Secret Techniques to Improve Aims of Teaching English

The knowledge of Aims of teaching English for a teacher will enable him to decide his methods and techniques of teaching English. English should be taught as a language and not as literature. It is of paramount importance for an English teacher to know what he is trying to achieve by teaching English. English is) taught as a second language in many countries. Hence, the main aims of teaching English should be to help students acquire practical, command of English. Practical command of English- means that the Students must be able to understand spoken and written skills of English language.

Objectives of Teaching English

In English learning, fixing aims and objectives are very important. Once we have fixed aims and objectives of teaching English, we can make all efforts to achieve them. Aims and objectives of teaching English will determine all the aspects of its teaching. Preparing Curriculum, designing text-books, adopting different methods and techniques of teaching and evaluation system-all are determined by the aims of teaching. Teaching English without fixing its aims and objectives would be an exercise in futility. We will not be able to evaluate the performance of the students. Students, performance can be evaluated only on the basis of aims and objectives of teaching English.

Take Advantage Of Aims Of Teaching English

It would certainly be of great practical value, if we fix aims and objectives of teaching English in our schools. We will, also have to lay down the standard of linguistic attainment we expect of our students at the end of their high school career, while fixing aims and objectives of teaching English in our schools. We will also have to see as to how much of English our students would need to use in different spheres of activity. English has been rightly described as a symbol of window on the rapid progress of technology and scientific pace in the world. It is a language which is rich in scientific and technical literature. English is the only means of preventing our isolation from the world. We will act unwisely if we allow ourselves to be enveloped in the fold& of a dark curtain if ignorance.

English is our major window on the world. By closing this window we will turn back the clock of modernization. Discarding English teaching without any aim will amount to closing a window on the world of technology. We will be taking the so-called bountiful land of ours into the darkness of the middle ages. We will fall back hundreds of years and will never be able to catch up with the developed world.

Future of English language teaching

English has been with us for more than 200 years and will remain with us for time to come. Pre-independence English enjoyed a very prominent position in Indian education and life. After independence there was a rethinking to replace English. For a time it seemed to be on its last legs. But today again English is on the rising future in our country. In our country the importance of English is more than what it used to be in British India. On the basis of past and present, we can foresee very bright English in future as link language, a window on the modern world and a library language.

Improving the aims of teaching English can be approached in various ways. Here’s a table with some techniques and tips:

Technique Tips
Interactive Learning – Encourage group discussions and debates.
– Use role-playing to simulate real-life situations.
Technology Integration – Utilize language learning apps and software.
– Incorporate multimedia resources like videos and podcasts.
Cultural Exposure – Introduce literature and films from English-speaking countries.
– Organize cultural events or virtual exchanges with native speakers.
Personalized Learning – Adapt lessons to cater to different learning styles and levels.
– Provide individual feedback and support.
Regular Practice – Assign regular writing and speaking exercises.
– Encourage reading in English outside of class.
Professional Development – Teachers should attend workshops and seminars on the latest teaching methods.
– Share best practices and experiences with fellow educators.
Use of Authentic Materials – Include newspapers, magazines, and real-life articles in the curriculum.
– Encourage students to engage with English in practical contexts.
Continuous Assessment – Use a variety of assessment methods, like quizzes, presentations, and peer evaluations.
– Provide constructive feedback to guide improvement.
Collaborative Learning – Organize group projects and collaborative research assignments.
– Promote peer-to-peer learning and mentoring.
Language Immersion – Create an English-speaking environment in the classroom.
– Encourage immersion experiences, such as language trips or exchange programs.

Each of these techniques is aimed at enhancing different aspects of English learning, such as speaking, writing, reading, and comprehension, as well as cultural understanding. The key is to tailor these methods to the needs and abilities of the students for the most effective outcomes.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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