Sweet cherries: benefits and harm to human health

From reducing your risk of cancer to treating gout, find out how cherries can benefit your health and how much you can eat without harming your body.

Sweet cherries: benefits and harm to human health

Sweet cherries: benefits and harm to human health

Everyone dreams of a dessert that has health benefits. Nature has already taken care of such a delicacy. Cherries not only have a great taste, but also help strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and activate the gastrointestinal tract. Together with Anna Krivosheeva, an endocrinologist and nutritionist at the MEDSI clinic on Michurinsky Prospekt, we are looking into what vitamins and minerals are contained in cherries, how they are good for women, men and children, and whether they can harm health.

What is important to know about cherries

“Bird cherry” is another name for sweet cherries. This is due to the fact that birds are partial to juicy red berries . We picked up some interesting facts about this plant.

Cherry is a long-lived tree Lives up to 80-100 years. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 10-12 years, and ends by the age of 30-40 years.
Cherry is a fruit From a scientific point of view, the cherry is a fruit, but its size is so small that many call it a berry
Cherry ripeness is determined by color The darker the cherry, the more ripe and sweet it is.
Cherries have been used as medicine since ancient times In the 3rd century BC, the Greek physician Diphilus Sifnius used cherry juice as a medicine for stomach inflammation

Composition and calorie content of cherries

Despite its sweet taste, cherries are a low-calorie product that contains many useful substances. Some athletes include fruit juice in their diet, as it helps restore muscles and prevent inflammation. In addition to red cherries, you can find yellow and pink ones on the shelves. They are not as sweet, but yellow cherries contain more iodine, so this variety should be chosen by those who are deficient in this microelement. Pink cherries contain more ascorbic acid.

Calorie content and BZHU

A healthy person can eat about 300 g of berries per day.

Here are the average values ​​of BZHU in 100 grams of cherries:

Calorie content 52 kcal 3.1% of daily value in g
Squirrels 1.1 g 1.4% of daily value in g
Fats 0.4 g 0.7% of the daily value in g
Carbohydrates 10.6 g 4.8% of daily value in g
Water 85.7 g 3.8% of daily value in g

Vitamins and minerals

Cherries contain the highest amount of the following vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamin C (16.7%) – participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron;
  • silicon (43.3%) – stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • molybdenum (14.3%) is a trace element contained in many enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, indispensable for the functioning of the immune system and the formation of bones and teeth;
  • chromium (14%) is a trace element that helps the body absorb sugar and regulate blood glucose levels, improves brain function, memory and concentration.


Name Quantity % of daily value
Vitamin A 25 mcg 2.8
Beta-arotene 0.15 mg 3
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.01 mg 0.7
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.01 mg 0.6
Vitamin B4, choline 6.1 mg 1.2
Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid 0.199 mg 4
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.049 mg 2.5
Vitamin B9, folic acid 4 mcg 1
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 15 mg 16.7
Vitamin E 0.3 mg 2
Vitamin H, biotin 0.4 mcg 0.8
Vitamin K, phylloquinone 2.1 mcg 1.8
Vitamin PP 0.5 mg 2.5


Name Quantity % of daily value
Potassium 233 mg 3.3
Calcium 33 mg 9.3
Silicon 13 mg 43.3
Magnesium 24 mg 6
Sodium 13 mg 1
Sulfur 10.6 mg 1.1
Phosphorus 28 mg 3.5
Chlorine 8 mg 0.3


Name Quantity % of daily value
Iron 1.8 mg 10
Iodine 2 mcg 1.3
Cobalt 1 mcg 10
Manganese 0.07 mg 3.5
Copper 60 mcg 6
Molybdenum 10 mcg 14.3
Selenium 1.8 mcg 3.3
Fluorine 2 mcg 0.1
Chromium 7 mcg 14
Zinc 0.07 mg 0.6

Benefits of cherries for the body

It has been proven that eating cherries can improve memory, sleep, joint health , prevent wrinkles, and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases .

Cherries are also famous for the following properties.

Improves brain function. The berries contain anthocyanins, which give them a beautiful dark red color (1). High levels of these pigments improve brain function and memory as they reduce inflammation and counteract oxidative stress in the brain (2).

Helps with joint diseases. Joint pain can occur due to the accumulation of uric acid, which leads to inflammation and swelling. Cherries help normalize acid levels. Therefore, people who experience joint pain or are diagnosed with arthritis or gout should add berries to their diet (3).

Improves sleep quality. Cherries have been proven to increase melatonin levels. This hormone regulates our body’s circadian rhythms (sleep-wake cycle). Melatonin levels decline as we age, and cherries may improve sleep quality and duration (4).

For women

In addition to its wonderful taste, cherries help preserve youth and health.

Prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Berries contain vitamin C and other antioxidants. They help reduce inflammatory and oxidative processes in the body that damage our cells (5).

Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. Cherries contain polyphenols – compounds that protect cells from oxidation and aging. Scientists believe they may have anti-cancer effects (6). One study found that dark cherry extract inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells (7). So eating cherries coupled with physical activity and quitting smoking will help prevent the disease.

For men

During the season, men should regularly eat cherries, as they are good for the heart and blood vessels.

Help support heart health:

  • Antioxidants – protect blood vessels from plaque formation. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • polyphenols – improve the function of cells lining blood vessels. They expand, which leads to a decrease in pressure (8);
  • potassium – helps balance sodium, which also normalizes blood pressure (9);
  • fiber – important for maintaining normal cholesterol levels and other blood parameters (10);
  • coumarin and oxycoumarin – reduce blood clotting and protect against the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

For children

Cherries are also very useful for children:

  • it is a source of potassium, which is involved in maintaining fluid balance in the body and improves metabolic processes;
  • the berries contain iron – a necessary element for the prevention of anemia and muscle growth;
  • a diet including cherries is indicated for children with urinary tract diseases.

Can cherries be harmful to health?

Anna Krivosheeva talks about the negative consequences of eating “bird berries”:

– Large amounts of cherries can cause bloating and gas . Cherries should be consumed with caution during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for people with diabetes. Also, the consumption of berries should be limited to people with allergies.

Doctor’s review on eating cherries

Endocrinologist Anna Krivosheeva highlights the following positive properties of the berry:

  • Cherries are rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins and quercetin, as well as carotenoids, which have beneficial effects on health and fight free radicals.
  • The berry has better anti-inflammatory properties than its tart counterparts, such as cherries. They contain more phytonutrients – anthocyanins, which give cherries their characteristic red hue. This compound reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and plaque formation.
  • Large, juicy, and sweet, cherries have some of the best inflammation-reducing properties, making them ideal for relieving the symptoms of arthritis and gout. A study found that eating cherries could reduce the number of gout attacks by 35% just two days after consumption (11).
  • Cherries are rich in fiber, which is critical for maintaining a healthy digestive system and can normalize cholesterol levels.
  • One serving (one cup or glass) of berries contains 16% of the daily value of vitamin C, which supports the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Cherries contain potassium, which is important for the functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles and nerve cells.

Recipes for simple and tasty dishes with cherries

With this berry you can prepare a variety of dishes: jam, pies, muffins, casseroles, dumplings, ice cream, compotes and jelly, salads, mousses and cocktails. We offer several simple recipes.

1. Cherry jam

To please yourself with summer berries in the autumn-winter period, you can preserve them.



Cherries 1 kg
Sugar 500 g
Lemon 0.5 pcs.


  1. Rinse the cherries, drain in a colander to drain, and place in a saucepan.
  2. Cover the berries with sugar.
  3. Place the pan over medium heat.
  4. Bring to a boil, stirring the berries.
  5. Skim off any foam that forms.
  6. After boiling, cook for about five minutes until the sugar dissolves.
  7. Remove from heat.
  8. Let the jam cool.
  9. Repeat the procedure twice.
  10. A minute before the end of cooking, add lemon juice.
  11. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

2. Homemade ice cream with cherries

An ideal dessert on a hot day, it contains no artificial additives.


Cherries 300 g
Cream (33%) 250 ml
Milk 100 ml
Sugar 100 g


  1. Rinse the berries and remove the seeds.
  2. Take 250 g of cherries and add sugar, 125 ml of cream and milk.
  3. Mix everything.
  4. Place the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  5. Grind the berries with an immersion blender.
  6. Cool the resulting puree.
  7. Add the remaining cream and stir.
  8. Cut 50 g of cherries into pieces and add to the mixture.
  9. Transfer the workpiece into a container with a lid or an ice cream maker and put it in the freezer for 4-5 hours.

If you do not use an ice cream maker, then every hour you need to remove the ice cream from the refrigerator and mix it with a mixer or blender.

3. Dumplings with cherries

A healthy and satisfying dish for the summer menu. This recipe makes about six servings.


Cherries 600 g
Flour 750 g
Chicken egg 2 pcs.
Sugar 70-100 g
Salt Taste
Milk 1 tbsp.


  1. Mix milk with eggs and salt.
  2. Add flour gradually to form a soft, elastic dough.
  3. Cover the dough with a napkin or cling film.
  4. Prepare the filling: wash the berries, remove the seeds, cut into pieces.
  5. Roll out the dough and cut out circles using a glass.
  6. Place the filling on the dough pieces and sprinkle with sugar (half a teaspoon).
  7. Make dumplings by pinching the edges of the dough.
  8. Cook the dumplings in boiling water for about 5-7 minutes.
  9. Place the dumplings on a plate, brush with butter and sprinkle with sugar.
  10. Serve with sour cream.

How to choose cherries at the market or in a store

In order for the purchased cherries to be beneficial, you need to know how to choose them. Here are some recommendations.

Tip 1. Buy cherries in season

At the end of June – mid-July, the berries are at the peak of ripeness. During this period, fruits contain the greatest amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Tip 2. Pay attention to the appearance and smell of cherries

The following parameters are important:

  • the skin is clean, smooth, without dents, dark spots and signs of rotting;
  • the berries should be dense and elastic to the touch;
  • uniform color;
  • glossy surface;
  • the aroma is pleasant: the smell of fermentation indicates that the cherries are stale.

Tip 3. Check for the presence of the stalk

Without a stalk, a hole is formed in the berry, where dust, dirt and microbes enter.

Tip 4. Look at the color of the stalks

They should be green. Dry and discolored indicate that the cherries have either been stored for a long time or are overripe.

Tip 5. Do not buy cherries where moldy berries are found

If you find spoiled fruits already at home, then you need to throw them away, as well as those that came into contact with moldy ones.

Inspect the remaining berries to make sure they are not too soft or showing signs of mold. Then wash thoroughly before use.

Tip 6. Look at the color of the leaves

If cherries are sold on branches along with leaves, then there should be no small red spots on them – a sign of coccomycosis (a fungus that spoils not only the leaves, but also the berries).

How to properly store cherries

With the right approach, cherries can remain fresh for up to 7-9 days. Here’s how to best organize storage:

  • put the berries in the refrigerator, preferably in a compartment where there is no excess moisture in a paper bag or in a plastic container;
  • If possible, place the cherries in a separate compartment, since proximity to other products can reduce the shelf life of the berries. For example, bananas and apples emit ethylene, which quickly spoils cherries;
  • do not wash berries before packaging;
  • Fresh cherries can be frozen. This will help preserve maximum vitamins for a long time (12). It is important to pre-rinse the berries or disinfect them with steam. Pack the cherries into freezer bags. If your refrigerator has a blast freezing function, you should use it.

Questions and answers

Endocrinologist Anna Krivosheeva answers popular questions about cherries.

Is it possible to eat cherries every day? In what quantities?

It is recommended to eat no more than 200-300 g of berries per day.

Is it possible to eat cherries on an empty stomach?

It is not advisable to eat cherries on an empty stomach.

Is it possible to eat cherries while losing weight?

When following a diet for weight loss, cherries can be included in the diet in limited quantities in the first half of the day.

What is the difference between cherries and sour cherries?

These are two different woody plants belonging to the Rosaceae family.

From a nutritional point of view, cherries contain more fiber and have a lower glycemic index, so it is better for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders to give preference to cherries.