The Relationship Between Archeology and Anthropology

Archeology initially examines the history of ancient cultures in ancient times, such as Classical Greek and Roman (Roman) culture, ancient Egyptian culture from the time of the Pharaos, ancient culture in the Mesopotamia region, this culture in Palestine and so on. In Indonesia, archeology, among other things, examines the history of Hindu-Indonesian countries between the 4th to the 16th centuries AD.

Research on ancient cultures uses as a research tool, traces of ancient buildings (ruins of temples, palaces, irrigation buildings, pyramids, temples, etc.), but also inscriptions or ancient books written in cultural times. -Culture peaked.

As explained above, anthropology also has a task, researching the history of human culture that is more ancient than the heyday of these cultures, namely the era before humans recognized letters (prehistory). These studies are carried out by the anthropology sub-science called prehistory, using research materials on the remains of human cultural objects left in the layers of the earth. Thus the sub-ilmuprehistory of anthropology can be said to extend the time gap from human cultural history with materials that are older than the pyramids, temples, and ancient books. And also Indonesian archeology can go back to the age of the oldest temples and inscriptions (4th century),

Anthropology can also provide information about parts of a nation’s culture that other sciences that study culture, such as archeology, cannot. Indonesian archeology, for example, examines ancient cultures from only a small level of social society, namely the social strata in the palaces of the kings who built the temples and wrote the ancient inscriptions and books. On the other hand, the science of Indonesian anthropology can increase our knowledge of Indonesian culture in general by providing us with material on the culture of the common people living in the villages.

by Abdullah Sam
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