Rucking: Military Origins Practice Could Be the Way to Lose Weight

If you are trying to lose weight fast without having to sweat at the gym, we have good news: Aerobic exercise is not the only solution to weight loss.Not everyone who wants to lose weight is in love with intense gym sessions or high intensity interval training (HIIT) . That’s where Rucking comes in, an activity that was originally performed by American soldiers during the days of the American Revolution, as an attempt to keep fit.

All you have to do is carry a heavily loaded backpack and start walking. This simple activity gets its name from rucksack . So basically you are marching or just walking with your weight-laden backpack to get in shape.In military training camps, soldiers traveled up to 25 miles or more in a single day, dragging a backpack weighing about 150 pounds. But even if you take an old bag, fill it with all sorts of things to weigh it and start walking, it’s worth a try.

According to Doug Kechijian, Doctor of Physical Therapy at Peak Performance, New York and a former US Special Forces soldier, “rucking is great for a normal person. It’s simple, and it offers many health benefits and fitness. ”Rucking is a very basic way of getting fit and can be performed by any normal individual who has the simple physical ability to walk. It is the simplest and most effective physical training exercise that helps improve aerobic fitness, posture, strength and even mental health.

According to the Compendium of Physical Activities , the average human man burns about 125 calories after a 30-minute walk. But with the weight of a heavy backpack at that exact same time, you can burn 325 calories – almost three times the amount you will burn simply by walking.

Not only does this activity improve your appearance, but it’s also great for losing fat, shares Dan Jon, a strength trainer from Salt Lake City, Utah and author of Can You Go ?.

Now, if you are still afraid to grab your backpack and walk, or if you still have your questions about this technique, this will answer everything you want to know about Rucking.

What are the benefits of Rucking?

– raises your heart rate

Rucking is considered a form of aerobic exercise as it increases your heart rate compared to a regular walk. It also affects your stamina and work ability positively.

You can burn as many calories by doing Rucking as running, for example.

– Relieves and prevents back pain.

If you spend most of your day sitting, you are likely to experience back pain from the same position your body gets used to – the one where you sit with your back flexed forward.

When you go to the gym and lift weights with your back flexed, this can lead to a herniated disc that could be painful later on, according to Stu McGill, Ph.D., professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Ontario and author of Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance.

If you lean forward while walking, you are likely to have a herniated disc. In this case, your body would need to use its back muscles even more to support its torso, putting more stress on the herniated disc, according to McGill. Rucking helps to hold your torso, which puts less pressure on your back muscles.

– Builds strength and safety

Rucking can turn your simple night walks into a stamina activity that increases the strength of the heart.

Jason Hartman, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist who trains Special Forces soldiers for the US military, says: “The cardiovascular benefits of rucking are comparable to those gained through other low- and long-distance jogging exercises.”

But a study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine points out that jogging (the popular trot) has an injury rate of 20% to 79%. However, according to Hartman, rucking makes you more resistant to injuries. “It builds your hip and postural stability, making you more immune to injury in all your other activities,” he explains.

– It’s cheap and highly effective.

Unlike gym membership, demanding equipment and equipment for exercise and training, rucking is the least expensive form of exercise to help you lose weight. If you already have a backpack in your closet, shove all the possible heavy items you find in your home and put it on your back for an hour’s walk every day. You will see results at any time.

– Allows you to go outdoors

Your regular gym routine can be arduous, taking your training program to the plateau at some point. Walking outdoors and connecting with nature can play an important role in reducing stress levels, according to British Research, and even helping you sleep better at night, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

According to Kechijian, “Rucking can bring about positive change in your brain. As modern life overemphasizes convergence and we look at computer screens, cell phones, etc. all day long, rucking could provide a break from it all and help connect with nature. ”

How to prepare

– Choose your load carefully

Kechijian suggests that if you are a beginner, it is advisable to opt for a weight equal to 10% of your total body weight. So if you weigh 68kg, your backpack should not weigh more than 6.8kg. The maximum load you can allow your body to carry is 15.8 kg and no more so as not to overload it.

– Carry your backpack significantly

If you want to increase the weight in your backpack, you can stack a pair of dumbbells or even bricks. Some online sites also offer weight plates specifically designed for rucking.

To help stabilize your weight, you can wrap a bubble wrap or towel around your weights to prevent them from moving too much inside your backpack. Ideally, any backpack works, but make sure you choose a sturdy one that can carry a good load.

– Walk!

There is no right time or speed for rucking. You can go as far as you wish.

But if you are a beginner, it is advisable not to get too excited and just let your body dictate the activity. It is completely normal to feel that the muscles around your knees, buttocks and back are fragile. The benefit is that the weight of the backpack makes these muscles work, will develop them as you continue to practice and correct your posture.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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