Winking can be described as deliberately closing one eye. A closed eye for a moment signals that the secret is intended only for the person on whom the gaze is focused.
The second eye is open to the rest of the world, deprived of this fleeting intimate gesture. A casual wink can also hint at an offering of collusion between the performer and the recipient. Sometimes one wink is enough to create a relaxed atmosphere!
The wink is a code of intent and expresses a desire to share a friendly feeling, the hope of an emotional connection, or appreciation. Often, one wink is enough to neutralize a newly erupted aggression.
The wink precedes or replaces the courtesy smile of casual fellow travelers who will never meet. This is not an invitation, but rather a sympathetic gesture, a way to exchange something more valuable than the usual smile on duty or a languid handshake. A wink is an offer of solidarity.
Seduction or tenderness?
Winking is a casual gesture that involves complicity between the one who winked and the one who was winked. “We – you and I – are participating in a business that is a mystery to everyone else,” is the message expressed in a wink.
Seen as a sexual invitation when addressed to a stranger or stranger, a wink is a call to reciprocity and an invitation to smile back because it is often accompanied by a comical grimace.
The wink is an instrument of tenderness and something else. When it is erased from the plate of feelings, it is as if all the verbs in the sentence would be conjugated in “muenquamperfect”, a tense that does not exist.
Wink language
But the meaning of the wink is not always sympathy or complicity. It all depends on the context that precedes its use and on the person to whom it is intended. Which eye is easiest for you to blink? This gesture is always repeated unchanged. We, if we don’t think on purpose, most often wink with the same eye. Let’s!
Try to wink, don’t hesitate. First with the left eye, and then with the right. Which wink is more comfortable for you? Although we can wink with both eyes, we reflexively choose only one. If your interlocutor is generous with compassionate winks, he is more likely to be extroverted. He will open the door for you, but he will not offer unconditional support.
A wink with the left eye usually betrays a person who prefers creativity to logic. For the right eye, everything will, of course, be the other way around: priority is given to logic, and we are talking more about a rationalist and a skeptic.
So, which team are you on? Are you winking with your left or right eye?
Right eye wink
The right eye closes while the left remains open. Your emotions (open left eye) dominate your mind (closed right eye). This adolescent wink is very seductive, rather than seductive! It means: “I like you!”, Even if this compliment gesture does not lead to any consequences. This is most often a compliment without commitment, just a positive advance.
A wink with the right eye betrays a person seeking either emotional or professional cooperation with the person to whom he addressed this gesture. The wink itself barely perceptibly runs down the cheek and raises the corner of the mouth; this gesture is only possible in the context of sympathy and empathy.
If you wink at a person of your gender, then do not think that you are automatically assimilated to a homosexual (s); absolutely nothing happens to your orientation. The wink with the right eye is seductive in its broadest sense, and also expresses a message translated as follows: “I like you professionally.”
Left eye wink
This is a predominantly sympathetic wink. Left eye winking belongs to the more sensual, more attached to their friendly feelings and emotional life. This wink expresses a friendly or emotional collusion without the additional seductive overtones. The left eye wink is more friendly and open than its mirror counterpart, the right eye wink.
Of course, you can wink with both eyes alternately, but spontaneous winking will always be done with the same eye. It is a constant, repetitive gesture; if you realize that you are winking with the wrong eye, it makes sense to think about the reasons for this.