When to suspect vaccine damage in a young child?

I receive many emails from parents asking for advice on how to deal with their children who have had serious ailments or illnesses after pediatric vaccinations . Unfortunately, I am by no means able to respond to everyone, even if I realize that a child with vaccine damage should be treated as soon as possible to prevent the damage from irreversibly establishing itself in him, in particular altering his abilities and future. neuro-psychic potential.

To these parents I would recommend reading the articles that I occasionally write on this portal ( www.informasalus.it ) and therefore I would recommend signing up for the newsletter to receive updates.

Now I would like to mention very briefly when vaccination damage should be suspected in an infant or in any case in a small child.
In this regard, I remember that vaccine damage practically always has the following characteristics:

– The child has a previous psycho-physical weakness (the smaller the child, the more at risk of vaccine damage; when the child is left to grow and mature , the risk of vaccine damage is greatly reduced, even if it does not disappear completely because we could all be potentially at risk of developing damage after a vaccination).

– The vaccineslatentizza the subjective weakness of each child by acting mainly on the immune system and on all systems closely connected with it: central and peripheral nervous system, gastro-enteric system, respiratory system and skin system (however, practically all pediatric diseases are possible, because the immune system is the basis of any inflammatory process and inflammation is the basis of any pathology, especially in a small child).

– The latency with which the vaccine induces visible damageby parents or doctors it varies from a few days to about 1-2 months and depends on the intensity of the immune alteration, the tissue maturity (or even the age of the child), the genetic predispositions, how the pregnancy took place and especially childbirth, from the pharmacological treatments taken (especially those with antibiotics and corticosteroids), from the nutritional correctness of the nutrition taken by the child and the mother during pregnancy and after childbirth in case of breastfeeding, from the diseases (viral species ) both by the baby and the mother during pregnancy and by the number of vaccines received and the age at which they were administered.

– The vaccine damage it is almost always non-specific and difficult to frame by our current knowledge, at least in the first period of its manifestation (in a subsequent time the damage will become more and more serious and therefore evident, but very rarely will allow doctors to diagnose with certainty the etiological factor that has it determined, … also because vaccines are almost never taken into consideration).

– Vaccine damage rarely manifests  large blood chemistry alterations between the tests that are commonly performed and in any case does not provide easy interpretations of the hematological reports in the light of our current pathophysiological knowledge.

– Vaccine damage generally does not respond to routine drug treatments (and if it does respond, it partially responds and requires high dosages and generally multiple drug treatments).

At the laboratory diagnosis level , vaccine damage must be investigated with various tests that can be divided into first and second level tests.

Among the first level tests , and therefore the most common and which could be performed even before the vaccination, we remember in particular: – Blood count test
with leukocyte formula
– ESR, PCR, protein electrophoresis
– Sideremia, ferritin, blood sugar, lipemia, creatinine
– Alkaline phosphatase, CPK, LDH, GGT, transaminase
– Vitamin D, vitamin B6
– Plasma electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, zinc)

– Immunoglobulin dosage (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE)
– TSH, T3, T4
– Complete urine
test – Food intolerance test (RAST-test).

Among the second level tests , which should be carried out when there is even a suspected vaccine damage , we mention in particular:
– Lymphocyte
typing – Class I and II HLA tissue typing
– Assessment of oxidative stress: reduced plasma dosage of glutathione and oxidized and measure of their ratio (GSH / GSSG), dosage of urinary F2-isoprostanes (expression of membrane lipid damage), urinary neopterin (expression of immune hyperactivation)
– Evaluation of cellular stress: plasma assay of free cellular DNA
– Evaluation of genomic damage: assay of 8-hydroxy 2-deoxyguanosine urinary (8-OHdG) (expression of DNA oxidative damage and in particular of in vivo DNA repair processes and degradation of nucleic acids following cell death)
– Evaluation of central nervous system damage: dosage of urinary cryptopyrrol and plasma histamine
– Evaluation of urinary porphyrins: uroporphyrins and coproporphyrins (expression of pharmacological damage, intoxication of toxic metals or of toxic chemicals, genetic disorders, undernutrition, liver disease, oxidative stress, etc.)
– Evaluation of metabolic damage: plasma amino acids (including homocysteine) and urinary, plasma histamine, organic acids and urinary orotic acid
– Assessment of detoxification capacity: glutathione S-transferase
dosage – Plasma dosage of antioxidant vitamins: vitamin A, C, E (representing an alternative antioxidant system or parallel to the system that involves glutathione)
– Plasma assay of IgM and IgG towards the main viruses (Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Varicella-Zoster virus, Herpes Simplex virus)
– Dosage plasma antibodies to vaccine viruses (hepatitis B, poliovirus, measles, mumps, rubella) and to vaccine bacteria (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hemophilus B, pneumococcal, meningococcus) taken
– Mineralogram of the hair, for the search for imbalances of physiological and toxic minerals.

Some tests of this second level may not be performed by the common laboratories affiliated with our Health Service and therefore I recommend contacting the Synlab Italia srl laboratory in Brescia, however, having a cost estimate made first because some tests could be expensive (this laboratory, which belongs to a European chain of very specialized laboratories, also provides for the delivery of blood by courier so that you do not have to go to Brescia, but also provides for collaboration with many common medical analysis laboratories present in our cities that perform the collection at the their center and then send it to the Synlab of Brescia).

I remember, however, that instead of carrying out many tests, an adequate medical examination and a  rigidly personalized approach is indispensable for an advantageous diagnostic and therapeutic path. There are not many doctors who have the competence, patience and culture sufficient to act in this way, but homeopathic doctors are certainly the ones who best of all have the appropriate tools and knowledge at least to deepen the anamnesis on a psycho-level. overall physical and identify the weak point of the person.
Finally, in the unfortunate case of probable vaccine damage,


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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