Solution: ‘Speed ​​Drifters closes itself or the screen stays black’

Throughout the history of phones, there have been certain developers of Apps and video games that create applications which completely change the way phones are viewed and used. These Apps can be very varied, and developed by a variety of people. For example, in 2009, Jan Koum and Bryan Acton created a company called WhatsApp, which revolutionized the use of Android and iPhone devices.

Likewise, in modern times there are developers who have created a trend , such as Niantic with Pokemon Go, which can be downloaded and updated for free even without the need for the Playstore. However, there is a developer that has long earned the merit, recognition and popularity that they have today, this is Garena.

What games has Garena developed?

Thanks to their keen interest in bringing triple-A title experiences to a low-budget market , Garena has ported many Third Person Shooter, First Person Shooter and Auto Racing games which are acclaimed by critics and gamers. Worldwide.

Among these games, Garena developed Free Fire, which ended up being an essential title for the modern gamer . This game, which can be downloaded for free for Android and PC, allowed a large number of people to access the wave of Battle Royale games without the need to spend large amounts of money, since these are games whose requirements are covered by the vast majority of modern devices from low-end to high-end.

Despite being games with such low graphic loads , there are devices that are really too old to run programs like this.

However, there are several other error codes , so many people wonder why Free Fire cannot be downloaded and played, the answer to this almost always has to do with the game requirements and the capabilities of the phones. It is important to note that Free Fire can also be played with a console controller on PC and Android.

Recently, Garena announced and published their newest installment , which is Speed ​​Drifters. This one seeks to bring an experience similar to that of Mario Kart Tour. However, Speed ​​Drifters is the game that millions of people choose par excellence on Mario Kart Tour. This is because it is a game that requires less phone requirements and has a more attractive system for Spanish-speaking players.

What requirements does Speed ​​Drifters have?

It is a game with a simple visual section, which can be seen in the system requirements. These do not differ much from those of Free Fire, and this is because the two games are created with the same system and graphics engine .

In order to download and run these games you will need to have 1024 MB of internal storage available, a processor with a power greater than 1.6 Ghz, a 3 GB RAM and a permanent internet connection to be able to play.

The internet connection is required because Speed ​​Drifters always saves your progress in the cloud files, this allows people to easily retrieve their progress through an account system, with which you can link your social networks for quick access when playing games.

Fix for when Speed ​​Drifters goes black screen or closes on its own

This is always a problem that can be easily diagnosed by the behavior of the phone and the App. If your phone tries to open the App, but closes it and hangs, it is very likely that it will not be able to run the game.

If you want to check the capabilities of your phone, you must access settings and review the hardware information of the device, and compare it with the minimum requirements .

Sometimes phones are able to run the application but have download errors. If you think this happened, you need to remove the app through Settings. Once you delete it, you have to check the Playstore and activate the download again, so that you can make sure that the files are downloaded correctly and you do not have corrupted data.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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