Swimming: 10 reasons to practice it at least once a week

What are the benefits of swimming ? Swimming has long been considered a complete sport , suitable for all ages, which is able to work the muscles without excessive efforts and which is useful for making the spine more elastic and improving posture .

In fact, swimming regularly can offer numerous benefits for our health and for our body. Here are some of the main positive effects of swimming, which will be more evident if you engage in this sport at least 1 or 2 times a week .


Work out

Swimming allows our body to keep in constant training without an excessive impact on the skeletal system. In fact, when we are immersed in water, our body appears much lighter and the movements are simpler. Swimming can be helpful for those with muscle or joint problems.

Strength and muscle tone

Swimming helps to increase strength and muscle tone . Swimming offers us the possibility to carry out endurance exercises that allow us to maintain the well-being of the muscles. In addition, swimming would help strengthen the bones and the skeletal system, especially after menopause.


Swimming movements allow the joints and ligaments to remain flexible . Each stroke favors the stretching of the muscles. After a swim, you can also indulge in some gentle stretching exercises . Exercising in water should help you maintain positions that require balance for longer.


Swimming is also useful for supporting heart and health. In addition to strengthening the pectoral, shoulder and limb muscles, swimming gives energy to the heart , the most important muscle in our body. According to the American Heart Association, 30 minutes of physical activity per day , including swimming, can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Weight control

The swimming is one of the sports that allows you to burn more calories . The exact quantity depends on the physiology of each and the intensity of the workouts, but in general in 10 minutes of swimming about 60 calories are burned. And butterfly swimming would even reach 150 calories.


Pool exercise could help avoid asthma attacks during physical activity in those who are subject to it. According to some studies, moreover, swimming in the event of asthma could be a cure-all for health. In particular, a study published in the scientific journal Repsirology has shown that swimming can be very beneficial for children suffering from weapons.


Thanks to aerobic exercise , swimming can help to keep cholesterol in balance. In addition, aerobic exercise would help keep the endothelium of the arteries healthy, which with age tends to lose flexibility. It helps the arteries to expand and contract, keeping them healthy.


Constant exercise, which can also include swimming, helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in both men and women. This is why physical activity is often recommended for pre-diabetic patients, also in the hope of weight loss and cholesterol regulation. In fact, obesity and inactivity are among the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes.


Swimming helps reduce stress , stimulates endorphins and can give a feeling of relaxation similar to that guaranteed by yoga . As always, sport works both on the body and on the mind and swimming can be considered as a real meditation exercise, guided by the rhythm of the movements and the noise of the water.


Swimming helps reduce the risk of premature death . Researchers from South California University conducted a study that shows that those who choose swimming have an even 50% lower risk of death than those who choose running and walking or those who do not practice any sport. Experts believe that swimming, from the point of view of longevity, is beneficial for both men and women.

Contraindications for swimming

In addition to the many benefits, swimming can also have contraindications . For some people with particularly sensitive skin, swimming in the pool due to chlorine may not be recommended . As an alternative to the swimming pool, in this case we recommend swimming in the sea. Women in pregnancy should practice swimming in moderation. Attention also to those with otitis problems . Some swimming exercises may be unsuitable for scoliosis sufferers . Sometimes swimming is not recommended for anyone with this problem. In any case, it is always good to consult your doctor and undergo a medical check-up before starting any physical activity, including swimming.

by Abdullah Sam
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