Six science-backed benefits of the Pothos plant

Pothos is a tropical shrub, commonly grown as a domestic plant. It is very popular indoors for decorating your home and for its low maintenance and light tolerance. But there is more to it – several recent Golden Pothos plant benefit studies have shown that pothos is one of the most beneficial domestic plants.

Read more: Snake Plant has 3 unknown benefits

Common  Names : Devil’s Ivy, Golden Pothos, Silvervine, Money Plant, Silver Pothos, etc.

Botanical name:  Epiprium arium

2. The short service grew

Pothos grow short in any domestic situation – it grows well in the sun and shade, moist and dry soil – to keep it in direct light for best results. In low light it does not have such a distinctive color.

Note: According to this survey , gold pothos plants can survive the drought.

2. Breeds easily

Potholes are much easier to grow than other domestic plants. All you have to do is cut the bottom to the bottom 8 to 12 inches. Keep this cutting in clean water and change the water once a week. Plant pothos in a container as new roots begin to germinate.

2. It is a plant that grows without sunlight

Potholes can grow without direct sunlight; This domestic plant also grows under low temperatures, low light and drought conditions. These plants are less diverse and grow very slowly but will not die easily. Also, these plants do not have much effect in terms of improved air circulation and air-conditioned offices and residences. Although the leaves are soft, the plant is strong! Learn more about these national plants here .

2. Air purifier domestic plants

Pothos are very suitable for removing volatile organic compounds and toxins from the surrounding air. NASA’s Clean Air Survey found that the Pothos plant removes contaminants such as benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene from the air. The harmful effects of these pollutants are very serious and the way these pollutants harm us:

Note:  You can see this study on Japanese pothos here , which confirms the pothos plant’s ability to purify the air.

Read more:  Build a tropical garden in winter weather 


Frequent exposure to benzene is tobacco smoke, vehicle smoke, gas stations and factory emissions. Apparently harmful things like paints, glue, detergents, and furniture waxes also increase the level of benzene in the air, even in indoors. Exposure to benzene results in the loss of bone marrow cells, which can cause anemia. Long-term exposure to benzene weakens our immune system, making us more susceptible to various diseases and ailments.  See this article to learn more about benzene and its effects on human health .


Causes of burning of formaldehyde due to burning of wood products, carpets, cigarette smoke and wood burning stoves, kerosene heaters and gas stoves without emission channels. Watery eyes, irritation to the nose and eyes, may occur due to short-term happy formaldehyde contact in the throat. It is the leading cause of cancer and leukemia, according to the International Cancer Institute. Formaldehyde has many more adverse effects on human health.

Read more: Formaldehyde Removal Plants

Carbon monoxide

The level of carbon monoxide inside the house is increased mainly due to gas heaters, wood fires, some electrical appliances. Children at high risk, infants in the mother’s womb, and the elderly are among the high-risk individuals. Also, if you have a long-term illness, breathing problems or anemia, carbon monoxide emissions can affect you more than a healthy person. Headaches, nausea, and dizziness are the result of inhaling carbon monoxide gas. The presence of high levels of carbon monoxide in the surrounding air can also lead to death.


Xylene is present in a variety of household and industrial items such as glue, gasoline, paint, varnish, etc. It affects our central nervous system during breathing and can cause nausea, dizziness, and headaches. The continuous emission of xylene made its effects even more noticeable and fatal.


Colors are extracted from materials like thin sheets, varnishes, gasoline and nail polish from the interior of Toluene. Toluene affects the central nervous system and if you come in contact with it for a short period of time you may have headache, dizziness or fainting. Toluene has long-lasting effects of dehydration that can reduce vision and hearing loss.

Pothosa of formaldehyde and other volatile organic chemicals to remove materials that were recently carried out a test with the help of NASA, about the  Learn more.

2. It increases the humidity

Humid air can protect you from cold and influenza because the virus cannot easily transmit moist air, it keeps your skin dry. Dry air, however, multiplies allergic reactions, dust and airborne pollutants. Happily, the pothos plant also increases the humidity around the house.

However, while there is not enough research to guide how many pothos you need to keep per room, NASA’s tests also revealed that the golden pothos increases the humidity of the room.

2. It is great to see

A plant which is pothosa Pvt second that something’s on the rise. The special feature of this houseplant is that you can allow it to grow as you want it to hang or roll. Also, like other domestic plants, it does not fade due to lack of sunlight.

The varied bright yellow and green leaves look attractive due to their heart-shaped and waxy surface.

2. Versatile plant

You can grow potholes in any way you like, nurture them as a versatile plant for the aesthetic enhancement of the decoration room. Place it on a shelf, office desk, table, kitchen or hang it through a window. You can train to bring it into a loop or some other form.

2. Feng Shui resort

Feng shui is one of the methods that bring improvement and happiness to life by decorating homes and furniture. There was a belief common in ancient China. The success of future life depends on the decoration of this house. If you believe in feng shui, golden pothos have a role to play in its approach. Why? This is because feng shui experts consider this to be a force that eliminates negative energy. Above all, it removes contaminants from the air. For this reason it is advisable to keep pothos near WiFi, television, router or computer. The potential benefits are that it relieves mental exhaustion and improves sleep quality.

2. It’s called Devil Ivy or Money Plant

This beautiful domestic plant has many unusual names. One of these is Devil’s Ivy. Because it’s hard to kill. Furthermore, some people consider it a weed. Also, in many countries it is known as money plant , it is believed that if you keep it at home you can become rich.

2. At peace

A study conducted on 4 Japanese men found that touching the leaves of golden pothos had a peaceful effect on the mind.

2. It absorbs carbon dioxide and ozone

One of the health benefits of the pothos plant is that it is an effective domestic plant to absorb carbon dioxide.
Another study related to three common home plants found that snack plants, spider plants and pothos can also absorb ozone, which is one of the most polluting air pollutants. You can read this article to find out how ozone is harmful to you if it is present in your home and its emissions sources .


We hope you know many beautiful and wonderful information about Pothos. Reading this information surely made the decision to have pothos in your home. You can collect pothos from any nursery near Gapna, as well as a beautiful pot of clay or ceramics designed to enhance the beauty of the room. There are many important health benefits.


by Abdullah Sam
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