The 5 best tricks for GTA V

From GTA 5 cheats we are at all times providing you with different tricks to get weapons, vehicles or earn money. But sometimes you can find yourself collapsed with so many different tricks. It is but this, that we want to bring you a selection of what for us are some of the best tricks of GTA 5.

This is a selection of tricks that you cannot miss. Everyone has their own selection of tips and tricks for Grand Theft Auto, so we wanted to give you ours too. Remind you that these tricks should not be done while you are doing a mission, otherwise you will not get the trophies. You must save, and then perform the trick.

To perform a trick you must use the directional crosshead and not the analog stick.

The 5 Best Cheats (for us) of GTA V

  • Explosive Bullets

The rocket launcher is one of the weapons most fun and impactful of GTA V . How would you like if every shot from your gun had the effect of a rocket? This one of the explosive bullets is a trick that is effective not only with humans, but also with vehicles (cars).

Xbox One – Xbox 360 : Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB

PS4 – PS3 : Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1

PC : Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB

  • Get free weapons

If spending the money on weapons in GTA V is not your thing, you can now get all the weapons of tier 1 with this fantastic trick. Stop visiting Ammu-Nation now. You can replenish by repeating the code as many times as you want.

Xbox One – Xbox 360:  Y, Left, RT, LB, A, Right, Y, Down, X, LB, LB, LB

PS4 -PS3 : Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1


  • Spawn Buzzard (helicopter)

He wants to be a bad boy, and fly around Los Santos in a helicopter that allows you to launch missiles and shoot. Well, perform this fanatical GTA V trick and you can get a helicopter with a turret and rockets to launch. The capacity for destruction (bad boy) will have no limits.

Xbox One – Xbox 360 : B, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y

PS4 – PS3 : Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

PC : 1-999-289-9633 (phone or cell)

  • Skyfall or free fall

Surely one of the funniest tricks for GTA 5 . It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no… it’s Michael De Santa!

With this fun trick you will appear in the air and begin to fall in free fall. It’s like you have an unopened parachute and you are gliding through the city of Los Santos. You have to be careful since normally this trick will lead you to certain death, you can combine it with invincible and so you can withstand the fall.

We tell you more about the Skyfall cheat .

Xbox One – Xbox 360: LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right

PS4 – PS3: L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right

  • Invincibility (nobody hurts you)

This is one of the best GTA V tricks and that you must try yes or yes. It is going around the city doing everything you want without being hurt. Wreak havoc wherever you are and activate the cheat, then all hits and shots won’t affect you in any way.

The only downside to this trick is that it will only last five minutes. In the lower corner you have a counter where you will see the time you have left to go back to being a weak character. As we have mentioned before, this trick can be combined after a free fall launch.

Xbox One – Xbox 360 : Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y

PS4 – PS3 : Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle

PC : 1-999-724-6545537 (PAIN KILLER)


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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