Standard and Non-Standard Sentences

When we are going to make types of paragraphs , types of essays or various texts in Indonesian, we will arrange and compose several sentences. Sentences commonly used in paragraphs , essays, texts, or other written communications are standard sentences. Meanwhile, non-standard sentences are generally used in a conversation that we have everyday.

On this occasion, we will briefly about the sentence raw and standard sentence is not related to understanding, functionality, characteristics, and an example of each.


According to Sasangka (2014), a sentence is the smallest language unit that can express a complete mind or every speech that can reveal complete information. The standard sentence is a sentence whose writing is in accordance with standard language rules and can convey information appropriately. Conversely, non-standard sentences are sentences whose writing is not in accordance with the existing standard language rules.

Standard sentences are usually used in the following situations.

  • Official communications, for example official correspondence such as official letters, commercial letters , and others; announcements of official agencies, legislation, official names and terms, and so on.
  • Technical discourse such as official reports, textbooks, and others.
  • Public discussion such as lectures, lectures, discussions , and so on.
  • Talk in accordance with the place, situation, and conditions, for example with people who are older or respected.


Language plays a very important role in communicating and fostering cooperation. The role in question is generally identical to the standard language function. In other words, the standard sentence function refers to the standard language function, namely:

  • as a means of unifying social, culture and language
  • as a marker of personality to speak and communicate
  • as an increase in authority for officials or intellectuals
  • as a marker of scientific reference and writing scientific essays

Meanwhile, the function of non-standard sentences is to add comfort, intimacy, and to create a more relaxed atmosphere when communicating.


Both standard and non-standard sentences have their own characteristics. The following are characteristics of standard sentences and non-standard sentences.

No. Standard Sentence Non-Standard Sentences
1. Have a minimum of subject and predicate. Has no subject or predicate or both.
2. Be economical in using words, in the sense of not using words, phrases or other forms that are deemed unnecessary even though they do not violate grammar rules. Using unnecessary words, phrases or other forms.
3. Having parallels or parallels, namely the similarity of the form of the word before and after the conjunction in one sentence. It does not have any parallels or parallels, in the sense that there is no similarity in the form of the word before and after the conjunction in one sentence.
4. Logical and reasonable, in the sense that the elements in the sentence have a logical relationship. It is not logical because the elements in the sentence do not have a logical relationship.
5. Use proper spelling according to the rules in the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling . These rules include writing capital letters and italics, writing numbers and number symbols, using punctuation or punctuation, writing particles, using articles, writing acronyms and abbreviations, writing loan words, and writing standard words . The spelling used is incorrect or not in accordance with the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling.
6. Use conjunctions appropriately. In standard sentences, conjunctions must be used simultaneously or in pairs like either… or…; no… but…; not… but… ; and more… than… . As for conjunctions that cannot be used simultaneously, among others, even though… but…; because… then…; because… so that…; although… but…; if then …; and if… then… . Conjunctions are used inappropriately.
7. Not ambiguous , in the sense that the person being invited to communicate can understand and understand what is meant. Ambiguous in nature so that often misinterpretation.
8. Prepositions are used correctly and correctly, such as meeting with, talking about, to-, to-, to, to, rather than. Prepositions not used properly.
9. Putting a description of aspects such as want, want, will, have to, not, have, or want exactly. Aspect description is not placed correctly.
10. Free from regional languages ​​and lexical and grammatical elements of regional dialects. Influenced by regional languages ​​and lexical and grammatical elements of regional dialects.


Here are some examples of standard and non-standard sentences in Indonesian.

No. Standard Sentence Non-Standard Sentences
1. The drink contains poison. In the drink it contains poison.
2. English needs to be taught to students. Students need to be taught English.
3. The incident shows that his work is not right. With that incident it shows his job is not right.
4. Because he was not invited, he did not study together. Because he was not invited, he did not study together.
5. Father has been waiting for you since morning. Father has been waiting for you since morning.
6. Many spectators were disappointed with the program presented. Many viewers were disappointed with the program that was presented.
7. Acts of cruelty, violence, and oppression are not praiseworthy. Cruelty, violence, and oppression are not praiseworthy.
8. Father helped the boy by leading him to the side of the road. Father helped the boy by leading him to the side of the road.
9. The price of fuel is frozen or increased in a flexible manner. The price of fuel is frozen or the increase is flexible.
10. The book discusses the problem of environmental pollution. The book discusses environmental pollution issues.
11. Indrawati picks a red rose. Indrawati picks a red rose.
12. My father bought seven sacks of rice. Father bought seven sacks of rice.
13. The female designer died in a horrible hotel room. The female fashion designer died tragically in a hotel room.
14. Raden Saleh’s paintings are very expensive. Raden Saleh’s paintings are very expensive.
15. An entrepreneur must be good at analyzing the market situation. An entrepreneur must be good at analyzing the market situation.
16. They will meet the Mayor of Bandung. They will meet the mayor of Bandung.
17. Both men and women have the right to be elected and to choose. Both men and women have the right to be elected and to vote.
18. If you study hard, you will succeed. If you study hard, you will succeed.
19. They talk about what happened last night. They talk about what happened last night.
20. This watch is made of wood. This watch is made of wood.
21. He sleeps at night. He sleeps at night.
22. I want to talk to you about that matter. I want to talk to you about that matter.
23. Why are you leaving? Why did you go?
24. Don’t go with him. Don’t go with him.
25. The results of this study can provide input to the world of communication science . The results of this research can provide assistance to the world of communication science.
26. This disaster was caused by humans. This disaster was caused by human activity .
27. Lots of trash littered the side of the road. Lots of rubbish littered the side of the road.
28. Children clean their school environment. Many children clean their school environment.
29. The environment is cleaned so that it does not become a den of disease. The environment is cleaned so that it does not become a den of disease.
30. This is our fault. This is our fault.
31. Many trees were cut down arbitrarily. Many trees were cut down arbitrarily.
32. Several environmental issues are being handled by the government. Several environmental issues are being handled by the government.
33. The fathers worked together to clean the village. The fathers work together to clean the village .
34. The policeman succeeded in uncovering many cases. The policeman succeeded in uncovering many cases.
35. Cover your book to keep it clean and tidy. Cover your books to keep them clean and tidy.
36. Pancasila is the state ideology. Pancasila is the state ideology.
37. The accident was caused by a sleepy bus driver. The accident was caused by a sleepy bus driver.
38. Take the medicine so that you get better quickly. Take the medicine so that you get better quickly.
39. I come from the Dayak tribe . I come from the Dayak tribe.
40. The accident victim was taken to the hospital. The accident victim was taken to the hospital.

This is a brief review of standard and non-standard sentences in Indonesian. Other articles that can be read in them are given examples of sentences raw and sentences are not standard , provide an example sentence raw and not raw , give an example of a sentence is not raw , give an example of a sentence is not raw converted into a sentence raw , give examples of sentences raw , give examples of how to change non-standard sentences become standard sentences , and examples of standard and non-standard words and their meanings . Hope it is useful. Thank you.


by Abdullah Sam
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