So you can make Gmail reply automatically

It is clear that in the world we live in, time is not something that is precisely about. We are in a society that forces us to follow a frenetic pace in many cases, so if we find something that can help us in our day to day, it will always be appreciated, no matter how little it is. Well, today we are going to tell you how to respond to the emails we receive in Gmail with predetermined responses created by us.

Google’s mail service is very well built to help the user in many ways and in the matter of answering emails it has everything quite well implemented. Not only can you create default responses, but they also have what is called smart responses .

What are smart responses?

This service provided by Gmail is about responses that the system creates and is responsible for showing us based on the content of the message written in an email. This feature is very useful and practical, since we can respond to an email very quickly .

It is a very fast system to answer the emails that reach us, since, just by tapping on the mobile screen, we will be able to send the answer that we have considered the most appropriate.

To work properly, this Gmail system analyzes the text that we have received in the email and from there creates three responses so that we can reply to said email without having to write anything. These options appear at the bottom in blue.

This system evolves as we use it , learning from which options we use the most and thus getting as close as possible to our expressions and ways of answering messages.

Default responses in Gmail

Although smart answers are very interesting, we should not confuse them with the default answers which are what we are going to talk about now.

We can say that, at the moment in which the intelligent answers are not valid to answer a type of emails, it is when the predetermined or redefined ones come into play .

These types of responses are ideal to answer the messages that we receive daily and that we must respond in the same way. That is, they are a kind of templates or standard messages that we have created ourselves and with which we will quickly reply to one or more emails, without the need to write.

The positive part is that we have previously written them and we do not depend on the system to “get it right” in its answer as it did in intelligent answers.

Create default responses

To create our own default responses in Gmail, the first thing we are going to have to do is enter our account from the browser.

  • Once inside we are going to enter Settings by clicking on the gear icon.
  • Now we go to Advanced Settings .
  • We must scroll down until we find the Default responses (templates) option .
  • What we must do now is check Enable .

With this we get Gmail to allow us to create response templates by saving those messages we write thanks to a button on the toolbar of the writing window where we write new messages. In any case, we can also use predetermined answers through filters or templates already created by the program itself.

To create a new default response we must perform the following steps:

  • We click on the button to write a new message .
  • We write the subject and the body of the message itself .
  • Once this is done, we must click on the menu button , which are three points that are located in the lower right part.
  • Then we go to Default responses and then we click Save .
  • Now we select New predefined response . Then we must give it a name and click OK .

As we have already created a default response, each time we have an email and we are going to reply to it, we will already be able to choose that response.

For that, all we have to do, once we have marked the option to respond in a message that has reached us, is the following:

  • We click on the menu button , which as we have mentioned lines above are three points located in the lower right part.
  • Now we must choose Predefined responses , just like when we created them, except that we must then click on Insert .
  • Now we will see all the names of the predefined responses that we have. We just have to choose the one that best suits the message we have received. At that time we will see how this response appears in the body of the message.
  • At that moment, all you have to do is click Send and the message will be answered.

As you have seen, in this way we have only used a couple of clicks to reply to a message, without having to write a single letter.

Reply with filters

But not everything stops there, we can also use our default responses to apply Gmail filters to them . In this way, the response system is much more automated, making it even more comfortable.

We can assign a specific response to messages that have in their subject or in the message certain words that we have previously defined. This means that when it detects this type of email, the system will respond automatically and we will not have to do anything.

To achieve this we only have to do the following:

  • We select a message that meets all the requirements that we estimate to be able to respond to it with one of the predetermined responses that we have.
  • We enter the menu and select Filter similar messages .
  • Then a window will open where you can create a filter. We can indicate the words that we want it to detect to respond to the message (both in the subject and in the body). When we have finished configuring it, click on Create filter .
  • Then we choose the Send predefined response option and select the response from the drop-down.
  • The last thing we have to do is click on Create Filter , so that from now on each message that they send us and that meets the requirements that we have marked, will respond automatically.

How you have been able to see with this system it is much easier to manage the amount of emails that do not reach our Gmail.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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