Requirements and Uses of Cocopit in Roofbugs

In the rooftop garden, I always look for alternatives to the soil that are easily accessible, clean, and help grow trees quickly. Currently, not only in rooftops, but also for commercial cultivation, cockpit is an advanced alternative to soil. Dry coconut fiber is the main ingredient in cocoa peat. The coconut block is made commercially by collecting coconut brown fibers and pressing it on the machine. Due to its water purification system, any tree can grow very easily.


Coconut is made up of 5 to 5% of its fiber and coir. The outside of the fibrous outer part of the coconut coir is exterior. The outer median of this exterior is tight. The fruit tree is called kare. It is also used as a cockpit.

Coconut crust

Generally one-third of the material is fibrous, while the remaining two-thirds are collected from a coconut as cow flour. In the previous day, coconut was kept in mani for 2-6 months, when the fibers became soft, they were taken out by hand. At present, they are easily removed with hydraulic machines.


For the first time in the Netherlands, rose and lilies were cultivated in the Netherlands for the first time in the 5th. Cocopit is currently being used in gardens in many countries around the world after the results are amazing.

Benefits of using Cocopit

  • The cockpit has a lot of nutrients. It contains ingredients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, elevated potassium and magnesium.
  • Water and air can move quickly in the cockpit, so the roots of the tree grow faster. As the roots of the tree grow, the tree also grows faster and becomes healthier.
  • The fungus and bacteria cannot attack because of the rapid flow of water and air into the cockpit.
  • Chemical fertilizers in the cockpit do not mix. It can be cultivated only with vermicompost or organic fertilizers so that it can produce chemical free vegetables, fruits, flowers, orchids and other plants.
  • The cockpit has an extraordinary ability to hold water. A 5 kg cockpit can hold up to 5 kg of water. The amount varies in different seasons. Once you use the cockpit, there is no need to worry about watering.
  • The moisture retention capacity of the cockpit is 3-5%.
  • This cockpit holds as much water as it needs for the tree, so that it does not rot at the root of the tree.
  • Cocoa peat contains naturally harmful bacteria and fungus resistant material.
  • Cocoa peat contains natural mineral that plays a vital role in making food for plants and activating beneficial microorganisms.
  • Planting trees with a cockpit does not produce harmful insect spores.
  • Cockpit will be cleaner and cleaner than the ground where you keep plants such that your house, porch and roof will not be dirty, but always clean and tidy.
  • Cocoa peat is rich in 5% organic material
  • Made from organic material, it has a higher catalytic exchange capacity. It discharges nutrients to the plant as needed. It prevents nutrient uptake.
  • It is very easy to make a cockpit one-fifth the size of the machine itself. That is why it is very easily transportable
  • Hydroponic plants can grow up to 5 percent faster than soil in a cockpit.
  • Use of cocopit does not require the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Since the cockpit contains the necessary ingredients.
  • The cockpit naturally contains trichoderma, which, as a bioagent, prevents harmful pathogens and weeds. It also helps in producing beneficial bacteria and fungus.
  • It is also effective as a natural hormone in the roots.
  • Helps keep the pH value of CocoPit at levels of 1.5-5.5.
  • The drainage of the water in the cockpit is very easy.
  • Using cockpit reduces tree mortality.
  • Cocoa peat is several times lighter in weight than soil so the tub or pot of a tree can be easily carried. And there is no extra pressure on the roof

How to Use Cocopit

Mix 3 liters of water with each kilogram of cockpit. Keep pouring the water slowly. Cocoa peat will swell very quickly . Squeeze the absorbing part of the water with your hands. If there is no water in any part, separate them and gently pour the water again. Be careful not to exceed the amount of water. This will make the use of the cockpit inappropriate. If there is less water then the pool will be broken. So try to keep the ratio of water as it is.

Read more: Care for domestic plants

Rules for planting cocoa peat in a tub or bed

First take a pre-made dry cockpit in a plastic bowl. Mix half of the vermicompost well with the cocoa peat. You can mix and mix potting if desired . When mixed, make your favorite tub or bed with the mixture and plant the tree or shrub. Provide regular amount of water.

Rules for planting cocoa peat on large drums

First of all, in a plastic bowl, you need to take 5% + good quality vermicompost fertilizer with 5% + 20% good soil. Mix them well. When mixed, plant the plant or tree seedlings in the drum of your choice with the mixture. Provide regular water.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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