Developed by Gunfire Games with the Perfect World team, Remnant: From the Ashes was developed, a cooperative action and survival game in which we face creatures from another dimension.
Trying to distance itself from the already repetitive zombie shooters, this third-person action, RPG and survival game will take us to a post-apocalyptic world infested with monstrous creatures, undead, killer robots and endless hordes and creatures that will threaten our very existence.
To unlock the console, go to the “Settings” tab in the menu, then click “Game Settings” and unlock the console. Apply the settings to save your changes.
To open the game console, press ~
Remnant: From the Ashes Cheat Codes and Console Commands
- banlist
Removes all banned players.
- camp
Teleports you to the camp.
- clear
Clears the console line log.
- endquest
Instantly completes all quests.
- fly (” fly true ” to activate, ” fly false ” to deactivate)
Flight mode.
- fps
Show frame rate bar.
- getcords
Get coordinates
- getmyid
Returns the player ID of the current user.
- getplayerid
Get Player ID
- giveitem (e.g. “giveitem sawbladeaxe 1” instead of “giveitem ax 1”)
Delivers an item to the player’s inventory.
- godmode
God Mode – no damage.
- kick
Kick a player by ID.
- kickass
Kick all players from the server
- list
List of own servers
- moderators
Set moderator by ID.
- nextseason
Skip to next season.
- noclip
Applies to bases only.
- owners
Set owner by ID.
- ping
Show current ping.
- players
Register current players online.
- pruneplayers
Removes players who have not logged in for more than a month.
- quit
Quit the game.
- removeadmin
Remove admin by ID.
- removemoderator
Delete moderator by ID.
- save
Save the server.
- settechpoints
Set the player’s technical points.
- sevenths
Set current world type (in hours)
- setweathertype
Set weather type
- showui
Disable user interface.
- stop server shutdown
Stop the server shutdown sequence.
- startservershutdown
Start server shutdown, this will automatically save the server before stopping it.
- suicide
Immediate death.
- tele (“tele player name”)
Teleport the player to you.
- teleto (“teleport by player name”)
Teleport to the player.
- unban
Unban a player by ID.
- wave
New wave.