The Sims 3 Cheats for PC

Discover the ultimate guide to using cheats in The Sims 3 for PC. Unlock hidden secrets, enhance your gameplay, and take your virtual world to the next level.All the cheats that exist for The Sims 3 so that you don’t miss anything. Prepare your home with unlimited money and resources!

Making Sims happy is not easy. That’s why, as usual, the PC version of The Sims 3 gives us the possibility of using the classic cheats in the form of console commands .

As usual, motherlode is there to save your life and your wallet, as well as many other classics and new ones.

Remember to make a backup of your game before you start playing. Otherwise, you may ruin your game irreparably.

How to open the command console

As always, the first thing you need to know is how to open the command console , which is where you enter the cheats. In this case, you need to press ctrl+shift+c , and once the console is open, type the command in question.

All The Sims 3 Cheats

  • TestingCheatsEnabled true:Enables cheats (allows using them).
  • TestingCheatsEnabled false:Disables cheats (does not allow using them).
  • help:shows you all the available cheats. It couldn’t be easier.
  • help COMANDOTRUCO:explains how the command you specify in COMANDOTRUCO works.
  • Pressing the up arrow key:shows you the last command you placed.
  • jokePlease:tells you a joke. No guarantee of laughter.
  • kaching:1,000 simoleons.
  • Familyfunds FAMILYNAME AMOUNT:Give the family you specify in FAMILYNAME the amount of simoleons specified in AMOUNT. The maximum value is 9999999, with no periods or commas.
  • motherlode:50,000 simoleons.
  • quit:to leave the game. For lazy people.
  • resetSim SIMNAME:Resets the sim specified in SIMNAME. This is useful if your Sim gets stuck for some reason, for example. It doesn’t make them disappear, or start over, or anything like that.
  • FullScreen STATE:Enables or disables full screen depending on STATE. STATE can be on (full screen) or off (incomplete screen?)
  • EnableLotLocking STATUS –When used, a lock appears over buildings allowing you to enable or disable the ability to edit or purchase them based on STATUS. STATUS can be true (you can see the lock and disable the limitation) or false (does not allow this).
  • fps STATUS:shows or not the frames per second depending on STATUS. STATUS can be on (show) or off (do not show).
  • AllowObjetcsOnRoofs STATE:Allows building on roofs based on STATE. STATE can be on (allowed) or off (not allowed).
  • moveObjects STATE:Allows you to move objects that you normally wouldn’t be able to move, and delete them, depending on STATE. STATE can be on (cheat enabled) or off (cheat disabled). Note that this even allows you to manipulate Sims, and since you’re doing something the game doesn’t allow, if you delete certain things you won’t be able to get them back.
  • constrainFloorElevation STATE:Allows adjustment of any terrain regardless of what is on it based on STATE. STATE can be true (hack enabled) or false (hack disabled).
  • disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt STATE:allows objects to not have to snap based on STATE. STATE can be on (hack enabled) or off (hack disabled). This is useful for placing countertops next to each other, for example.
  • hideHeadlineEffects STATUS:Show or hide all status balloons above Sims’ heads based on STATUS. STATUS can be on (cheat enabled) or off (cheat disabled).
  • fadeObjects STATE:Sets whether or not objects will fade when zooming in so as not to obstruct the view based on STATE. STATE can be on (objects fade) or off (objects do not fade).
  • slovMotionViz SPEED –determines the speed at which everything happens based on SPEED. SPEED is a value ranging from 0 (standard value, normal speed) to 8 (slowest possible speed).
  • unlockOutfits STATUS:Sets whether or not profession and service exclusive items appear in CAS based on STATUS. STATUS can be on (shows outfits) or off (does not show them). The cheat must be entered before entering CAS.
  • buydebug STATUS:Allows you to purchase items from expansions that are normally unpurchasable based on STATUS. STATUS can be on (allows purchase) or false (does not allow purchase).
  • freerealestate:you can buy houses without spending money.
  • DiscoTags STATUS:Changes the colors of icons in the multi-color map view based on STATUS. STATUS can be on (changes) or off (does not change).
  • EnableLlamas:“Calls enabled”. Seriously. It doesn’t seem to do anything other than send you that message.
  • speed SPEED:Sets the game speed based on SPEED. SPEED can be a number from 0 (normal speed) to 4 (maximum speed).