will be produced by such a bicycle can also be given two thumbs up. Long durability is the advantage of this high quality bicycle.

3. Select As Needed

The next tip is to choose the one that suits your personal needs. If you plan to use a bicycle on a trail, it is better to choose a mountain bike than the others. However, if you are heading to the office, you will pass a fairly smooth paved road. So that Klik People only needs to choose a bicycle that has a standard type.

Meanwhile, if Klik People crosses the mean with uneven asphalt but in urban areas, then you can choose a bicycle with a hybrid style. This bike is a combination of both, namely between mountain bikes and racing bikes. Bikes with this style have thicker wheels and bigger seats.

4. Get to know the type of bicycle

There are many types of bicycles that you may not know about. This makes you have to know the types before deciding to buy the bicycle. This is because each type of bicycle offers different functions and uses. For example, the standard type needed for straight roads or just taking a leisurely stroll.

Then there are other types of bicycles such as mountain bikes. This type of bicycle is specifically meant for Klik People who find hilly, steep, uphill and downhill roads. The existence of a compact frame, wide tires, and high handlebars will make your journey more comfortable. In addition, the position will become more upright.

Then there is another type of tandem bicycle that is specifically for two people. This bicycle with an extra seat is perfect for those of you who already have a partner. So make sure the type of bicycle you choose is according to your needs and usage.

Those are some tips on choosing a bicycle that is suitable for going to work. Hopefully the explanation above can make you wiser in choosing it. That way , the bicycle that you have purchased can be maximally used for going to the office.