Tagetes or Carnation Moorish or Chinese Carnation | Its properties and how it is grown

The tagetes is a type of plant with a bright color flower that blooms during the warm summer months. We will probably recognize her for her characteristic intense color. It is presented with flowers with a marked yellowish or orange color that can grow to reach 30 cm. Its smell is usually very intense, especially in the afternoon.

The flowering of the tagetes (or carnation moro ) occurs during the summer-late autumn months. However, flowering will also depend on the climate in question, since in some it is able to endure throughout the year without any problem.

It is a type of very decorative annual herbaceous plant, with some leaves that remind us of those of daisies, being able to be single or double. They are plants that can be easily grown in the garden, and they do not need much care.

Tagetes species


Erecta Tagetes

It is called “Erecta” because it has an erect bearing and the presence of several branches that can grow to reach a height meter (between 30 and 100 cm). This type of tagetes is characterized by having cut leaves of intense green color.

In addition, the flowers are lemon yellow, with an approximate diameter of 5 cm. However, it has been discovered that some specimens can reach a diameter of 15cm.

Another of the peculiarities of flowers is that they have what is known as ligules ; They are nothing more than developed petals that grow to the outside. Many people describe them as petals, although they are not really. Flowering varies slightly from the conventional Chinese carnation , moving in the time interval from July to October.

Tagetes Patula

This variation is slightly smaller than the previous one, having a size that will rarely exceed 40 cm in height. Its leaves develop along the stem alternately, marked by an intense green color. Instead, the flowers are rather solitary, having a diameter that ranges between 4-6cm or so.

They fulfill a decorative function, since they are very aesthetic due to their marked yellow color. This key of moro flowers between the months from July to September, producing simple flowers and very far from each other.

Tagetes tenuifolia

It is a flower that comes directly from Mexico. It grows annually and can develop until it reaches a height of 60 cm. It is characterized by having thin branches with light green leaves.

It also blooms between the months of July to September, generating flowers that can grow up to 3cm wide.

Within this classification we can find different hybrid groups: African, French, Afro-French and Signet groups.

Tagetes Lucida

Finally, this small perennial plant is grown annually and is rarely able to exceed 50 cm in height (it moves at a height between 30 and 50 cm).

It has small flowers with a maximum diameter of 1.5cm, with colors ranging from gold yellow to orange yellow.

Tagetes Care

If you have already decided and want to grow tagetes , then you just have to follow these cares.


Irrigation is very important in this plant. You should make sure to water it at a rate of 3 times per week. The problem is that their roots are compact, so they do not have too much capacity to retain water.

We can learn the symptoms of the plant to determine when it lacks water. In the event that the tagete is presented with an inclined shape, it is indicated that water must be added. The ideal way would be for the plant to remain in an upright position, since this will mean that the risk is correct.


We recommend that you choose a tree or a planter as a planting place. It can also be a good idea to plant the tagetes among the vegetables in our gardens.

The advantage of doing so is that this plant is capable of helping round worms (nematodes) that quickly end up with many of the vegetables we have planted in the garden.

Another advantage of planting them in the garden is that they will help us give it a new touch of color, achieving a more aesthetic result.

We must plant them in full sun. They may also have some shade, even they can come in handy if the sun they receive may be too intense. However, the problem that they are in the shade for too long is that they can grow excessively, and this at the same time will reduce their flowering and the intensity of the colors of the flowers, so care must be taken.

Type of terrain

The tagetes plant requires planting in a fresh and nutrient-rich soil. Expert gardeners recommend making a mixture of planting substrate with mulch. The resulting mixture will depend on the quality of the original soil. The idea is to add substrate to the mixture until we can verify that the result is spongy, in addition to presenting a characteristic cloudy color. And this is precisely telling us that it is a land rich in nutrients.

As long as we maintain it properly, the plant can last in the garden for 3 to 5 months without having to make any modifications to the soil.

Other care

As it grows we will have to eliminate those flowers that are wilting. This way we will avoid that with the humidity of the irrigation, the whole plant can rot. It will also be useful for new flowers to come out, and for them to always look more beautiful.

It will be necessary to pay attention to certain pests, such as whitefly, miner, red spider, caterpillars , as well as diseases such as Alternaria or Botrytis , although these are not too common.

by Abdullah Sam
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