Stress pains – causes, therapy and symptoms

Every person is exposed to certain stresses every day, both psychologically and physically. If loads – especially physical ones – become too massive, so that they are too much for those affected, this can lead to stress pain. There is no clear, general definition for stress pain, since it occurs in different intensities and with different stress levels.

Table of Contents

  • Excessive pain
  • causes
  • Cause: osteoarthritis
  • Treatment: osteoarthritis
  • Joint pain due to hyperuricaemia
  • Treatment: hyperuricaemia
  • Cause: coronary artery disease (CHD)
  • Treatment: CHD
  • Final word


Stress pain is caused by overloading, metabolic diseases and rheumatic diseases or the presence of coronary heart disease (CHD).

Anyone who moves normally in everyday life, does moderate sport and then suddenly helps a friend during the weekend to move and carries loads up and down stairs all day long shouldn’t be surprised by stress pains. As a rule, these pass within a few days.

Stress pains can be localized in different places in the body depending on the respective causes. (Image: Stasique /

If there is already a chronic illness such as osteoarthritis, the pain will appear much faster. If a patient suffers from recurrent stress pains, this should be checked with a doctor. An underlying osteoarthritis or a rheumatic disease must be treated and the extent determined. Certain rules of conduct must also be laid down.

In the presence of coronary artery disease, stress pain indicates insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries (coronary arteries). This leads to reduced blood flow to the heart muscle and must be immediately and immediately in the hands of a doctor.

Cause: osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis can occur on any joint. Typical symptoms include start-up pain (until the joint has “broken in”) and pain during movement and exercise. The more the affected joint is overloaded, the greater the stress pain. In an advanced stage, those affected complain of pain even at rest, mobility is restricted and palpable thickening can occur around the joint.

Treatment: osteoarthritis

The goals of treating arthrosis are to minimize pain and, if possible, to maintain the function of the affected joint or to improve its function. Patients are given pain relievers, injections, heat or cold treatments, physiotherapy and physiotherapy.

A change in diet is also recommended. The following applies here: Fruit, vegetables and whole grains should be on the menu regularly – dairy products in moderation, meat and fish a maximum of twice a week. Adequate hydration should be considered.

Silicon, a substance contained in silicic acid, is important for the cartilage substance that is affected by osteoarthritis. Foods that contain a lot of silica are potatoes, millet, corn, whole grain cereals and nettles (also as tea or in capsule form). If you want to do something for your silicon budget, you can get the Schüßler Salt No. 11 Silicea.

Since osteoarthritis can always get into an inflammatory phase (arthritis), some spices are recommended that have an anti-inflammatory effect. These are turmeric, cinnamon and chilli. The “golden milk” is also recommended here. This is a spice mixture that consists of turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, pepper and other ingredients. It is stirred into milk or almond milk, rice milk or soy milk and drunk hot. The spices relieve the liver, have a cleansing effect on the organism and are also anti-inflammatory. Slight pains and stress pains can also be reduced by drinking green tea regularly.

What can help regenerate the cartilage are hyaluronic acid and glucosamine. The hyaluron can be injected, and glucosamine is available in a wide variety of oral preparations.

In naturopathic practice, acupuncture , reflexology, homeopathy and phytotherapy are used for osteoarthritis . Devil’s Claw relieves joint complaints and thus a little the stress pain. Nettle preparations are anti-inflammatory, frankincense has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves pain. Schüßler salts such as No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum and No. 11 Silicea are often part of an arthrosis treatment. Injection with agents from anthroposophy also relieves pain. Last but not least, baunscheid animals around the affected joint often have a positive effect.

Joint pain due to hyperuricaemia

Hyperuricaemia is one of the metabolic diseases and is characterized by too much uric acid in the body. The term gout is better known . Stress pain can occur in connection with hyperuricaemia. Uric acid in the body always arises from the breakdown of purines. Purines in turn arise when meat, sausages and offal are broken down, but also through the breakdown or decay of cells in the body. For example, a massive diet can suddenly produce a lot of purines.

Stress pains can also be related to gout and inflammation. (Image: ThamKC /

If there are excessive purines in the body, too much uric acid is released, which has a detrimental effect on the organism. An excess of uric acid can lead to a gout attack, but also to kidney stones. A gout attack occurs suddenly, usually occurs on the big toe joint and manifests itself in massive pain and fever – the joint is red and swollen. With chronic hyperuricaemia, chronic joint pain with start-up, rest and stress pain is possible.

Treatment: hyperuricaemia

In an acute attack, the doctor prescribes an anti-inflammatory drug. The affected joint must be cooled, elevated and the patient spared. A low-purine diet and adequate hydration are important. If the acute phase is over, an attempt must be made to counteract excessive uric acid production. Medications that prevent gout attacks, suppress uric acid or lower uric acid levels are used.

But it is particularly important to change your eating habits. The diet must be low in purine, which means that meat, sausages and offal are only allowed to be on the table from time to time. Sumptuous meals, but also fasting and thirst should be avoided. Fruit, vegetables (except spinach and Brussels sprouts), potatoes, salads and dairy products are recommended. Existing obesity must be reduced and alcohol consumption stopped. Physical activity, which should also be fun, supports the treatment. Every day, one to two squeezed lemons, mixed with still water, slightly reduce uric acid.

Naturopathy also treats acupuncture here. Homeopathic remedies such as Colchicum, Lycopodium, Berberis and Lobelia inflata help with the basic treatment. Solubilizing uric acid are Equisetum arvense, Borax, Coffea, Ruta graveolens and Solidago. However, these means can only help if the patient changes their life and adheres to the aforementioned nutritional guidelines, pays attention to body weight and moves. Without your own action, the stress pains will not get any less.

Cause: coronary artery disease (CHD)

Coronary artery disease is a serious disease of the heart. The blood flow to the heart is disturbed by constricted coronaries (coronary arteries). The reason for this is usually an underlying arteriosclerosis, triggered by blood lipids, connective tissue and / or thrombi, which accumulate in the vessels and thus narrow the diameter, which interferes with the blood flow.

Chest pain can indicate coronary artery disease. (Image: Adiano /

The patients often suffer from a so-called constriction, angina pectoris, mainly caused by stress. Chest pain or stress pain are the result. The constricting pain often radiates to the left arm, but can also radiate to the neck, neck, back, jaw, teeth or upper abdomen. There is a risk of a heart attack.

Risk factors for the development of CHD and the associated stress pains are overweight, unhealthy, high-fat diet, lack of exercise, diabetes , smoking, hypertension ( high blood pressure ) and an elevated cholesterol level.

Treatment: CHD

In the early stages of coronary artery disease, drugs such as beta-blockers, nitrates, aspirin and cholesterol-lowering drugs are administered. Those affected should absolutely change their diet and try to reduce their existing body weight, exercise moderately, quit smoking and also massively limit alcohol consumption.

The alternative practitioner can assist with the change in diet. Plants such as artichoke, dandelion, large burdock and fenugreek help to lower blood lipids. Spices such as garlic, turmeric and ginger also contribute to this. Cedar nut oil is recommended as a food supplement. In naturopathy, Schuessler salts are sometimes prescribed for the treatment of CHD and the associated stress pains, especially the No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum, No. 9 sodium phosphoricum, No. 10 sodium sulfuricum, No. 11 Silicea and No. 17 Manganum sulfuricum. As every organ in naturopathy also has a psychological and psychological assignment, this is of course a very special case for the heart. Inexperienced feelings, “heartache”, sadness,

If all of the measures taken do not help, an operation can either be minimally invasive or open-hearted in an emergency.

Final word

In conclusion, stress pain on the musculoskeletal system, if it occurs more often, must be taken seriously and clarified by a doctor. In case of stress pain in the chest area with tightness and radiating pain, the immediate visit of a doctor or a clinic is necessary.


by Abdullah Sam
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