Psychology of color: pink color

Pink is a color that can be confidently called the color of happiness. And the point is not only in the famous saying about “pink glasses”, but in those feelings that can cause this shade. Pink is the delicate skin of a newborn baby and blooming gardens in the spring. Thinking about this color, you involuntarily recall the aroma of roses, sweet and alluring. After all, it was in honor of this flower that this shade got its name.

Shades of pink

Perhaps no color can be compared with pink in the originality of the names in its shades. For example, soft pink in France is called the “thighs of a frightened nymph,” and its slightly darker appearance is called a “cheerful widow.” The noble shade of dusted pink is called “pink ash.” The color of salmon is pink with a coral undertone that resembles the color of the meat of this marine fish. Some shades of pink are named after flowers. As an example, we can recall the color of Parnassian roses – pink with a delicate purple tint. The color of the old rose is called pink with a dusted, gray undertone.

The symbolic meaning of pink

As stated at the beginning of the article, pink is considered the color of cloudless happiness. Candles of this particular shade are used during some Catholic holidays, where they mean pure joy. This color is also considered a symbol of a carefree childhood and youth. Not for nothing that a lot of children’s goods are painted pink; little girls often wear dresses of this particular shade.

Pink is a glimmer of hope after a long period of stagnation. These are the first flowers of spring, new life, new perspectives. In this sense, pink can be called the color of the transformation. These are the wings of a young butterfly after her birth from an ugly chrysalis. In ancient Rome, this color was associated with the beautiful Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Perhaps that is why many cosmetic products for women, personal care products are still painted in this color.

Pink can also be called a symbol of sentimentality and childish simplicity. For example, in the West, the expressions “pink Christianity” and “pink Marxism” denote the extreme naivety of some followers of these ideas. The phrase “pink dreams” refers to those desires that are not destined to come true because of their isolation from earthly realities.

The physiological and health effects of the pink color

Pink color refers to warm shades, which means it has all their properties. It stimulates blood circulation, the work of internal organs and other important processes in the body. However, unlike the more aggressive warm colors, this makes it extremely soft. Therefore, pink is suitable for meditation in order to recover from illness. It relieves fatigue. Pink color warms, so it is suitable for those people who are able to freeze even from a light breeze.

Pink color invigorates, cheers up, fills with vitality. It is recommended for use by people belonging to the type of “owls” who find it difficult to wake up in the morning. The pink color will set you in a positive mood and drive away drowsiness. Light shades of pink (for example, the color of a frightened nymph) are also suitable for relaxation. It will relieve excess tension, relax muscles, make breathing more calm.

The psychological effects of pink

This color belongs to the so-called group of antidepressant colors. Pink cheers up, relieves longing and gives hope for the best. It is especially good to use after various frustrations or stresses. Pink color helps to forget about the unpleasant past and tune in to the future. Short-term daily meditation on a pink candle or pink natural stone will be a good help in curing depression, psychologists say.

Pink color contributes to the awakening of sensuality, so it can be used to solve intimate problems. Unlike red, which, in addition to erotic desire, also excites aggressiveness, pink inspires a more gentle attitude to the partner. He exempts from psychological complexes. Therefore, it will be useful to those couples who have difficulty trusting each other. However, due to some sweetness of this color, psychologists recommend using it in moderation. It is good for single women to wear jewelry made of pink stones (for example, rose quartz). This color liberates, adds playfulness to the image.

Pink color in clothes, image

Contrary to the widespread stereotype, pink color is suitable not only for little girls and young girls. A woman of any age and appearance can find a suitable shade of this color for herself. Blondes and fair-haired fair-skinned stylists recommend using gently pink and salmon. Women with a peach and dark skin tone will suit the rich color of fuchsia. In a business style, it is better to use soft, dusty shades of pink. For example, “pink ash” or the color of an old rose. It goes well with strict black, gray, white. In everyday and festive style it is permissible to use bright varieties of pink.

Pink is one of the most popular lipstick colors. It is also better to choose a shade based on your color type. A translucent pink lipstick can be considered universal: it suits women with any shade of skin and hair. Fuchsia lipstick is a great choice for burning brunettes. Blondes should look at the shade of salmon.

Pink color creates the image of a romantic and tender lady. A woman in this outfit feels more fragile, in need of protection. And the surrounding men react to this subconscious message, surrounding her with their care. However, stylists recall that pink is most suited to a romantic, retro or boho style. Lace air dresses, skirts, silk blouses in this color will look the most advantageous. Busting pink in a modern style (miniskirts, tops) can look vulgar.

Pink color in the interior

Light shades of this color are suitable for room decoration, where it is important to create an atmosphere of intimacy. This is a bedroom, dressing room, small kitchen, children’s room. When designing a bedroom, pay attention to coral or salmon shades. These colors, unlike other types of pink, are not perceived as children’s, enhance sensuality and liberate. These shades can be combined with red, peach, light yellow. When developing a kitchen design, experts advise paying attention to the color of fuchsia or the color of the Parnassian rose. They look expensive and elegant, in addition, slightly increase the appetite.

Pink is deservedly considered the leader in the design of children’s rooms for girls. If the nursery is common, pink can be combined with blue. However, child psychologists recommend using this color in girls’ rooms up to 10-11 years old. Older girls, as a rule, love brighter colors and can decide for themselves in what color scheme they would like to see their rooms. This color can also be used in the design of workrooms. It is suitable for various beauty salons, women’s and children’s organizations.

Pink color in advertising

Due to associations with femininity and beauty, shades of this color are most often used in the manufacture of cosmetics, both caring and decorative. Most often, cosmetic lines for young girls are painted in pink. Also, this color can often be found in advertising for children’s products. Here it symbolizes purity and innocence. In some cases, pink is used in advertising various psychological trainings. A symbol of happiness and renewal, it subconsciously inspires people with hope for a new life.

Color and character: love of pink color or its rejection

A person who chooses this color as a favorite can be called an incorrigible romantic. He is used to seeing only good things in the world and in those around him. Tries to be as polite as possible, does not allow himself to be rude. This is a generous and kind person who likes to help people. Lovers of pink are completely disinterested. They live on lofty ideals, can work purely for an idea, not expecting any reward for their labors. They are used to trust others. Their main weaknesses are naivety, insufficient willpower and a tendency to self-sacrifice. They absolutely do not know how to defend their interests, because it seems to them that they can offend someone with their egoism. Lovers of pink hate the competition in all its forms.

A person who does not like pink color, most often burnt cynic. He stands firmly on his feet and does not like long conversations about “high matters.” It is very likely that such a person is aggressive. He has difficulties with trusting people and the world, he suffers from his own suspicion. He perceives emotions as weakness. Among the positive aspects of such people can distinguish their independence and assertiveness. They are used to achieving their goals.

Although the expression “look through the pink glasses” has a negative connotation, it is possible that each of us needs to wear them from time to time to feel truly alive. Pink color symbolizes the pure joy that comes to us during love, the birth of a child, creativity. Without these things, our life would be empty and boring. Therefore, in the palette of the character of each person, there must certainly be a place for this shade.

by Abdullah Sam
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