Tai Chi: 10 scientifically proven benefits and reasons to practice it

The Tai Chi originated in China as a martial art of defense. It acts on the whole person, both on the body and on the mind. It aims to achieve complete well-being by involving muscles, lungs, heart, breathing and body movements.

In Tai Chi, for example, a series of slow and circular movements are performed , as in a silent dance. You can recharge your energy or relax  to your body movements. Tai Chi techniques have ancient roots and refer, among other things, to Taoism. Even today, Tai Chi is much more than just gymnastics. Science is considering it as a form of prevention and complementary and alternative medicine.

Here are some of the main benefits of Tai Chi .


Aging well

Tai Chi is a real cure-all for the health of the elderly after 60 years, when the body begins to show signs of weakening. This was stated in a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology and promoted by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Out of 69 elderly subjects observed, 29 practiced Tai Chi for 3 years or more for at least an hour and a half a week. The results showed that these subjects were more healthy especially with regard to blood pressure, vascular resistance and pulse pressure. Tai Chi involves gentle and harmonious movements that can be practiced even in old age.

Reduce stress

How to reduce stress ? First of all it is good to carve out a moment of relaxation every day. And your relaxation can be accompanied by Tai Chi, which can combine the benefits of meditation with those of movement. With its slow and circular gestures, Tai Chi not only makes the body agile and harmonious, but also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, with a consequent reduction of stress.

3) Lower your blood sugar

Tai Chi would be beneficial for lowering blood sugar and is particularly indicated for those with type 2 diabetes. The study was conducted on a group of Korean diabetics and lasted six months. The practice of Tai Chi has been constant and regular and has led to a noticeable reduction in fasting blood sugar. Patients learned to manage the disease better and to live with more energy and vitality.

Reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol

Tai Chi practice may be helpful in reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol . This was noted by some studies conducted at the University of Taiwan, a place where the inhabitants practice this discipline par excellence. Over the years, science has begun to confirm the many psycho-physical health benefits that this ancient practice can bring to our daily lives. Tai Chi may not work miracles, but trying does not harm, since doing a little more physical activity can be a real cure-all.

Well-being of the heart

Tai Chi, beneficial for the heart and indicated for those with heart failure problems. This is evidenced by a study conducted by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston on 100 patients. Tai Chi has a positive impact on quality of life and well-being. It allowed patients to overcome laziness and at the same time not to make excessive efforts without giving up movement.

Sleep better

Practicing Tai Chi can be useful in case of sleep problems . A study of 112 elderly people with moderate sleep disturbances was conducted at the University of California . Sixteen weeks of Tai Chi practice improved quality of life and sleep duration significantly. The study was published in the July 2008 issue of the scientific journal Sleep .

Recover after a stroke

As highlighted by Harvard University, a study published in the January 2009 issue of the scientific journal Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair revealed that in 136 patients who had had a stroke at least 6 months before, 12 weeks of Tai Chi practice helped improve balance, accompanied by a rehabilitation program consisting of breathing, stretching, muscle and joint exercises, and walking.

Treat the symptoms of depression

A study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that accompanying common treatments for depression symptoms with Tai Chi can help improve patients’ quality of life and health. The study was carried out on elderly people who, despite advancing age, were able to practice Tai Chi thanks to its slow and delicate movements.

Benefits for the brain and concentration

Researchers from the University of South Florida collaborated with Chinese experts to investigate the benefits of Tai Chi on the brain . They found that after 40 weeks, those who had practiced Tai Chi three times a week benefited from the major improvements to the brain, particularly as regards its volume, which could decrease with advancing age. This would be due to the high level of attention and concentration required to properly perform Tai Chi movements.

Benefits for the joints

study conducted at the Tufts Medical Center found that adults who suffered from osteoarthritis in the knees saw a real improvement in symptoms regarding pain and joint function by practicing tai chi twice a week. In addition to the benefits for the body, research has shown positive effects of Tai Chi to relieve anxiety and improve breathing, thanks to a combination of movement and meditation.

by Abdullah Sam
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