Sexual dissatisfaction: how it affects the life of a couple

The satisfaction between the sheets is one of the essential elements of a couple’s well-being. Causes and remedies of sexual dissatisfaction.

he Sexual wellbeing is a fundamental part of a relationship that works. In fact, sexual dissatisfaction has a huge impact on the health of a couple’s life. After falling in love, when sex and love seem to almost coincide, certainly the passion between the two partners also dulls.

But the knowledge and exploration of intimacy never stop, as long as you continue to give the right space and great importance to a fundamental aspect of life: sexuality .

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Sexual dissatisfaction and married life: where frustration in bed comes from

Sexual dissatisfaction is trivially the extent to which a person is happy with their sexual relationship . A non-satisfaction with one’s sex life can have many causes: for example, it can be linked to a sexual dysfunction , to foreplay habits (poor foreplay), to a difficulty in letting go and relaxing or to problems in a relationship independent of sex.

Generally speaking, sexual dissatisfaction reflects relationship or communication difficulties between partners . If two people are satisfied with their relationship, they tend to deal with sexual problems more easily and often resolve them by working on them. Prolonged dissatisfaction , therefore, mostly underlies problems within the couple .

Sexual dissatisfaction, how much it affects the life of a couple and how to deal with it

So how much does sexual dissatisfaction affect a couple’s life? The answer is: a lot, and it risks creating or fueling conflicts and misunderstandings, daily frustrations and unhappiness.

How to deal with it? First of all, it is necessary to understand if the couple has more general difficulties or specific problems regarding sexual activity. In the case of a specific sexual problem it is necessary to intervene by focusing precisely on that aspect , perhaps with the help of an expert psychologist, psychotherapist or sexologist.

In the case of a dissatisfaction with the couple relationship, it is instead necessary to face the dynamics of the relationship (or of one’s way of relating to a partner) before dealing with the sexual sphere.

Is relationship stability the enemy of sex?

When we fall in love, we lose our minds as it were: we become euphoric , we forget about sleep and appetite, we feel full of energy and have a constant and almost obsessive need for the other person.

In this phase, a whole series of biochemical and psychological mechanisms are activated in our body that make falling in love very similar to addiction to a substance. Sexuality in this particular moment of the encounter with the other is an incredible element of discovery and union, the glue of the relationship .

However, this phase is not lasting and leaves room for the stability of the relationship, in which love and dedication take over from falling in love . There are those who experience this passage as an end of that sexual excitement that previously made an encounter alive and crackling. Not so : a stable relationship is not the grave of sex.

Sexual satisfaction is to be sought

But we must never, how to say, “sit on our laurels” of stability and live on an income by thinking back to that happy period in which we spent more time under the covers than outside. No, passion and sex must be nurtured and re-treated continuously , with commitment, dialogue, affection, patience, collaboration, sensitivity, empathy and a myriad of other essential ingredients for the functioning of the couple.

It’s true : the risk of sexual dissatisfaction is always there a step away from us, throughout life it can undermine our relationships. But it is up to us and our partner not to be overwhelmed. Being a couple is a dynamic reality that must be built day by day and relational maturity is therefore not finding a balance that is valid once and for all, but the ability to support change always seeking new balance.


by Abdullah Sam
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