Social isolation and mental health: how does quarantine affect your well-being

    • Do exercises
    • Get online therapy
    • Get closer to loved ones through technology
    • Do what you most enjoy doing
    • Practice meditation
    • Exercise your empathy

What is the relationship between social isolation and mental health?

Brazil is a place where the mental state is already shaken. A recent WHO study shows that the country has the largest number of anxious people worldwide .

In other words: social isolation and mental health are deeply related here. After all, overnight we were forced to stay indoors – whether for leisure or for day-to-day work.

It is also worth keeping an eye on the tips we have recently brought to those who have changed their habits and have to speed up productivity even at home. Save the reading, then, of our post with tips for you to work better during the home office !

But the problem goes beyond the productivity that managers expect from their employees, even working from home. With social isolation, we are bombarded with negativity , such as:

  • uncertainties about the country’s economic scenario;
  • insecurity about their position within the company;
  • concern for loved ones, exposed or not to the virus;
  • fears about the future of the country and around the world.

The news doesn’t help either. They are everywhere exploring new perspectives on the subject and, as it is still a fresh subject in society, all information is basically an uncertain projection yet.

It is also worth mentioning the obvious: social isolation and mental health are united due precisely to this distance. We have lost contact with others, the warm and empathic habit of being around .

This can aggravate any psychological symptom (or stimulate their appearance). Hence, the importance of learning how to deal with this new situation in our lives!

How to take care of your mental well-being during quarantine?

So that the situation does not get worse and you feel the negative effects of this relationship between social isolation and your mental health, check out which tips below can help you for this moment!

Filter the information you consume well during quarantine

Nowadays, we have access to all kinds of information. Anywhere, anytime. And for that very reason, the news about the recent pandemic is causing so much fanfare.

The smartphone is always at hand and, consequently, the bombardment of news (some of them, fake news ) appears in the feed of social networks, on the websites you access most and also on other sources of information, such as TV, newspapers, etc.

It is not for nothing that people give in to the pressure of encountering so much bad news and in such a short time. Hence, the importance of doing this sparingly. Instead of constantly accessing websites and social networks, create a routine of longer intervals to find out.

Also, silence notifications from news portals and, above all, learn to identify fake news . Your mental health – and that of your loved ones – is grateful.

Create a healthy routine

You already had a routine before quarantine, right? So, try to replicate it in your present day. Use a pre-established schedule to work, exercise, eat, have some leisure time and also rest .

It is also important to wake up and sleep at the same time. The body is better regulated in this way, and you do not have the impression that you are “on vacation”. It is also worth noting that the hours have changed and you do not spend another minute to commute to work.

So, you gain extra time, on the day, to establish the routine you have been considering to have more time to do what you always wanted to do – but I did not find free time for that.

Do exercises

Of course, you don’t go to the gym for this, but social isolation and mental health are all about routine exercise (no matter how small). You can do yoga and look for other activities that do not use weights and dumbbells used in weight training.

A tip: there are several apps that set up personalized exercise schedules . So, you have a routine dedicated to your goals and needs that can be done from anywhere, anytime.

Get online therapy

Whoever did – or did not – therapy before the pandemic landed in our lives, can keep it inserted in the routine by digital means. Via videoconferences, for example: a practice that many professionals are joining to take care of their patients’ mental health.

Even those who did not have the habit, before that, can try one or more sessions. Especially, if anxiety, stress and depression are accumulating in your face, behaviors and attitudes.

Taking care of yourself is fundamental, regardless of a quarantine. So if you feel the need to talk to someone about it, seek expert help.

Get closer to loved ones through technology

Do you know how many people complained that they didn’t have time to see a dear and distant person, a relative or childhood friends? There is no better time to deal with this today.

Not to mention that you don’t even have to leave the house for this! With instant messaging applications, video conferences and also through social networks, it has never been easier to “say hello” to someone in the next room or on another continent.

It is also worth noting that these tools are essential to mitigate the effects of social isolation and mental health . And we’re not just talking about internal benefits. After all, more people may be feeling the same way as you. So, it’s a great way to help others.

Help make a difference in the emotional well-being of others, not just you. The more together (even at a distance), the better!

Do what you most enjoy doing

Having more free time, how about dedicating yourself to the projects you want to do more, but have been delaying due to the most diverse reasons? Can be:

  • learn a new language;
  • dedicate themselves to learning to play a musical instrument;
  • marathon your favorite series and films;
  • take the first step towards planning your own company;
  • cook new recipes for you and / or your family;
  • set up an online channel on social networks.

The possibilities go far, far beyond the tips above. Just retrieve from memory what you want to do, and plan to add this activity to your daily life. It can bring even more benefits than you expected, believe me.

Practice meditation

Nowadays, many websites, applications and even on social networks there are qualified people who teach and do meditation sessions with users . It is the most practical and accessible way to feel the positive effects of meditation on your skin (and in your mind).

For a few minutes a day, you dedicate yourself to silence and contemplation – something that helps to ward off negative thoughts and anxiety, among other limiting psychological factors.

With practice, you can even get a taste for the experience and insert meditation into your routine when this madness caused by the proliferation of the virus comes to an end. There is no harm in that, you can be sure of that!

Exercise your empathy

First, start your day with a positive thought. Remember that, even with the bad news, we will go through and overcome this very unusual, dangerous and impacting experience in everyone’s life .

So you can use this positivism to exercise empathy as well. It is essential for you to learn to deal with your problems better, and use your positive efforts to help others.

Remember: in a quarantine situation, where everyone is feeling its effects, the well-being of one means the well-being of all There is no point in nourishing negative feelings, so if it doesn’t help you and neither does the next one.

More than ever, we need to understand what is going on with people besides ourselves. Social isolation and mental health, after all, is a subject that has interfered in everyone’s life. The main difference is the way it affects people. And if you can help, why not?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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