Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus

Glyptoperichthys Joselimaianus. Species of fish belong to the Loricariidae family , included in the Siluriformes order .


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  • 1 Description
  • 2 Coloring
  • 3 He lives
  • 4 Aquarius
  • 5 Food
  • 6 Playback
  • 7 life expectancy
  • 8 Observations
  • 9 Fountains


Its body is elongated, centrally flattened and with a triangular shaped head, being, from the end of it to the beginning of the dorsal fin , the widest part of its body. The mouth is located in the lower front part, it is shaped like a sucker with a pair of barbels. Its caudal and dorsal fins are particularly large. One of the ways to distinguish it from its close relatives is by its dorsal fin, it has a spine and 12 or more soft rays, the spots on its body are irregular and it also has them on the ventral area. It has a size between 20 and 30 centimeters.


It has a dark brown color, with orange or white flecks . These spots decay with age and large specimens are almost solid black.


It lives in the Araguaya River , Brazil , Aruana , Goias , Amazon basin


They like highly planted aquariums with many caves and roots where they can hide, with a filtered light they will be safer and they will delight us by searching for the algae that are part of their food. Being large fish, they should not be in aquariums of less than 400l.


Omnivore , practically eats everything. Cooked lettuce , peas and spinach , and anything that goes to the bottom. The older ones enjoy prawns or pieces of mussels or freshwater trout . Algae ( especially light-brown) will be eaten immediately. Pills for bottom fish, spirulina .


Although they are marketed as captive bred, there are no known cases of their reproduction in hobby aquariums as they need a lot of space and a muddy bottom deep enough for them to build tunnels for incubation.

Life expectancy

Over 10 years of age (possibly twice as long).


Peaceful behavior with other species. May have territorial conflicts with its species in small sized tanks.


by Abdullah Sam
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