Questions and Answers for a Sales Job Interview

Having productive salespeople capable of making solid sales is the objective of every company that is dedicated to selling; For this reason, the human resources department must be in charge of recruiting and selecting salespeople who are capable of making sales that generate income for the company.

To select good salespeople, human resources staff must be guided by certain policies to make a good selection ; among those policies is asking the right questions. This post will look at Which Questions and Answers are Best for a Sales Job Interview?

Questions and Answers for a Sales Job Interview

Well thought out questions allow to better understand the personality, skills, knowledge and experience of the aspiring seller, it is important to ask the aspiring job references, which must be verified for their veracity. Here are some questions to help you get to know the candidates for the position of salesperson.

·         How do I achieve your most successful sale?

This question will help HR staff assess what the applicant’s definition of success is and gauge their abilities and skills in making sales. It is important to ask other follow-up questions that relate to this question, for example, how do I handle obstacles in such a sale? and how do I celebrate the sale?

·         Explain what your sales process is

Knowing the sales process of the applicant allows you to have an idea of ​​their skills, knowledge and experience ; In addition, you can know with his answer if he has been honest with everything he has told you, you can even find out how long it takes to close the vein.

·         If the company chose you for this position, what would you do the first three months?

If the applicant has knowledge of the company and the services or products that are offered, it will be easy for him to organize an action plan that he would implement once hired. Also, if you are an experienced professional, an effective and attractive strategy will not be difficult for you.

·         Describe the company

Asking the candidate to describe the company is a good idea to find out if he is clear about where he is going to work , the products he has to market and the market he is going to face. If he has knowledge of the company, the candidate shows that he is interested in the position.

·         How do you keep a positive attitude and smile when faced with difficult clients?

With this question you can discover if the salesperson is able to face tough days and difficult customers with the best attitude, without lowering their spirits and most importantly without being aggressive, rude or impolite with the customer.

·         At what point do you stop trying a sale?

The answer to this question can show that the applicant is persistent and does not give up easily, looking for a way to convince customers. But some applicants with their response may convey little interest in making sales.

·         What do you do to improve your sales strategy and stay current with the market?

If the aspiring salesperson makes an effort to study the market frequently and is concerned with holding workshops and courses to improve their skills and knowledge, they are a salesperson who will contribute a lot to the company .

Profile what a seller should have

  • You must know how to deal with rejection.
  • Be a persistent and determined salesperson , but must not be aggressive or harassing.
  • It is important that you know the company you want to work for and its products or services.
  • Being optimistic and empathetic , qualities that attract customers.
  • You must know how to interact with customers with security and respect.
  • Depending on the area, you must frequently update your skills and knowledge, to improve as a professional.
  • Responsible and honest , customers feel safe and confident when the seller conveys trust and integrity because they will not be afraid of being scammed.
  • Skills to attract, keep customers and close sales successfully.

Salespeople are a valuable tool in companies because with their skills, personality and knowledge they help the company grow and increase its income . Therefore, the human resources manager must ensure that his staff follow certain guidelines to successfully choose the salesperson who will help the company.


by Abdullah Sam
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