Roblox: all the promocodes you can redeem now

Here you will see which Roblox promocodes (promo codes) are currently working. These codes are used to redeem personalization items for free. With these items, you can customize your Roblox avatar in new ways without having to pay anything. Find out which are the active Roblox promocodes!

Active promocodes to redeem on Roblox

SUKG (King Cat)

  • Promocode: SMYTHSCAT2021
  • What it is: An accessory that occupies the avatar’s hat slot.

Golf glasses

  • Promocode: KROGERDAYS2021
  • What it is: An accessory that occupies the avatar’s face slot.

Developer keyboard

  • Promocode:ROBLOXEDU2021
  • What it is: An accessory that occupies the avatar’s butt slot.

Spider Tail (Spider Cola)

  • Promocode:SPIDERCOLA
  • What it is: A pet for the avatar’s left shoulder.

The little bird says … (The Bird Says)

  • Promocode: TWEETROBLOX
  • What is it: A pet for the avatar’s right shoulder.

To redeem the items shown above, go to the Roblox promocodes page . You just have to enter the code in the slot that says ” Enter your code .”

Active promocodes to redeem in the Mansion of Wonder game

To redeem the items included in this list, you must first enter the Mansion of Wonder game . Upon entering the game, interact with the fox in a suit in front of the Swag house. When talking to him, one of the two options is to redeem codes (Redeem code). Enter the code in the game and you will get these items forever.

Tome of the Wizard

  • Promocode:ParticleWizard
  • What it is: Two books that are placed as accessories on the avatar’s shoulder.

Artist backpack

  • Promocode:FXArtist
  • What it is: A backpack that occupies the butt slot on the avatar.

Spectral aura

  • Promocode:ThingsGoBoom
  • What it is: An avatar waist accessory.

Ring of flames

  • Promocode:Boardwalk
  • What it is: An avatar waist accessory.

Active promocodes to redeem in the Island of Move game

To redeem the items on this list, you must first enter the Island of Move game . Go to the platform just ahead and click on interact. One of the two options is to redeem codes (Redeem code). Enter the code in the game and you will get these items forever.

Cardio Headphones (Cardio Cans)

  • Promocode: VictoryLap
  • What it is: A headset that occupies the hat slot on the avatar.

High speed glasses (Speedy Shades)

  • Promocode: GetMoving
  • What it is: Glasses that occupy the face slot on the avatar.

Hustle Hat

  • Promocode: StrikeAPose
  • What it is: A cap that occupies the hat slot on the avatar.

Kinetic Rod (Kinetic Staff)

  • Promocode: DIY
  • What it is: A wand that occupies the butt slot on the avatar.

Build it Backpack

  • Promocode: SettingTheStage
  • What it is: A backpack that occupies the butt slot on the avatar.

Crystalline Companion

  • Promocode: WorldAlive
  • What is it: A pet for the avatar’s right shoulder.

Details about promocodes

Promocodes are a great opportunity to get free content on Roblox. There are a few details to note about these promo codes:

  • You will keep all the items exchanged with promocodes forever.
  • Promocodes are sometimes shared through the official Roblox Twitter account . Of course, it is convenient to be attentive to social networks, since promocodes can appear at any time.
  • Most promocodes expire after a few weeks or months.
  • Promocodes are not used to earn Robux on Roblox.
  • If you are looking for more free items for your avatar on Roblox, remember that you have this catalog of free items in the Roblox store.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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