The best diet for gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining and is so common that it is estimated that half the world’s population is affected by gastritis at some point.

The most reported symptom is a pain or burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, other symptoms of gastritis are nausea, vomiting, belching and a feeling of fullness.


Although there are different treatments such as antacids and proton pump inhibitors, they cannot be used indefinitely and rather their prolonged use can cause undesirable side effects, for this reason, a good diet can be the best relief against gastritis.

What is the diet for gastritis?

The gastritis diet consists of a meal plan that limits the foods that can cause us greater irritation.

Spicy or acidic foods, fatty foods and alcoholic beverages can worsen gastritis symptoms and we should avoid them.

Not all foods affect people the same way, so it is important for each person to learn to distinguish which foods seem to make their symptoms worse.

Foods to avoid if we have gastritis:

  1. Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol is an irritant and can leave the stomach lining more vulnerable to the acidic digestive juices normally produced by the body to digest food.

  1. Citrus


Citrus fruits such as orange, grapefruit, or lemon are normally beneficial and are recommended as part of a balanced diet, but for gastritis sufferers, citrus can make symptoms worse and cause discomfort.

  1. The tomato

Tomato or tomato and its derivatives such as tomato juice or sauce and ketchup are irritating to the stomach and should be avoided by those who suffer from gastritis.

  1. Caffeine

Foods or beverages that contain caffeine such as energy drinks, tea, chocolate or coffee are known to increase the symptoms of gastritis.

Even decaffeinated coffee should be avoided, this is because coffee is by nature irritating to the stomach.

  1. Spicy Food

Spicy or highly seasoned foods do not cause gastritis, however, like coffee, they can make gastritis symptoms worse.

We should avoid eating hot chili peppers, foods with pepper, curries and hot sauces.

  1. Milk

Milk and its derivatives were for years recommended to relieve gastritis and stomach ulcers, but now the amino acids and calcium in milk are considered to stimulate the production of stomach acid, which increases gastritis.

  1. Processed foods, gluten and refined flours

White bread or pasta are just two examples of foods made with refined or gluten-containing flours. These products can lead to food allergies that cause inflammation of the digestive system, making healing gastritis more difficult.

  1. Fatty food

Fried foods, baked goods, mature cheeses, butter, and cold cuts are some examples of high-fat foods.


Fat slows down digestion, stimulating the production of acids in the stomach, which significantly worsens gastritis.

What can we eat to help us heal the symptoms of gastritis?

It is very important to eat foods high in fiber, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Healthy fats like olive oil and low-fat meats like chicken or fish.


Fresh yogurts and kombucha tea are two examples of probiotic foods, these foods help keep the digestive system healthy. Talk to your doctor about which probiotics are best for you.

Broccoli and garlic

Broccoli and garlic have a special property that makes them allies against gastritis, both foods help fight a bacterium called helycobacter pylori, this bacterium is an important cause of gastritis.

It is important to note that some people with gastritis do not react well to garlic, therefore it is important to try small amounts of garlic first.


by Abdullah Sam
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