St. John’s wort: all the properties, benefits and contraindications of St. John’s wort

Natural antidepressant and useful remedy in different situations, hypericum or St. John’s wort has numerous benefits but also contraindications that should not be underestimated

You will probably have seen in some meadow in spring-summer some beautiful yellow flowers that according to ancient customs are collected in particular on June 24, the day dedicated to St. John. According to popular tradition, in fact, the herbs collected on this night have a particular power, are able to drive away any disease and all their characteristics and properties are enhanced and at maximum power.

Read also: Hypericum or St. John’s wort, uses and potential 

The flowers collected from this plant are then used to produce a hypericum-based oleolite , which is beneficial for skin health but not only.


  • Properties of hypericum
  • Benefits of Hypericum
  • Contraindications of hypericum

Properties of hypericum

Certainly among the best known properties of hypericum is its ability to fight depressive and anxious states . St. John’s wort is in fact considered a powerful natural antidepressant and used alone or in combination with other natural remedies (such as passion flower or valerian ) in cases where, at the same time, mood problems are present. , disorders such as insomnia or anxiety .

It seems that the antidepressant action of St. John’s wort, currently also confirmed by various scientific researches, is due in particular to the ability to increase serotonin levels as well as, in the case of sleep disorders, to regulating the production of melatonin in turn responsible for an effective sleep-wake rhythm.

Traditionally, Hypericum was used to treat wounds and burns, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerative power for the skin. In this sense, hypericum oil is very useful, which can also be self-produced starting from the flowers, to be harvested precisely in the summer.

In the past, the Hypericum was then used as a disinfectant for its antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic qualities , or as a painkiller to be applied in case of pain or wounds.

Benefits of Hypericum

Thanks to its naturally sedative and antidepressant action against the nervous system, hypericum can be an excellent remedy in times of great stress in which you may feel down on a psychological and emotional level, even more so if in addition to the bad mood you are subject even to anxiety attacks.

Since St. John’s wort helps to have a positive mental attitude, this plant is often recommended as a mood booster when deciding to quit smoking .

In this case, herbal teas based on St. John’s wort and other plants with calming and sedative power are recommended in the lightest cases . If, on the other hand, the situation is more chronic or you need a stronger and more immediate action, real supplements are used , products in which the active ingredients of the plant are more concentrated.

Given its anti-inflammatory power, St. John’s wort can also be recommended in case of gastritis or gastric ulcer.

L ‘ St. John’s Wort oil can be found readily available in all health food stores and pharmacies, can be very useful in case of minor burns, wounds, dry skin, fungus, scars, stretch marks , or psoriasis . It is enough to apply a few drops several times a day to have a soothing and healing effect, also excellent to massage on the perineum to massage it and rehabilitate it after childbirth.

Let’s not forget that, like many other vegetable oils, St. John’s wort which is characterized by a reddish color is an excellent natural anti-aging . Applying it every night before going to sleep on the face and neck can have good results, sometimes even better than the most well-known anti-wrinkle products.

If you want to try to self-produce your hypericum oleolite you can follow the recipe you find here:

Read also: Oleolites: 10 do-it-yourself recipes

Contraindications of hypericum

Hypericum is one of the natural remedies with more marked contraindications and absolutely not to be underestimated. In fact, St. John’s wort can interact with different types of drugs , increasing or decreasing their effect with very dangerous health risks. This is why, before choosing this remedy, it is always better to ask the opinion of your doctor who will evaluate whether it is a more or less viable solution based on the state of health and the intake of medicines. Those with which the greatest interference are noted are antidepressants, some cancer drugs, anticoagulants and medicines that are taken for heart problems, transplants or AIDS.

Hypericum also conflicts with the contraceptive pill and could nullify its effectiveness. Absolutely not recommended for use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Also be careful to use St. John’s wort oil and then undergo tanning lamps or sunlight. In fact, its photosensitizing effects are known which can create irritation and skin problems.


by Abdullah Sam
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