Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Cheats, Tips and Strategie

We tell you the secrets of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice for PC, PS4 and Xbox One in our guide. Master the game with our tricks, tips and strategies.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is an action-adventure title developed by From Software and available on PC , PS4 and Xbox One . In this video game we play as the shinobi Sekiro , and we will face all kinds of dangers. In this section of our complete guide you will find everything you need to know before starting the game itself, as well as several tricks , tips and basic strategies so that you are not constantly dying .

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Cheats, Tips and Strategies

We’re going to try to cover all the basics of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice in this section of our guide. So let’s go in order:

Before starting Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Keep in mind that we are dealing with a From Software video game that draws heavily from the Souls formula in terms of development, although not in terms of combat . It is very important that you forget everything you have learned in this regard; Sekiro’s combat requires much more skill and precision than in titles from the Souls saga because our skill at the controls influences it more than simply equipping certain pieces of armor or improving our attributes. If in Souls you were used to playing in certain ways such as casting magic from a distance, or enduring enemy blows while having large amounts of health and defense, you are going to have a very bad time ; you must change your chip .

Combat in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

We will inevitably have to fight against all kinds of enemies in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Combat is a basic and fundamental part of this video game . Here is everything you need to know about it:

  • Every character in the game, including Sekiro, has two bars: one for health , and one for posture . Sekiro’s combat is heavily focused on breaking an enemy’s posture —tiring them out— so that they can be taken out with a single, powerful attack called a killing blow, rather than actually taking away an enemy’s health.
  • Stance will regenerate slower the lower your health is . The same applies to enemies . In this way, health and stance complement each other; it is easier to tire enemies out so they drop their guard the lower their health is, leaving them open and vulnerable to a killing blow.
  • Perfectly deflecting enemy attacks breaks their posture drastically . When they simply block your attacks, their posture is also weakened, but at a much slower rate . Alternating between attacking and blocking or deflecting attacks is one of the keys to success. Constantly pressuring enemies is a winning strategy in Sekiro ; forget the slower gameplay typical of Souls.
  • Acquiring new skills and new shinobi tools will drastically improve how lethal you are . The beginning of the game can be very tough because your move set is so limited. As you progress and gain new skills and tools, the game will become less of a walk in the park, but more bearable. The difficulty curve levels off as you progress .
  • Killing all the minibosses is not mandatory, but it is recommended . In this way, we will not only refine our combat technique (remember that the minibosses are less difficult than the final bosses, which we must defeat), but we will also obtain key objects that will improve Sekiro’s attributes, giving us more health, or new skills.

Stealth in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Stealth in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a very important part of the game, although it is not vital . It will make things much easier for us, although if we are not particularly silent, we can always resort to direct combat.

  • We can execute deadly blows on virtually any type of enemy while remaining in a stealth state . This is very useful for clearing areas of lesser enemies, and being able to freely explore these areas to collect any items there may be.
  • It is possible to perform killing blows on mini-bosses, and doing so is highly recommended, as it makes certain fights rather trivial . Starting fights against tougher enemies this way is practically mandatory if you don’t want to be mercilessly destroyed.
  • Enemies stop looking for us after a while without seeing us . If we hide again after being seen, all enemies will return to their initial positions . This is useful for clearing densely populated areas without much difficulty, especially if we are not very good at combat. However, this strategy does not work with minibosses in the sense that yes, they will return to their initial positions, but with their full health, including the bars that we may have removed from them.
  • While hiding, we can spy on certain characters . This helps us obtain certain clues regarding what awaits us next, or some weak point of certain tough enemies and final bosses.

The world and game development in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

The development of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is identical to that of other titles in the Souls series . Here are the reasons why:

  • Checkpoints are idols that are scattered throughout the game’s areas . Every time you die, you will return to one of them. These idols allow you to fast travel by teleporting between them.
  • We progress through Sekiro by going from one idol to the next , establishing new safe zones, and delving deeper and deeper into the game world.
  • Idols are the only place where we can improve our attributes . To do so, we need the necessary items, such as prayer beads – which we will obtain by defeating mini-bosses, or as well-hidden items in chests – or combat memories obtained by defeating final bosses.
  • If you find yourself stuck in a difficult situation —a boss you can’t beat, for example— try going another route, and improving or acquiring new shinobi skills . The game is designed to be a great way to go around in circles. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t go down a certain path; always keep all your options in mind, and try something different.

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