Short Friday Sermon Example for Students

For those of you who want to learn about Friday sermons, this article is right for you! Gramin will help you provide an understanding of Friday sermons, the pillars of sermons, tips that you can do, and examples of short sermons that are suitable for beginners. Let’s learn together!


List of contents

  • Understanding Friday Sermons
  • Pillars of Friday Sermon
    • Praise God
    • Salute to the Prophet Muhammad
    • Inviting the congregation to fear Allah
    • Reading the verses of the Quran
    • Pray for Muslims
  • Tips for Effective Short Friday Sermons for Students
    • Prepare the material carefully
    • Choose an Interesting Theme
    • Practice Well Before Delivering a Sermon
    • Use Easy-to-Understand Language
    • Tell a Compelling Story
  • Example of a Short Friday Sermon for Students
    • Education
    • Friendship
    • Faith in Allah SWT
    • Protect the environment
  • Closing
      • Category of Knowledge Related to Islam
      • Islamic Religious Material

Understanding Friday Sermons

What is the actual meaning of Friday sermon? Friday sermon is a lecture or sermon delivered by a Friday prayer leader called a khatib in front of the Muslim congregation on Friday before the Friday prayer. Friday sermon has an important role in Islam as a means of providing advice, teaching, and motivation to Muslims. Friday sermon is also part of the Friday prayer service.

Pillars of Friday Sermon

Grameds , you need to know that the pillars of a sermon are different from the requirements of a sermon. The pillars of a sermon are carried out in the series of Friday prayers starting. There are several pillars that must be met so that the Friday sermon is declared valid. The following are the pillars of a Friday sermon:

  1. Praise God

The first pillar of a sermon that must be delivered by the preacher is to praise Allah with good praises. Praising Allah can be done in the easiest way, namely Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin which means All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the universe. Praising Allah in a sermon aims to glorify Allah SWT for all His greatness and show gratitude for all His gifts.

  1. Salute to the Prophet Muhammad

Saluting the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the second pillar of the sermon that must be delivered by the preacher after praising Allah SWT. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW: “Whoever preaches from the pulpit, let him praise Allah SWT at the beginning and end of his sermon, and let him pray to me in the middle.” (HR. Tirmidhi)

  1. Inviting the congregation to fear Allah

The third pillar of the sermon is to invite the congregation to be devoted to Allah SWT. This is based on the words of Allah SWT in the Al-Qur’an Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183: “O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the righteous.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 183). Taqwa is a form of obedience to Allah SWT by carrying out His commands and avoiding all His prohibitions.

  1. Reading the verses of the Quran

Reading the verses of the Quran is the fourth pillar of the sermon that must be delivered by the preacher in the Friday sermon, both in the first and second sermons. The purpose of reading the verses of the Quran in the Friday sermon is to strengthen the message conveyed by the preacher in the sermon. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW: “A person’s sermon is not perfect except by reading the verses of the Quran in it.” (HR. Tirmidhi)

  1. Pray for Muslims

Praying for Muslims is the fifth and final pillar of the sermon that must be delivered by the preacher in the Friday sermon, especially in the second sermon. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW: “A person’s sermon is not perfect except by praising Allah SWT at the beginning and end of his sermon, and he prays for the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the middle, and he prays for the Muslims and Muslimah at the end of his sermon.” (HR. Tirmidhi

By fulfilling these pillars, it is hoped that Friday sermons can be a means of providing guidance and motivation to Muslims in living their lives according to Islamic teachings.

This book summarizes several Friday sermons according to current themes, plus sermon material for Eid prayers and wedding sermons. For readers who are appointed as khatib for Friday prayers or Eid prayers, this book is a must for you as a reference. You no longer need to make impromptu sermon references that will ruin the sermon preparation itself.

Tips for Effective Short Friday Sermons for Students

  1. Prepare the material carefully

The first step that Grameds can do is of course to prepare the sermon material that you want to deliver carefully. By preparing the material carefully, your sermon will run smoothly and can be understood by the congregation.

  1. Choose an Interesting Theme

Interesting themes with student life will be easier to understand and easier to remember. For example, themes about the importance of  education , morality, friendship, the dangers of drugs, and the importance of avoiding brawls.

  1. Practice Well Before Delivering a Sermon

Another important thing is to practice first. Grameds can do it in front of a mirror. Practicing in front of a mirror will help you to see facial expressions and body movements when delivering a sermon.

  1. Use Easy-to-Understand Language

The next tip you can do is to deliver Friday sermons in easy-to-understand language. With words that are commonly used and easy for students to understand, the message of your sermon will be conveyed clearly. Also avoid using terms or language that are too formal or difficult to understand.

  1. Tell a Compelling Story

Interesting and inspiring stories can help the congregation to understand the message of the sermon better. For example, tell stories about the prophets, the prophet’s companions, or problems that are currently happening.

Example of Friday sermon

By following the sermon tips above, Grameds , you can deliver a Friday sermon well and be understood by the congregation, so that your sermon will also be beneficial for those who hear it.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Faith in Allah SWT is the main foundation in the life of a Muslim. Strong faith will make us steadfast in facing trials, patient in facing tests, and trusting in facing the destiny that has been determined by Him. As students, faith in Allah must be the main driving force in all our activities. When studying, we must be sure that  the knowledge we gain is a blessing from Allah that we must be grateful for. When trials come, we must be sure that Allah will not give trials beyond our capabilities.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Faith in God also teaches us to always be grateful for all the blessings He has given us. Be it blessings in the form of health, family, friends, or opportunities to learn and worship. By being grateful, we will always feel sufficient with what we have and will not be easily tempted by worldly temptations.

Let us make faith in Allah the main guide in every step of our lives. Make faith a source of strength, calm and happiness. In this way, we will become students who are not only academically intelligent, but also have strong faith and devotion to Allah SWT.

Thus this short sermon, may it be a motivation for all of us to further strengthen our faith in Allah in every aspect of our lives. Thank you for your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.