Solution: Adobe software is not genuine in Windows 10

Today, Adobe has switched to a subscription model in order to use its products. For those who already have a single license, they can continue to use the previous version of Adobe apps without any kind of problem. The problem is when the annoying message that the software from Adobe is not original in Windows 10 .

Adobe relies on product keys and online accounts to verify that we use genuine software. But in order to verify the account as the product key, an underlying service is used. On some occasions this service may fail and block the applications that we have purchased.

We must clarify that these methods do not allow to use Adobe for free and it is not a guide to patch or pirate the software. In order to use any Adobe product, it is essential to purchase a paid license or subscription.

Repair Adobe software is not genuine in Windows 10.

The first thing we will have to do is go to the Task Manager, this is very simple; We will have to right click on an empty space on the taskbar and then choose “Task Manager”.

If this is the first time you open it, we are going to click on “More” in the lower left part of the window. Then we will have to go to the “Processes” tab. Now we will have to right click on “Adobe Genuine Integrity” and select “Open file location”. In case we do not see this process, we will have to make sure that there is an open Adobe application.

We will right click on the “Adobe Genuine Integrity” service and we will have to select “End task”. Now we go to the folder that we opened earlier when we clicked on “Open file location”, we will have to delete the “AdobeGCIClient” folder.

How to fix “Adobe software is not genuine” from the Command Prompt

We can also do this from the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell . To do this we will have to click on “Start” and write “Command Prompt”, then we go to the right side and choose “Run with administrator rights”.

Once the CMD window opens , we will have to type “sc delete AGSService” without the quotes and press “Enter”.

Uninstall the Adobe startup drive

The Adobe startup utility is one of the several applications that are installed when we install any Adobe product, removing it will erase the message that the adobe software is not genuine.

  • For this we are going to open Command Prompt with administrator rights.
  • In the window we are going to write the command “sc delete AAMUpdater” without the quotes and press “Enter”.
  • After this, we will have to open the “Task Scheduler”.
  • Here we are going to look for the task called “AdobeAAMUpdater”.
  • We right click on said task and we will have to select “Delete”.

As you can see, it is extremely easy to find the solution to the problem of Adobe software is not genuine in Windows 10.