Stomach Cramps – Causes, Diet, and Home Remedies

Stomach cramps typically occur suddenly and suddenly. The smooth muscles of the stomach wall contract like a spasm. This is usually associated with stomach pain , which can be very intense. After a while, the spasm resolves and the pain gets better, but then comes back.

The duration and intensity of the individual cramps can vary significantly, as can the entire duration of the cramps. The pain quality is usually pulling, stabbing, sometimes burning. In some cases, accompanying symptoms such as diarrhea , vomiting and flatulence appear.

Table of Contents

  • Spasmodic pain in the epigastric region
  • Causes of stomach cramps
  • Topographical and functional anatomy of the stomach
  • Physical causes
  • Mental causes
  • Concomitant symptoms
  • Diet change
  • therapy
  • Conventional medical care
  • Home remedies and natural remedies
  • Measures against permanent stress
  • Diet change

Causes of stomach cramps

The possible causes are just as varied as the appearance. This has to do with the fact that the stomach, as an important element of the digestive tract, is related to various organ systems and can be influenced by many factors. The starting point for the development of stomach cramps can be physical or psychological. In order to better understand these relationships, it makes sense to study the anatomy of the stomach a little.

Stomach cramps usually occur suddenly and are sometimes accompanied by violent drawing or stabbing pain. (Image: Rosalie P./

Topographical and functional anatomy of the stomach

The stomach is a 25 to 30 centimeter long hollow organ, the walls of which consist of a connective tissue outer layer (peritoneum), smooth muscle fibers in the middle, a vascular layer with a strong blood supply and the mucous membrane inside. Your contractions are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and are therefore not subject to arbitrariness.

The stomach is located in the left upper abdomen below the diaphragm between the liver and the spleen. It has a direct connection to the small intestine and is in close proximity to the pancreas. Its capacity is between 1.6 and 2.4 liters for an adult with moderate filling. In the upper area, the esophagus joins the stomach. This is where the food chopped up in the mouth gets into the stomach. It gets mixed with the acid in the stomach through peristaltic movements. This gradually creates a chyme that is suitable for further processing in the small intestine.

It stays in the stomach for around three hours, but it can be significantly longer for foods that contain fat. At the lower end there is a sphincter muscle, the gatekeeper (pylorus), which controls the opening and closing of the gastric outlet. When the chyme has reached the right consistency, it ensures that the contents are properly dosed into the small intestine. The very low pH value in the stomach (1.0 to 2.0) normally ensures that many germs are destroyed in this environment.

Physical causes

At the body level, the causes of stomach cramps can lie in the organ itself or in other organ systems with which the stomach is spatially, functionally or physiologically related. The stomach is actually a very robust organ and is well protected from external influences. Nevertheless, he sometimes reacts very sensitively when he is overloaded with eating and drinking.

The stomach is actually a very robust organ, but it can still be irritated by improper nutrition. (Image: 7activestudio /

High fat diets combined with white flour products, sweets, alcohol and a lot of coffee can push the gastric mucosa to its limits. She reacts irritably with cramps and gas. The symptoms caused in this way are usually noticeable immediately after eating and can easily be associated with it by those affected. This also applies to food intolerances and intolerances. If the symptoms appear a few hours after eating, spoiled food could be the cause. The symptoms caused by the food usually subside within a few hours or days and can be treated with simple means.

A classic cause is recurrent gastric mucosal inflammation ( gastritis ) and its consequences. They are caused by a disturbance in acid production, which leads to the stomach acid attacking the stomach lining. It is often triggered by substances that enter the stomach from outside. This can be drugs, viruses, bacteria, nicotine or alcohol. Chronic inflammation can ultimately lead to damage to the mucous membrane and gastric ulcers. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is often involved in this process and can implant itself in the stomach lining and cause wounds.

Stomach cramps caused by bacterial and viral pathogens are always accompanied by other symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. Recurring chronic seizures can also be associated with cancer of the stomach. The stomach is in close proximity to the pancreas, liver and bile. Inflammatory processes in these organs can affect him and also lead to cramps.

Mental causes

Stomach cramps can often be associated with stress , especially with constant stress . Those affected can often experience and report very impressively the connections between the complaints and stressful situations at work or in the relationship. If the complaints arise in the workplace because there are often arguments and they disappear completely on vacation, the connection to the psychological situation is made very quickly.

The expression “hit the stomach” is no coincidence – the organ is particularly sensitive to psychological stimuli such as stress. (Image: Wayhome Studio /

The fact that the stomach of all things reacts so sensitively to psychological stimuli has to do with its nerve network and the direct connection to the immune system. It is supplied by numerous vegetative nerve fibers that involuntarily control its activities. These fibers belong to a dense network of nerves, also called the abdominal brain. It controls the digestive processes without people having to or being able to consciously intervene in these processes.

Not only does the stomach produce stomach acid, it is also responsible for absorbing vitamin B12. A deficiency in this vital substance weakens the immune system and makes the stomach lining more vulnerable. Continuous negative stress affects both systems by changing the sensitivity of the nerves and weakening the immune system.

Concomitant symptoms

Stomach cramps are often associated with other symptoms. First and foremost, these are severe pain, which those affected often describe as pulling and stabbing. They are usually located in the upper abdomen, but they can also radiate to other areas of the body, such as the back and heart area. Conversely, ailments that come from the heart can be perceived as apparent stomach cramps.

The duration of the cramps can vary greatly. The time ranges from a few seconds to minutes. The same applies to the entire duration of the cramp. Sometimes it is very short and can be relieved quickly with appropriate posture and simple aids. In other cases it is very long and can hardly be influenced.

Other symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and fever usually point to an infection, another inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract or food poisoning. People with mental stomach cramps may also have other symptoms that may suggest the cause. This can be stress-related behavior, emotional overload or fear reactions. However, these signs are often hidden or difficult to see.

Diet change

In many cases, stomach upsets are harmless and result from poor diet. However, laypeople are usually unable to determine with absolute certainty whether their stomach cramps are actually from eating or drinking or from worse illnesses. That is why it is always important to see a doctor in order to find out the cause and rule out serious illnesses.

The layman often cannot tell whether existing stomach cramps are “only” due to a wrong diet. Therefore a doctor’s visit is advisable. (Image: Minerva Studio /

The diagnosis begins with the consultation with the doctor (anamnesis). The patients describe the development and course of their complaints as precisely as possible. The location, intensity and duration of the pain can be of decisive importance for the diagnosis, as can accompanying symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever and stress.

In the physical exam, the doctor feels the abdomen. He can use it to determine any pressure pain in the stomach area or the surrounding organs and changes in the tension of the abdominal wall. The rest of the diagnostic process will continue with a blood test to check signs of inflammation, liver and kidney values, enzyme levels in the pancreas, and vitamin B12 status.

An ultrasound examination gives the doctor a quick overview of the condition of all abdominal organs. The method of choice for examining the stomach for abnormal changes in particular is a gastroscopy. An endoscopic instrument is inserted into the stomach through the mouth, larynx, and esophagus. The doctor can use an integrated mini camera to obtain a precise overview of the condition of the gastric mucosa. If a pathological finding is suspected, he can immediately take tissue samples for the histological examination.


Therapy has to be based on the underlying cause. Since this can be very heterogeneous, this is also the treatment. It ranges from classic conventional medical care to changing your diet to suitable home and natural remedies.

Conventional medical care

Infectious and chronic inflammatory processes in the stomach can be treated with medication. In the case of bacterial infections, appropriate antibiotics are administered to combat the germs that cause it. So-called proton pump inhibitors can also be used. These are medicines that reduce the production of stomach acid and protect the stomach lining. This ensures that it can recover quickly after being freed from the germs.

For inflammatory gastric infections, proton pump inhibitors such as pantoprazole can be used, which reduce the production of gastric acid. (Image: Zerbor /

For a gastric ulcer, the therapy is somewhat more extensive. In addition to antibiotics and stomach protection, so-called antacids often have to be given. These are drugs that reduce the acidity in the stomach. If the cause of the gastric ulcer cannot be eliminated, the drug must be taken permanently. Surgical procedures are used for gastric ulcers that break through or about to break through the stomach wall and for malignant stomach tumors.

Home remedies and natural remedies

If pathological processes are excluded as causative factors for stomach problems, simple but effective means can usually alleviate the problem. Acute heat applications are very suitable for this. This can be the hot water bottle, but also cherry stone or herb pillows that are heated in the oven or in the microwave.

Warm wraps made from potatoes, cabbage, quark or flaxseed can also help. The warmth relaxes the cramped muscles, promotes blood circulation and often quickly increases wellbeing. Calm favors the process. Certain types of tea can also support the relaxation process. This includes chamomile, lemon balm and mint tea, as well as mixtures of fennel, caraway and anise or sage tea.

If the cramps last longer, nature has a whole range of herbal preparations that soothe the gastric mucosa in the long term. In addition to teas, extracts in the form of oil, boiled decoctions and drops of linseed, sea ​​buckthorn , fennel , ginger and coriander have proven themselves . For stomach cramps with diarrhea, healing clay can have a positive effect. Dissolved in warm water and drunk, it can bind harmful substances in the stomach.

In addition to the herbal active ingredients mentioned, heat treatment in the context of natural medicine is also ideal for stomach cramps. (Image: Voyagerix /

Measures against permanent stress

Long-term stress as a triggering factor for stomach cramps is usually caused by the personal or professional environment or by the personality of the person concerned. In order to avoid further convulsive attacks, it is important for those affected to eliminate the stress-causing factors. It may be necessary to seek professional help for this.

There are a few simple tools that can reduce stress levels or improve how you deal with them. All of these measures are designed to reduce stress-related tension and calm down. A simple remedy for this can be abdominal massages with caraway or lavender oil. Specific relaxation methods such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation can also help. But it doesn’t always have to be special applications. It is important to take the time to relax and to get out of the daily grind. Walks, listening to music, talking to friends and anything else that is good for you are suitable for this.

Diet change

A change in diet is important for those whose complaints are related to the composition of the food and persist for a long time. A simple example of this is food intolerance. Those affected learn very quickly that their symptoms are related to certain nutrients and will avoid them.

Stomach pain that lasts longer, for example as part of an infectious disease or after an operation, always requires some form of light food . The stomach is very sensitive due to the disease and the therapy and should not be additionally irritated by the food. More frequent, small meals with preparations that are mild and do not require much digestive activity are suitable for this. Acid and spicy foods, alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

Typical meals that fit this profile are warm soups, mashed potatoes or semolina, and yogurt. Porridge or white bread can also be eaten, but should be chewed thoroughly and for a long time before swallowing to relieve the stomach of the work. Drinking regularly is very important for people who have stomach problems . This keeps the metabolic processes going and helps to avoid constipation . This also relieves the stomach


by Abdullah Sam
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