After using the Bifrost, we have reached a new realm. However, our guide will not stay with us for too long, as she herself warned us. It is time to explore an unknown world.One Realm Beyond will lead to this quest and a new realm. Don’t explore the area, as there is nothing there and you can’t go anywhere else. Simply follow the witch to begin this new section of the story. When you leave the temple you’ll see another cutscene and you’ll be able to explore Alfheim.
Reach the light
Go straight ahead (there are some vases to the left that you can break) and throw the axe at the glowing root to destroy it. This will be the procedure every time you encounter one, obviously. After the second one, go a little further and you will see a Lore Marker and a glowing root to one side .
After Atreus reads the runes, destroy the root and you will see a chest with some Silver appear. Now continue forward. You will be attacked by the Dark Elves , who are extremely dangerous. They are fast, they fly, they go in groups… you will have to find the right moment to defend yourself, return the impact and attack until you knock them down.
To move forward after defeating the elves, you must destroy the two roots at the same time , positioning yourself so that the axe goes through one and then the other. As soon as you cross, look to the right to find a chest with a Muspelheim Key . Now continue. You will soon see a boat on the left. To free it, as you can imagine, you have to go around it and align the three glowing roots, to destroy them all at the same time.
Before you continue, head to the shop , as you already have a Frozen Flame you should be able to upgrade the Leviathan Axe to Level 3. Buy any weapon and armor upgrades you want.
When you’re done, head over to the boat and interact with it to get it into the water.
Arrive at the circular temple
You have to navigate a bit. As you move forward you will see a sequence. Hanging from a branch you will see an intense blue flash , get closer and you will be able to collect the Yggdrasil Cooldown Dew . You can see it clearly from the entrance of the cave that you must continue through, you can’t miss it.
You can’t land anywhere. Just sail until you reach the Lake of Light . Let’s explore a bit. Start by heading to the point marked in the image and you’ll see a beach to land on, you’ll be told that you’re on the Light Elf Coast .
To the left are a couple of nightmares. To the right, you’ll have to defeat a few enemies. Stuck to the shore is a corpse, in some sort of collapsed structure, with a Spoils of War , the first of the Finds . From here you also see two cave entrances . One leads to a Chamber , which you can’t open yet.
The other one takes you to a cave with a chest and three Glowing Roots . What you need to do is break the one over the chasm, jump to the other side and from there throw the axe so that you hit the farthest one and immediately call the axe back. When you return it will cut the other two and you can open the chest, which contains Silver and Jörmungandr Scale Pieces . Continue to the end of the cave to find a Legendary Chest with the Heavy Rune Attack Frost Giant’s Frenzy .
From here, you can drop down to where the body with the collectible was and return to the boat. Now head southeast to the area in the picture. You’ll see a beach, the Light Elf Shrine .
Here things are a little more complicated and require a little explanation. Kill the enemies and ignore the glowing roots for now. Approach the pit, and just before you will see a lever. You must activate it and quickly jump over the pit and cross the door before the gate closes again.
You’ll face a couple of enemies and see a cave to cross, so do so. You’ll reach a room with a locked chest. Click here if you want to know how to open the first Norn chest in Alfheim .
Return to the previous room for another small puzzle. Stand at the point in the image and throw the axe so that you cut the glowing root and leave the axe stuck behind.
What you need to do is activate the lever, immediately call the axe to break the root and raise the gate, and throw the axe at the root above . This will remove the obstacle from the ground. Now you can lift the gate and run through.
Be very careful when touching the black substance because two very strong enemies will come out. They are a Tear , and they are quite dangerous things. The good thing is that with the R3 movement you can throw them into the water and finish them off instantly. When you eliminate them, touch the substance again and you will get Dust of Realms . Advance along the only possible path to reach the initial area, but on the bridge next to the first gate. Now position yourself at the point in the image to break the three luminous roots that we saw when we landed.
It is mandatory to do so in order to go down, so you can’t miss it, there is no other way. However, before going down, pick up a Finding that has appeared next to you. If you go down the ledge, you will have to repeat the thing with the bars to go up .
As you go down you will see that a path has opened where the roots of the cave were , go down it. You will reach a chest that is quite difficult to open. Start by standing at the point you see in the image, to one side of the chest, and throw the axe at the root at the bottom, so that you break it. It will regenerate, but don’t worry, leave it stuck.
Now turn the wheel all the way (it has a stop, you can’t turn it any further) and go back to the same spot you were at. The trick is to wait for the roots to align and call back the axe , which will break all three at once. Option B, if it’s easier for you, is to turn the wheel first and then throw the axe as soon as they align, but doing it as we indicated the axe reaches its targets sooner, of course.
Once you get it you will be able to open the legendary chest , in which you will find the Amulet of Kvasir .
There’s nothing left to explore for now, so get back on the boat and head to the pier you’ll find in the image . There’s a bowl there that you need to interact with, but you can’t do anything about it yet. Afterwards, head to the objective.
When you disembark, there will be a short sequence where you will have to fight some dark elves . Once you defeat them, turn the two wheels on either side of the pier (be careful, because you will be attacked by enemies while you do so). You will see two structures rise up and it will indicate that you must return to the sand bowl from before.
Arrive inside the temple
Return to the sand bowl, which is now the objective. After interacting with it, a cutscene will occur. You will be attacked by several dark elves and a strong draugr , so be very careful not to get hit from behind.
Reactivate the circular temple bridge
Before we move on we have a few things to do. Turn around and look next to the sand bowl , you’ll see a hanging glow pod that you can destroy.
Enter the room just behind it and pull the lever . The gate that opens to the left contains Silver, while to the right is a Draugr that needs to be eliminated. Now, notice that at the back of this room with the Draugr, you can see a chest with a Glowing Sheath on top of it. What you need to do is throw the axe at the sheath and leave it stuck behind the sheath. Now go back to the gate that has been left closed, stand in front of it and call the axe back, which will break the two sheaths and allow you to access the legendary chest , which contains the Heavy Rune Attack Thiazi’s Claw .
In the room to the right of the bowl, for now, there is nothing. Keep going and, as you may have noticed while fighting, on the left side there is a special chest. It is a bit of a twist, so click here if you want to open the third chest of the Norns of Alfheim .
Once you’ve solved it, continue: turn the wheel all the way, freeze the mechanism and continue down the passage. Call the axe when you cross. You’ll see a wheel in the middle of the next room; if you activate it, you’ll see that you left a chest wedged in the wall down the hall you came from . Simply turn the wheel four times , freeze the mechanism to your right and open the chest to find the Fragmented Heart of Alfheim .
Proceed into the next room (the open cell has nothing in it) and blow up the pod. As you climb up the ledge you’ll see a cutscene. You’ll have to fight, but you can’t be defeated, so just kill them all. Afterwards you can destroy one of the walls in the area you’re in and throw it at the dark elves on the other side of the chasm. You’ll still have to fight two more elves before you can proceed through the only possible path , a door with a torch at the end of one of the walkways.
There’s nothing you can do in this room yet, so head out the other door. Drop down and move forward a bit, to the right there are glow pods that you need to destroy. This will make a bridge of light appear to continue. Climb the crack in the next part (you have to go around the ledge once you’re up) and a couple of elves will appear .
Be careful, because defeating them will cause a stone golem to rise . To defeat it, throw the axe at its chest when it fires the beam. You will see some stone fragments fall , which you can pick up and throw at it. It will then be stunned, and you can hit it with the axe until you can use R3. You will have to repeat at least one more time to defeat it. The enemy will drop a couple of things, such as a Fragmented Heart of Alfheim and Fragments and Heart of Ancient .
On one side of the platform you can clearly see a Legendary Chest . It contains the Light Rune Attack Njörd’s Tempest . Now approach that cage of tentacles marked as a target. You must hit it with the axe a couple of times and then interact with it and destroy it.
Go back to the circular temple bridge
After the cutscene, don’t go after Atreus . Instead, head across the bridge on the left to get one more Discovery . Now, head across the other bridge and you’ll be able to activate the lever in the room we were in earlier.
Enter the temple
We’re back at the pier from earlier, when we raised the lake structures. Cross the bridge to reach the circular Temple … or not.
Look for another entrance to the temple
Go to the left of the door to go down a slope. You can click here to find out how to open the second Alfheim Norns chest . Before that, you will have to open the door, though. There is a door with a glowing pod, if you look on the other side there is another one. You must position yourself far from the door and use the strong throw (L2 and R2) to hit the first one and, when going down, hit the second one, opening the door.
Now go to the right of the door, go down the other stairs and you will find (as always, opening some wooden doors) the Gróa Shrine and the dwarf .
You’ll notice that this time, if you press the triangle button to “talk” instead of the circle button to trade, he’ll give you a reward for defeating the Ancient One. Now craft and upgrade whatever you want before continuing down the tunnel with the character.
Once you’ve dealt with the Dark Elves, notice a chest with roots on one side. Look in the center of the room, between the two columns , and you’ll see two pods that you must destroy at the same time to open it – it’s not that mysterious. Inside is some Soft Svartalfheim Steel . Next to the ledge you dropped down from is another pod that you need to break to get some Silver.
Keep going and you’ll be attacked by explosive nightmares and elves. Then, when you’re in a slightly larger area, you’ll see a chest on your right . Locked, of course. Don’t worry, we’ll open it soon.
Before jumping over the void, notice that just above the column there is a Lore Marker that Atreus can read.
Now, jump and when you reach the other side, turn right, towards the locked chest. From this side you will see the two glowing pods that you must break in order to open it and get a Runic War Belt and some Soft Steel. Continue your way jumping again and going up the crack (Atreus goes straight to it so you can’t miss it). Then you will have to jump to a wall and continue until you reach the Interior of the Circular Temple .
Reaches the inside of the hive
You’ll need to take out a couple of dark elves and then break another one of those tentacle cages . Proceed down the only possible path and kill the nightmares that appear. You’ll have a run-in with more elves and you’ll have to destroy another cage . Continue across the bridge and you’ll reach a point that requires explanation.
It is impossible to break all the pods at once , you have to do it in stages.
First, stand at this point and break the three you have in a row.
Then, switch to break the three under the white tentacle .
Finally, you must position yourself to break the two columns and the one in the center of the mass to open the way.
Investigate the hive
You can now access the heart of what appears to be the home of the dark elves. Continue along the only possible path until you reach the Light of Alfheim .
Destroy the hive and get the light
Continue along the ledge and break one of the tentacle cages to automatically move to another platform. You will be attacked by a swarm of elves , but luckily they are weaker than normal. Continue forward, killing all the ones you come across until you find another cage that you must break.
After the cutscene, follow the light . You’ll pass through several areas, but you’ll always have to follow a flash of light. When you return to Atreus, approach him and you’ll get the Light Arrows . You can now use them to hit crystals and open paths that were previously inaccessible. Shoot one of them at the crystal in front of you.
Look for a way out of the temple
When you reach the platform below, you’ll see a blue crystal lying on the ground. Obviously, to continue forward you have to place it on the terrace and shoot an arrow at it. However, if you turn around you’ll see that you can place it on the edge of the platform first, to reach a chest with a Fragmented Heart of Alfheim .
Place the crystal on the terrace and a bridge will open up to cross to the central platform, where you will be attacked by a pair of nightmares. Before continuing, break the glowing pod on the wall in the picture, but don’t go up. It’s just a shortcut.
Deploy the two bridges of light from the part where the nightmares came from and cross them both (killing a couple of dark elves along the way). You’ll see that, from the second one, you can hit three light pods from the big root attached to the platform at the same time, to break them. This time it’s not complicated at all, don’t worry, just line them up and shoot.
Obviously, to continue forward we do have to climb the wall to continue along the bridge of light that we can deploy by shooting the new crystal. However , if we go to the other side of the platform, we will see another chest trapped by poisonous roots. If you stand at the point in the image you will see the two pods that you must destroy to open it and get some Silver.
Climb up the wall we cleared a moment ago and you’ll find that you’re back on the platform with the pillar of light, but now you can cross the bridge you created when you freed the last crystal. But first, you’ll need to take out some elves . You’ll encounter more as you cross the bridge and climb the stairs. Make sure to open the legendary chest with the Ugard’s Strike Light Rune Attack when you get rid of them.
To cross the barrier you must hit the chain holding the crystal. When it falls, the wall of light will be deactivated. Take the crystal, place it in the next room and shoot it to be able to read a Lore Marker with Atreus.
When you’re done, grab the crystal and head up the stairs. You’ll see where to place it as soon as you reach the top. Shoot an arrow to spread a path of light over it.
Climb up the ledge next to it and you’ll reach this blue walkway you’ve created and in the middle, you’ll see another chest of rune bells. You can click here if you want to know how to open the fourth chest of the Norns of Alfheim .
Now go down, take the crystal and put it on the other pedestal you can see in the area (after killing the glow pods, nothing complicated). You will have to lift Atreus up from this wall :
Now wait for it to reach the sand bowl and interact with it. Then focus on the rune above the blue door to examine it and be able to cross the exit.
Return to the boat
After the sequence you will get the Homely Feeling trophy . Cross the bridge and you will see that getting to the boat will not be so easy.
Use the sand bowl lifter
There’s not much to say. Atreus will go to the elevator and you’ll have to use it to go down. When it stops, look around and you’ll see that one of the bars in this room, which we were in a while ago, is open. There’s a chest with Silver. On another of the bars now open you’ll find another Find .
Go through the locked door (the open one doesn’t lead anywhere). Be careful, because when the light goes out you’ll face some apparitions. It’s time to explore a bit.
For now, forget about the chest you see off to the side. You can only access one of the pods. Instead, look at the compass , and you’ll see that it tells you to continue down a hallway, activating a crystal. However, there is another path just in the opposite direction , in a hallway next to the door that brought us here.
Shoot an arrow at the crystal and the bridge will open. When you reach the next room, a draugr attacks you. Laughter. You can’t do anything else here for now, but stay here , we’ll be back soon. Follow the compass to cross to the other end of the area, making another bridge of light appear. You’ll reach a room with blue barriers. Look at the ceiling and you’ll see a crystal. When you break it, the barriers will open and more draugr will attack you.
Once you’ve eliminated them, pick up another Find from one of the “cells.” Now grab the crystal and go back to the room you just left to plant it in the center. Shoot an arrow at the crystal and the mechanisms in the room will activate .
What you have to do is use the shadow of the glass to focus on the door and see the symbols that should be on each of the mechanisms. The symbols will always be the same, but the mechanisms will reset if you take too long to turn them. The problem is that they are not ordered , so you will have to find the mechanism that has each of the symbols. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it seems if you know where the solution is.
Once you get it, a chest will open containing the Runic Shoulderpads with scales and materials. Now, take the crystal and place it on the target point.
First of all, remember that chest up there that we couldn’t get because of the roots? Turn around after placing the crystal and you’ll see the two glowing pods (the second one is at the back, a bit harder to see, but you’ll see it glowing) that you need to destroy.
There are some materials waiting for you in the chest . Cross the bridge of light towards the objective. Once you cross it, we’ll take another detour . You probably remember this area, with the wheel you need to turn and the mechanism you need to freeze to get through the passage, right? Do so and you’ll see that the cell area is now open. Inside one is the last Find we need to complete the collection.
You can’t explore any further, so turn around and head towards the exit. When you use the sand bowl, a short cutscene will occur and you’ll face the Dark Elf King.
The only noticeable difference during most of the fight is that he shoots three bolts instead of one . Otherwise, his attacks are very predictable, they are much easier to see coming than those of normal dark elves and you will have time to block them without any problem. When his health is at its lowest, the area will go dark and you will have to pay much more attention to predict his attacks, block them (or dodge them, remember that the ones with red aura are unstoppable) and hit him back. Be careful because when you hit him a couple of times, he moves away leaving a bolt of lightning that, as always, explodes. As always, when he runs out of health, execute it with R3. Pick up what he drops, among other things the Runic Summon Wolf’s Wrath , a new type of special attack.
Now, finally, he leaves the area.
Return to Tyr’s Temple
Return to the place from which you entered Alfheim. When you reach the shore, you will meet one of the dwarves again . If you talk to him, you will activate a Favor, Fafnir’s Cache . The place he sends us to is in a realm we do not have access to yet, so accept the assignment, upgrade your weapons and return to Midgard . You simply need to return to the tree room and interact with the mechanism.
Return to the mountain
We’re nearing the end of this stage. Just outside the tree room, you’ll meet Brok. Just like with his brother, talk to him (by pressing the triangle button) and he’ll ask you for a Favor, Secondhand Soul . If you want, you can do it now, but we’re going to continue with the story.
Go towards the objective, in front of the tower doors there will be a couple of draugr , nothing to worry about. As you cross the doors look up , there is a crystal that you must reach with an arrow.
There are two more crystals, one above each door in this room. Shooting all three will cause a tear to appear in the center . Touching it will bring you face to face with two powerful apparitions . Be careful, they are extremely strong, so if you can’t take them on now, don’t worry (they can kill you in one hit, and there are two of them). You’ll come back later.
Keep going until you reach the cave and when you drop down, turn around . You’ll see a crystal that you can pick up to put next to the monolith so you can read the runes before continuing. It won’t be long before you reach the Hillside. Remember the chest in the middle of the poison gas next to the dwarf’s tent? From the point in this picture you can throw the axe at the “torch” and freeze it.
Inside the chest you will find materials. Indeed, you could have done it before but we have not realized it until now. Don’t go around in circles, get on the elevator and pull the lever to return to the mountain.
Dispels the black breath
Climb up the side of the mountain to the black cloud and interact with it. You’ll have to move forward while Kratos holds the Bifrost for a good stretch. Finally, mission accomplished. It’s time to continue on our way into Inside the Mountain