Silene: properties and uses in the kitchen

Let’s discover the properties of silene, a wild edible herb that is very common in Italy and much appreciated in traditional cooking.

Introduction to Silene

Silene , Silene vulgaris or italica , is a very common plant in Italy, Spain and Portugal. Its shoots appear at the beginning of spring and, counted among the edible wild herbs, are highly appreciated in cooking.

From May to September in our fields, meadows and along our roads appear the flowers of Silene, also called moon flowers . They are very particular because they look like pink calyxes with white or pink flowers at the top.

In Friulian the flowers are called Sclopit, meaning “flowers that burst”.

Silene belongs to the Caryophyllaceae family and is a perennial spontaneous herbaceous plant. In the budding phase the plant is identified locally with different names, among the most common “strigoli”, “stridoli”, “sonaglini” or “carletti”.

History tells that the name Silene originates from Greek mythology. The shape of the flower recalls the swollen belly of Silenus, a semi-divine being, half man and half horse, companion of the god Dionysus.

The properties of silene

Silene is not a plant included in the list of medicinal plants, therefore there are no in-depth studies.

In any case, it has been known since ancient times for its purifying properties , and, therefore, also laxative and diuretic.

It provides a good supply of vitamin C , mineral salts, essential fatty acids and saponins. It has diuretic properties, promotes intestinal transit contributing to the well-being of the intestine, can be used to relieve eye problems . It has emollient properties and is therefore used in the preparation of cosmetics, from soaps to creams.

The silene in the kitchen

The shoots are used, cut to a length of about 5 centimeters, and the leaves, the flavor is delicate, reminiscent of herbs but slightly bitter. It can be eaten raw in salads, but most recipes use it just sautéed in a pan or boiled to prepare omelettes , savory pies, soups and risottos. A common use is also as a filling for pasta, ravioli and savory pies.

Silene and turmeric purifying risotto

If you want to detox with taste, here is a really healthy and tasty recipe.

Ingredients for two people:

  • 160 gr. of brown rice or Venere rice
  • 100 gr. of silene sprouts
  • a piece of leek
  • ½ litre of vegetable broth
  • 30 g of grated parmesan or pecorino (optional)
  • a teaspoon of turmeric


Time: about 45 minutes, depending on the quality of the rice

In a pan, brown the finely chopped leek, once golden add the rice. Toast it for a few minutes and add the broth, let it cook and when there are a few minutes left to the end of cooking add the silene sprouts and turmeric. If you like, add a pinch of parmesan and serve.