Stardew Valley | Characters you can marry

As if the variety of options we have in Stardew Valley were not enough , we can also marry and have children with the characters in the game itself, something that will take us some time, of course. Of course, you will not be able to marry all the characters in the game, since there are some that have a partner from the beginning.

All the unmarriageable villagers in Stardew Valley

This time, we will tell you about the characters that you will not be able to marry , since they will have a partner since you arrived in the town, but you will be able to have a friendship with them without any problem, since by doing so, different missions and events will be unlocked for you throughout the game. The characters that we will not be able to marry are the following:

appearance name birthday
Caroline 7 Winter
Clint 26 Winter
Demetrius 19 Summer
Dwarf 22 Summer
Evelyn 20 Winter
George 24 Autumn
Gus 8 Summer
Jas 4 Summer
Jodi 11 Autumn
Kent 4 Spring
Krobus Winter 1
Leo 26 Summer
Lewis 7 Spring
Linus 3 Winter
Marnie 18 Autumn
Pam 18 Spring
Pierre 26 Spring
Rasmodius 17 Winter
Robin 21 Autumn
Sandy 15 Autumn
Vincent 10 Spring
Willy 24 Summer

Be careful, not talking to villagers on a daily basis will slightly lower your friendship level, so if you’re looking to maintain a stable friendship, remember to stop by and chat with them for a while. Also, you can give one gift per day and two per week, but keep in mind that if you’re married, your partner will wonder why you’re giving gifts to other people instead of them.